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How does Matchmaking work now with 4.0?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Flint, 18 Oct 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hello All,

    Can someone clarify how the new levels are working in regard to the matchmaking? Because in I now see boats 15 or even 25 levels lower than the other ships.

    I don't say it is either good nor bad, but I thought level differences would be gone with the new update.


    Screenshot_2018-10-18-22-55-57.jpg Screenshot_2018-10-18-23-06-45.jpg Screenshot_2018-10-18-23-27-02.jpg
    Last edited: 19 Oct 2018
  2. Chester231

    Chester231 New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    I have a the same problem where everything is shifted so where i cant play. I don't want to miss my calendar bonus. Please fix his fast or come up with a solution
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I am just a bit lost, with my level 15 boat in the middle of all the other higher level players.

    fragglelator likes this.
  4. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    It could be a result of people getting an extra slot and just dropping whatever they have into it. It will take some time for infamy to normalize now that half the bay has imcreased slots. All those level 39 boats are mk5 equivalents who got a bonus slot or slot point (not sure for all the different ships). What mk was your boat preupdate?
    Flint likes this.
  5. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    The last battle I posted was my mini with an mk2, the top battles were with my main account with a mk5 Speeder and mk5 Enforcer.

    JoshW likes this.
  6. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Yeah, I'm not sure lol. My guess is they left matchmaking alone for now until people get accustomed to the ship changes and maybe we will see tweaks down the road.
    Flint likes this.
  7. JhonnyNS

    JhonnyNS Active Member

    18 Oct 2017

    We won the match, but surely this guy didn't help much.
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think it’s going off Captain Level now. I tried building a low tier Shooter (because I wanted to try out my new mk6 Shooter).


    As you can see, it is clearly not a ‘seal clubbing’ build. However, I just ended up getting matched against level 47 ships (like I normally would).


    I guess that will certainly put an end to seal clubbing, though I’m a bit disappointed that it will also put an end to using any ships or items, unless they are fully levelled. I think it’s kind of ‘throwing the baby out with the bathwater’, but oh well. :(

    So anyway, the reason you’re seeing lower powered ships is probably because they have a high Captain Level.
    What's Up Player and JoshW like this.
  9. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    LMAO, that reminds me of the selfish fixer I saw running triple tape and double mines, epic facepalm on that one.
  10. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    That makes sense, I'll be sure to check captain levels next time I see funky matchmaking.
  11. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It makes an end to Seal Clubbing, but does it also end imbalanced battles? I hear a lot of complaints from friends the battles are just as unbalanced or even more so, then prior the 4.0 update. They did not provide any screenshots or replay. But I did some digging in my own battle log and noticed there are still battles which seem hugely imbalanced.

    Like the one below this message. PKCKHJKL.jpg

    Total levels for
    Friends 193
    Unfriends 228

    Difference 35 levels.

    That does not seem right, does it? Btw i see more battles like this one.

  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Yes, captain level, rather than ship level, is the determinative factor for matchmaking ..

    1. [Small pro] It seems more fair
    2. [Huge pro] No more seal-clubbing
    1. [Small con] No more experimenting
    2. [Huge con] The best strategy now is to minimize your captain leveling/experience by only leveling the 8 items in your main setup - for easier matches (with better rewards) for as long as possible.
    The better way to go about it would have been to match (ladder and events) based on your infamy league AND to scale rewards (significantly and) accordingly.

    Otherwise, that screenshot is the old MK5 vs Mk6 matchup .. But, there is no longer a ship Mk advantage for number of equipped items or crew bonuses - so the lower level players can still compete.

    I used the equivalent of a L20 interceptor for event matches and was constantly the top damage dealer against L50 ships. Obviously item levels help .. but a few thousand HPs isn't difficult to overcome compared to what it would have been as a Mk3 vs Mk7s.
  13. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017

    And I don't say it is bad or worse matchmaking now, but I got some complaints. But as always people complain anyway. But matchmaking cannot be perfect and if it is just one match which is a bit imbalanced once and a while, then so be it.

    And about your L20 Interceptor being the top damage dealer. I have been with my Shooter now several times, but we still lost. Would I have had a higher level ship or the same level ships against me, I would have stood a chance, not I did not. So, doing a lot of damage is one thing, but staying alive with much less HP than the others is another thing.

  14. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I have no clue what the HP per level is for the shooter .. but, assuming it's 150, the L47-48s would have about 27-2800 more HPs .. and they're around the same infamy level as you.

    With a maxed captain/level and maxed epics, I still see these types of differences (3-4k HP and 4k higher GS). And I overcome those differences the majority of the time because I learned to play smart/scared/cautiously.

    I was always underleveled and underpowered for my infamy. I knew enemies were going to hit harder than me, so I knew to not to stand toe-to-toe or trade shots with them. I used cover, distance, and corners to take shots that they have little chance of returning (whenever possible). They may be able to sink me in 3 or 4 fewer shots, but I don't give them the chance.

    It's a little like the life of a speeder - with less margin for error (or less ability to escape) when you find yourself out of position.

    Anywho -- They could match people based solely on ship level, or only on item level (gear score), or only on skill level .. or they could have one score that represents all those things (i.e., infamy).

