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3 slot Weapon? What would you make?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by oDDD, 23 Jun 2017.

  1. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Just making a fun idea thread for people to forget about this update madness.

    So if 3 slot weapons ever came about. What would you like to see?
    Tesla Cannon - 6sec reload 40 range LoS like railgun. Shoots bolt of lightning damage 1.5x of standard cannon. Stuns ship hit for 3 seconds and any ship within a radius of 2 for 3 sec.

    Howitzer cannon - 20 Range. Very low Arc. Basically a minigun. Low damage like carro per bullet. No reload, rather an overheat mechanic if fired too long. 13 second cooldown if overheated. 2 rounds per second.

    What are your ideas? Make em interesting. They take up 3 slots!
  2. Littl3-R3d

    Littl3-R3d Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    If i where to add a 3 weapon slot gun i would put a homing torpedo that does the damage of a swift torpedo but you only have 2-3 to detonate it before it explodes and it will have like a 15 second cooldown + also you can't move while controling it so you are a easy target
  3. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Big torp or berta
    Long range motar
  4. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    sticky mine - short-medium distance - 5s arming time
    stick it on enemy ship. it detonates under 2 different scenarios:
    1.) when the distance between the user and mine widens.
    application - stick it and run like hell
    2.) when the enemy gets too close to his teammate. good for separation from the crowd.
    application - stick it and dont drift too far. use it to separate threat or fixer away from his allies.
  5. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Bigger Torpedo!
    ChickenSurprise likes this.
  6. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Totally missed the point of the thread. And those use 4 points not 3.
  7. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    3 points or 3 slots? For a weapon that takes up 3 slots, you already said what I was going to say, a minigun. If you have a gat, what do you really need other weapons for?

    For a 3-pointer, bring out the Secret Omega Sub. It would be a large AoE, much like the mortar, but usable on any spot on the map regardless of roofs or barriers. Larger radius than a Ballpark, the damage of a Berta, and no splash damage. Instead, a precision laser pierces up through every ship caught in the circle after a certain amount of time. The boat equipped with this has a marker it can fire, with similar range and arc to the Explosive Cannon. When it lands, the AoE field appears, and the enemy has 5 seconds to get out of the circle before getting hit. 25 range, 25-second cooldown.

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