Hi battle bay team
How are you? You deleted my thread just because I called you guys stupid right?
So let me write this politely as much as I can.
I won't use the word stupid so please don't delete this thread or ban my account.

What if I just call you guys not smart developers?
The reasons are :
I created a thread and asked a question :How to find a user's tag during game? -- No answer.
I created another thread and asked why you guys made search user feature even though you don't allow us to see other users tag during game ( this is really poor, poor extremely poor job. Robio, please pay me 1/2 how you pay for these developers I can do a better design) and you guys just deleted my thread just because I called you guys stupid without answering my question. I'm sorry if that hurts your feeling but you know what I'm talking about. That's silly job. Just suck it up. I'm developer as well and this doesn't make a sense at all.
Just tell me why you guys made a search system like this, please explain me that and don't just delete this thread because you guys have no idea how to answer my question.
Sorry, I'm just mad because I lost 3000 infamy just because of some early die silly users.
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