    Infamy is a reflection of your impact in a match. So while a player may have more HPs or better items, if their infamy is close to yours, then your skill level is making up for the difference.

    Obviously not every match will be perfect, nor will every teammate, but it tends to work out over time.

    Finally, as you get higher levels, better items and refine your strategy, you'll continue climb even higher .. and these lessons of learning to play cautiously will continue to serve you well.
  15. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I have the weakest Shooter in most battles, but still I do the most damage often, but still I cannot seem to win much. The last battles it has been like that, I play well, but lose anyway and I still see a lot of bigger ships and stronger gear with the Unfriends than my team, which does not make it impossible to win, but definately a lot harder, especially when they have the same skill level as me.

    These battles are much harder to win with so many stronger ships and gear:
    Screenshot_2018-10-27-11-32-50.png Screenshot_2018-10-27-14-02-55.png
  16. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I just don't know what I could have done differently, doing 23000+ damage is as much as I can do, I don't think I will do 35000 soon, but still if I did, we still would have lost.

  17. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I'll watch one and let you know what I see.

    But in general:
    Some matches are virtually unwinnable .. but there aren't that many, so the MM isn't as bad as some make it out to be imo. Though, remember we all have around the same win percentage so losing is a part of the game.

    As a shooter, any setup you choose will have its weakness. And some matches, teams, and maps will exploit those weaknesses. I prefer to use items with reliable damage to minimize my weaknesses even if certain weapons are more explosive game-changers (like the big torp) ..

    I guess the biggest tip I have is to stay alive. Deal as much damage as you can in as safe a manner as possible. Hopefully someone on the other team goes off on their own or makes the mistake of pushing too far forward. If so, target lock, and let your team know by hitting that attack button .. it'll automatically select their name. Having a numbers advantage goes a long way towards keeping the more aggressive members of your team alive.

    Otherwise, target the fixer as often as possible. Even a shot or two will send most of them scurrying for cover - and that's less time they'll spend healing their team.

    There are probably other things that I do well that haven't occurred to me to explain .. or certain areas or locations that are better suited to my playstyle that would be too difficult to explain .. so it might be worth searching through some of the screenshots I've posted to watch some replays.

    Obviously, I don't think I'm a bad person to learn from but there are usually some very successful players in those matches than could probably teach you a thing or two too.

    [If I didn't post the link with the screenshot, copy and paste one of your battle links and edit the match tag portion to the tag in the screenshot to watch whatever match you want to see - it should load fine].

    I'm constantly watching replays of people I've played (or play often) to see if they do anything different .. or to figure out their routines or bad habits.

    I don't usually cherry pick replays, so you'll see some of my mistakes (usually due to impatience or frustration) .. You can think about what you would have done as you watch. When you can figure out the mistakes people make as soon as they make them, you're well on your way.
  18. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Thanks, much appreciated, but I am going to take a step back. I get soooo sick of the lag, which occured after the agility update. It is unplayable a lot of the times, that I am thinking of quiting altogether. It is the final straw and after a year I am still at the same Infamy, which does not help either. I lose so many battles, not because I play badly, but while doing much better than my team, but because they do a bad job, I am down 400 Infamy again. Just no fun playing with people who are killed in 20 seconds, who don't work together.

    So, if I am the last standing against 3 others, I mkght as well float. Because I am often the last one alive.

    I think it is time for something else instead.
    JediKnight1968 likes this.
  19. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I watched the first two ..

    You have good habits and positioning most of the time. You're surprisingly accurate with those torpedoes. So that's all good ..

    Top match was a fixer vs non-fixer team. Those are hard to win without a decent speeder or dumb fixer. Ideally you would have targeted the fixer a bit more but, realistically, the match was over by the time he came into view. If you start losing teammates before he's down, it's probably over. I tend to get a little more aggressive against those odds and hope my team doesn't leave me out to dry ..

    The second one was a tough map .. Teams tend to spread out because of the spawn points. From your spawn point, you have enemies spread out 300° to the left, front and right. I can usually handle one flank of a few enemies on my own, but that's probably not as doable at your level .. so I think you did the best you could by trying to follow your team to one side.

    Anywho, I suppose the best advice I have is with your setup. You're usually outgunned and underleveled (which can still work) .. but your EC is getting you into the thick of things.

    If you want to get up close and personal, you'll have to switch to a FB or flare and a few cannons with fire perks. A grenade or mine works with that setup. You'll be amazed at the difference fire perks make -- you'll be able to hit them hard enough to make them cringe a bit.

    However, if you want to stay longer range, then swap out that EC and stay longer range. Don't get into range of their cannons. Find a good alley, spam your torps everytime the cooldown is up, and chip away their health with the LRM and sniper. As far as swapping out the EC, pick something with a 30+ range and try to keep that distance. A ballpark mortar with a range perk or 2nd sniper isn't a bad option.

    I always felt like there was too much luck involved with torpedoes, so I was never a huge fan .. Like I said, I like reliable damage .. but they seem to work for you. If you like them, stick with them. If not, there are probably some more reliable options to explore.
    Flint and JoshW like this.
  20. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Amazing attention to detail here, I wish there were more forum member like you who actually give good advice.
    xArrogance and Flint like this.

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