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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Still haven't got an epic blast cannon or a flare gun, its been over 1 month already. This way Im getting the feeling that the game is just being repetitive. It's also not worth evolving different weapons as you know you need to stock resources for upgrading your main weapons.

    Another thing Ive noted is it takes huge amount of parts to upgrade weapons. Around 650 uncommon parts to upgrade an Epic weapon from level 19 to level 20. No way to obtain gold either (Usually get Sugar quests most of the time) to purchase these parts. Parts available at the shops are also very less compared to what is needed for 1 level up. This system is too "restricting" and I've never encountered anything like this in any other game. A CHANGE IS DEFINITELY NEEDED!
  2. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    The math you have done is accurate.I havent even got a rare duplicate cannon and I have been trying to get one from over 40 days.I guess I will just focus on rares like you said because I dont want to waste time and money building epics and in the end the game to die because of the messed up system and a huge gap between ftp and p2w players.
  3. DiabloX Tran

    DiabloX Tran New Member

    2 Jun 2017
    After reading dozen page on this thread, i just go scrap 2 of my epic and all other rare that didn't on my mk4 shooter or speeder, lol...

    When I first play this game, i was hooked, I actually compared this game with dota, but with boat and gun, where skill count , and it was awesome :D

    Then when a guy hit my mk4 speeder with legendary big berta, i have my doubt... after another guy sink me with legendary big toperdo, and few dozen guy kill me with lvl 3,4 epic, i know that if i want to enjoy it like dota, i need to max out my stuff with epic , at least on 1 boat.... well, i am all willing to grind if it take few months and 1 or 200 buck for 1 boat to max out. Now I know it doesn't :(.

    Now i know I might quit this game before i can get my 1st epic to lvl 4, lol.

    Good luck with this game, rovio.

    Ps: I really believe this game can be an e-sport, even better than hearthstone or clash royal , but with this kind of rng, you can forget about it.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
  4. Lord Drek

    Lord Drek Member

    30 May 2017
    You will never have a T5 epic and probably never legendary anything. That is the conclusion many are coming to.
    Ive spent about $20 on the pearl diver and will prob spent a little more for another epic box as its fun to get a bunch of rares and a couple epics ill never use but this game has limits for the casual wallet warrior.
    Im a War Robots veteran and at least with that game anything was obtainable. It just took time. A little cash helped things along but not this Vegas casino bleed you dry style game mechanic.
    What Porthos and the other top tier "i gots mine" players fail to consider is it takes a healthy progression system to keep feeding them teammates and opponents or they will lose interest themselves.
    Clearly one cannot upgrade too fast or balance is lost but to have an entirely unobtainable and well overpowered equipment tier only for those willing to pay not just a reasonable amount but an insane one is foolhardy. And game breaking.
    GhostYasuo and D3X like this.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Really excellent post!
    Perhaps the Nightmare players in 4K league get that many pieces per season, but I don't see it being 9 Epics in 5 weeks. That seems way too high? Seems exaggerated. I get 1 epic maybe in 1 week at best and I play daily, and I play lots of games.
    Rock'N'Rolla likes this.
  6. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Suffering from rare parts starvation :(

    To expensive in the shop to purchase in quantities even close to 1 level of upgrade.

    Currently have a number of items between level 12 and 15 that I already have an item being stored ready to evolve when I hit that point but no parts.

    Parts in the shop need 2 things to happen, they need to be increased in quantity and reduced in price to make is viable to get more than 1 lvl upgrade per day. There's slow progress and there's feeling like you are not moving anywhere!
  7. Lord Drek

    Lord Drek Member

    30 May 2017
    I have 1.5 million gold and and cannot upgrade my level 25 uncommon fire bombs because they just trickle out the parts. and to get even those last few levels id bought and saved all green and grey for close to a week. Dont get me started on my rares.... lol
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    before the global launch... there were only 3 tiers of upgrades. i started playing around last year may or june.... the first epic i maxed was my railgun at T3 back in the day. (u still need 6 identical epic railguns to reach max level) the rail gun took me about 8 months to complete with a little help in purchases (1 was acquired with a little help from pearls, the rest where within normal gameplay opportunities). the current shop system was launched early this year i think (not sure). as you know, before the new upgrade system, if you had a max T3 epic it would automatically be a max T4 epic when transitioned to the new upgrade system. but i needed 2 more identical copies of epic railguns to be able to unlock T5. the last 2 railguns where acquired via epic piece combine and 1 very lucky star crate.

    more or less it took me about an average of 6 months to complete my epics... mostly through in-game currencies and giveaways with a little help from pearl purchases (in the old system).

    it should be noted though that i originally intended to max out my speeder build but i keep getting items that are more appropriate for shooters and defenders. between mk1 to at least mk4, you're gameplay is mostly dictated by what the game gives you to use... as you reach mk5-mk6 through the normal means of crew trainings, you will have acquired enough random rares and epics to start building your desired items.

