Between pieces in the shop, 3 full pr week & the random stuff you pick up I manage to find rares in about the same pace as I unlock the talents required to evolve. [I have spend some money & opened some 3900 crates though].
More than anything I wish I had identified how the new shop system was designed to stop epic progression & had kept all my rares & just accepted being a rare captain.
As a baseline you are looking at 3½ epic pieces pr week (2 from weekly quest, 1 from login, ½ from seasonal reward from 3000k infamy+).
How on earth anyone managed to assemble pieces for 9 epics in 5 weeks is beyond me -- I buy every single epic piece on offer in the store, spend a moderate amount of money & I generate nowhere near that.
But lets pretend 9 epics in 5 weeks is normal (number borrowed from
@P0rthos) & estimate how long it will take to reach T5 epics using the (in my opinion) vastly overshoot rate of acqusision:
34 different epics (assuming equal droprate for all), i.e. 2,94% chance of getting the epic you want.
9 epics in 5 weeks (35days) = 0,26 epics pr day /// 3,89 days pr epic (If this number doesn't illustrate how vastly overshoot this number is for most players I dunno what will). But lets assume its a normal destribution & my luck is just bad.
With a perfect destribution (some will be lucky, others will find frost launchers & duct tape):
- 132 days required to find a specific epic.
- Expected time to find 6 duplicates 794 days.
- Expected time to find 5 (assuming you spend 3k pearls on #1) 660.
Now lets try my experienced acquisision rate instead.
3½ epic pieces pr week guaranteed.
2½ epic pieces from the shop weekly.
4 epic pieces from random places (Scrapping, the odd chance of a full epic from boxes etc).
1 epic pr week = 7 days pr epic.
- 238 required to find a specific epic.
- 1428 days to find 6 duplicates --- That's almost 4 years.. I.e. if you aren't willing to spend a significant amount of money then focus on rares.. You won't reach max level epics before this game has died out anyway.
- 1190 days to find 5 duplicates.
Can we stop the nonsense that the current system allows for the same pace of growth as the old? I can understand why this doesn't feel like an issue at low level or for people with mk4/5 epics who fight others using the same items. It's rather depressing constantly fighting players that are using items that I know I will never get anywhere near.
@Miika Time to admit that "we've run the numbers and the new system is very generous" was either by usage of a broken calculator or just a flat out lie?
Or put in a more polite way: Is it intended to take 4 years (for people who spend 20-30$ pr month) to reach T5 epics? If not then you need to chance something

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