    yeah, i hope the devs consider my suggestion on putting lower rarity parts when scrapping. right now, when you scrap, let's say, an epic item, you only get epic parts... but to upgrade an epic, you need common, uncommon and rare parts as well. then why not also get the lower rarity parts when you scrap an epic? scrapping an epic should give common, uncommon, rare and epic parts with a chance for legendary parts... scrapping rares should give you common, uncommon and rare parts with chances to get legendary or epic parts.
    Last edited by a moderator: 22 Jun 2017
    Lord Drek and KilleWh4le like this.
  9. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Reminds me of the time I rolled up on a lone Fixer thinking an easy kill was in order, but died because they had a Legendary Blast. General weapon balance may also be a little weird, since I can't recall the last time I got hit by even the splash damage on a Bigpedo and took less than a thousand damage. It's like a Mine, but you can fire it. But yeah, some stuff just doesn't matter until it affects you personally.

    This game totally has potential, though I'm not sure it would be deep enough to attract an eSports crowd. But who knows, maybe it does? There's a lot of stuff on this game that doesn't have a whole lot of documented strategy behind it, only because the game doesn't ask for it. Here's some questions I have:

    How can you navigate the waves to maximize speed and stop blocked shots?
    How can I use mortars to manipulate instead of just firing them as a damage source (there's Napalms, but they have a longer cooldown and aren't as useful overall)?
    Is it actually possible to ever hit a Speeder with a Berta?
    You can land shots without the reticle ever turning green. This applies to all weapons, not just mortars, because of how targeting works. How do I land more shots from outside normal range?
    Sight is very important, especially on that ice map*, and when attempting to fire from outside of Sniper's normal max range on maps like Destruct 9. Is it the Speeder's job to keep sight on enemies that may not be normally visible?
    Are there specific spots on each map that are particularly beneficial to certain ships?

    Stuff that goes past roles and common sense. A lot of is smothered by the fact that the game was designed to be casual, which isn't a bad thing.

    We should remember that the problems with RNG aren't just a detriment to competitive players. Even the guy rushing through a match before he goes to work won't play a game that has no sense of accomplishment.

    *The map where both teams spawn on the same side. Was trying to find the name of it, got put on Foundry several times in a row.
    Last edited: 22 Jun 2017
  10. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    That map is Chillzone.
  11. Dapperest

    Dapperest New Member

    11 May 2017
    P0rthos, you are probably a nice guy in real life, but in here? You are one of the most overly passive-aggressive and dodgy member of this community. You constantly brush off issues with the same arguments of "But you only played the game for X months!" or "With enough skill and patience you can make it" and if those fail, you go full damage control and try to make every issue a snarky joke while tailing towards your fans. D3X might be aggressive, but at least he's trying to improve the game with actual meaningful complaints WITH EVIDENCE. D3X impatience with the last few posts is fairly justified with the sheer level of elitism and pettiness you have been spouting for weeks on end.

    When I mean elitism and pettiness, I really do mean elitism and pettiness. Your argument of "I spent more my time than you" is while fine for more inherent skills such as fine arts or athletism, but here? No, its not, its akin to the previous generation complaining about the new generation, only that this generation (global launch update) is actually worse than the last! We live in a age where if a game is not worth are time, their is plenty of much better alternatives. Seriously, look at the overwhelming amount of posts complaining about the progression system, the small playerbase (another reason ranking pits you against people with a 700 infamy difference), and the poll that solidifies that claim even further. (People voted 'Needs work' over 10X more than 'Good' for christ sake.) The skill make sense, but thats just elitist if that is the majority of you're arguments. Skill is important, but when enemies are doing over three times your damage causing you to hit a brick wall with the only way of progressing is to face RNG, their is a probblem, a severe problem.

    P0rthos, you are a celebrity among the community, almost representing it and the devs most likely know this, so when you want game to never change for the better, the devs won't ever change the game for the better. This game can actually prosper into something great, but in this state, its going to fall into obscurity. Oh and to actually prove that the system is fine; create a new f2p account from absolute scratch and if you think it will take too long, you contradicted yourself. If you don't try, you are just a coward who never commits.

    Zangetsu, CrizR, P0rthos and 7 others like this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Guys, sorry about this.

    I agree with POrthos.
    Marvel Contest Of Champions is another game I played. It is the reverse of this one.
    In that game, they gave the newer(2017) players 4* champions(equal to mk5 here) from the get go.
    People left playing because, and I QUOTE, "The game has become too easy."
    What I'm trying to is, Rovio needs to find a balance between p2w and normal players. But you CANNOT expect to reach Nightmare in even six months! Simply doesn't sit right me. If you want that, well, go play MCOC. Plus, don't put me in the ivory tower category. 1000+ matches gone, still at 1000- infamy. Im learning. This doesn't mean I'm a noob. Thanks for reading.
    P0rthos likes this.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @TheAntiSnipe Nothing to be sorry about, disagreement is fine.
    Strawmen on the other hand ;)
    Like stating that people here is asking for f2p to reach Nightmare in 6months, which is neither the case, nor the main point of this thread.

    Noone is asking for instant handouts of unlimited power, we are however challenging whether the new system (and rate of progression) is in a good place or not.

    Without plankton the whales eventually swim elsewhere to feed. Gotta keep plankton hooked also.
    That being said, I havnt been playing for 6months and would have entered Nightmare this season if they hadn't raised the cap. But that only illustrates how incredibly narrow the playerbase is at the top of the mountain.
    Let me put it in another way: Assuming you manage to assemble 1epic pr week (tricky without monetary imput) then you will reach endgame in roughly 4 years time. Fair enough if you think thats a meaningful rate of progression, but I'm not in ageeement :)

    This slow rate of progression would have been absolutely fine if it had been there from the get go. But what the shop change did was to move the goalposts, not just a little bit, but outside of the stadium to a random location that it will take 4years to find.

    A huge part of why these games are fun is to admire top players in endgame gear and then slowly work your way towards being able to try what they're doing. Here it takes 4years on average (and given the completely random path of progression you are unlikely to ever get to a specific target you might have).

    Tldr - Progress requiring time and efford is fine. An average waittime of 238days to find a wanted epic duplicate (in a game that requires 6) is vastly overshoot.
    Last edited: 22 Jun 2017
  14. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Just to be clear, Porthos IS on the gamers side and he has made countless suggestions and doled out his share of constructive criticsm to the devs. You just won't see all his suggestions because i think he has a direct line to the devs. Maybe he's just trolling some of the members here.

    Cheers! :)
  15. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    We didn't ask for a 6 month endgame. We're asking for a reasonable progression, but as Kitterini has calculated and we've said this, the length of time has increased over what P0rthos is saying(1.5years to reach Nightmare or 10,000+ games)

    Remember what you say here AntiSnipe. We may disagree now, but play the game for another 2-3 months and remember to check back in what your thoughts are. I get you admire P0rthos right now, and that his words may carry more weight than mine, but that doesn't mean my opinions aren't unjustified.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Your opinions and insight are equal to POrthos. Easily. Also, I do agree that the current system is bad(a little), but I believe in waiting for the devs to do something.
  17. KilleWh4le

    KilleWh4le Member

    30 May 2017

    this is old upgrade system ..... they look so much better imo
  18. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Sorry, signed out from this thread a bit ago. Just popped back in and saw the responses. I don't disagree at all that the shop isn't perfect yet. Even if the numbers work out on a spreadsheet, it doesn't feel good. And that's a major issue. And yes, I was trolling a little earlier. Sorry, I couldn't resist. But in all seriousness, skill will raise you in ranks, that is undeniable, as proved by plenty of nightmare league players who still use rare weapons.

    But it's pretty clear that the shop is not going to change. :( Latest update shows that, no tweaks at all to shop system. If the poll and 15+ pages of ranting hasn't done it yet, I don't know what will. Keep fighting for change if you want, but I assume the devs have their reasons and a whole lot more high level data than I do. Meanwhile my 1000+ common and uncommon power cores will collect dust for eternity, and I shall continue to do my rain dance to appease the rng gods.

    I wish they'd respond here more often with some of that data so I don't have to play devils advocate... but whatchagonnado?? It's a done deal apparently. I've suggested reasonable changes, none of them have happened. Time for me to move on.

    I suggest other tweaks and changes all the time, and it's very satisfying to see the suggestions I made months ago seeing some light now. Hopefully more in the future. Also it's good to see the devs trying to balance the game constantly. It's a never ending fight I suppose.

    When / If this game becomes an esports candidate, there will need to be level caps for any official matches and ladders. I think Clash Royale does something like that... but I'm not a big esports guy so I dunno for sure. But right now, no, it isn't esports ready.

    There's still no other game on mobile that leaves me with sweaty palms after 5 minutes quite like this game. So where else are we gonna go? Settle in, buck up buttercup, and battle on.
  19. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Only reason is to fill their pockets
    Boycott lol they will change it
    GhostYasuo likes this.
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Vice Admiral BITTERSTEEL's feats are great and his skill is undeniable. However, he does have at least 2 T4 epics. Why don't you ask him what he thinks about getting those to T5 and how long he's been trying to find those Epic Carronades and Epic Turbos?

    So here's the score card with T4+ epics..
    Bittersteel 2 : D3X : 0

    Until I get a few of my own, I'll join him in Nightmare maybe in about 2 years given this rate. Since the start of this thread look at the screenshots(no lie!): still using the same T1 Epic Nitro, and T1 Epic Turbo , that hasn't even changed in like what? 2 months? I've almost given up on them and now collecting Rares instead. Simply Amazing this game with such poor drop rates! :(:mad: Or I might need to find a sponsor (anyone?)

    Early May:


    LOL P0rthos, (according to the whiners) you trolling outside the forums too huh ?
    Last edited: 23 Jun 2017
    TheAntiSnipe and P0rthos like this.

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