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Not a complaint on matchmaking, just curious

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jdm7, 29 Jul 2017.

  1. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    So I keep reading how rovio sets up each match for a 50/50 win ratio? With the global launch there are a ton of noob plyrs who frankly are pretty bad. This makes gaining infamy really tough, I personally have dropped 600 this week. Some matches I could've done better so this is not a rant. The only thing is when as a speeder I'm busting out the most damage on the team that doesn't seem right. This is why infamy ranking does not work.
  2. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Infamy is awarded for the team outcome, not your individual performance. Either you all win or you all lose. It absolutely works as intended, but not as you like it seems.

    Best advice is to ignore infamy and just focus on developing your skills, boat, items and captains. Infamy will naturally follow. Streaks are meaningless in the short term.
  3. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    It's an all too common complaint but if it's as intended it sucks!
    Award infamy the same way stars are awarded. By not giving players that don't contribute the same infamy and the ones actually winning it just makes matters worst.
    These players would soon fall out of the level as better players and we wouldn't have all the annoying problems of bad teams, mortar spammers, etc. And it would be more competitive for even those players.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  4. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    But then what of the fixers? All fixers that I play with, whether they are enemy or friend, seem to almost never get three stars, while shooters get it more often than average.
    behumble likes this.
  5. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Thanks for this, ive been getting 2-3 stars while playing firebomb, but yeah, some fixers that focus solely on healing or use cannon will have trouble receiving anything above 1 star...

    Wont work, infamy works as intended already.
    The devs have said the star system is not perfect, so a lot of angry players lol we already get frequent posts complaining about how stars are awarded.
    I think miika once said that if you have an infamy system based on players skill wont be good in the long run for bad players. Many would drop the game because bad would be matched against bad.
    With matching good and bad players it seems more fair. lol.
    I know you meant on contribution and not gear specifically, but this quote by miika kinda explains...

    "This also kinda shows that skill is a huge element in Battle Bay. You can be "as good" with mk1 and commons as mk3 with epic if you know what you are doing. Even the most HP and best weapons don't really matter if you can't hit anything.

    This is a tough issue because there are no obviously better alternatives either. Lets say if the matchmaking would keep you playing against the people with similar gear. It would mean you would have fun for a while since you would win nearly all the matches, but would that be fun for the 9 other players? Definitely not. And would you get bored also pretty quickly to win all the time? Probably. And would you feel like the game is preventing you from progressing because you can't get to play in the battles with higher rewards and tougher challenges? Very likely.

    At least this way you rise up to battles where you end up having 50% winratio, like all other players. You just got into those battles because of you still, not gear."
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2017
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Change it to a system akin to stars & the forum will be flooded with complaints about flaws in that system instead. At least the current infamy win/lose-system is transparent and easy to understand.

    You are not at a low infamy because of an influx of bad players, I'm sorry to burst your bubble if you think other players are what is holding you down. If anything a ton of bad players would make your infamy increase. You notice the bad players (and floaters) more when they are on your team sure, but there are just as many on the other side (Heck more, if you are a ´good´ player).
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  7. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    I generally agree you just have to focus on upgrading stuff and eventually your infamy will rise, but it's hard to "ignore infamy" when that's how people are ranked and matched in battle.
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  8. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Fair. It's just we need a much longer term view. What happens over the course of any one day or even a week is not really that meaningful. I think it is good for most of us to ignore infamy most of the time for our own sanity. I attempt to focus on developing my boat and individual play. "Attempt" is the operative word here.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  9. Atmo

    Atmo Member

    25 Apr 2018
    A lot of good info here and maybe I haven't read enough of the forum on the subject of stars but , I'd like to know what determines the number of stars awarded per battle?
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This has a lot of merit. At least start by not giving floaters any credit for a win.. and redistribute the floater's points to the rest of the team. Keep the loss as it is, as don't want players to float when they see their team down to avoid losing infamy.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You get one star for winning, one star for average contribution/assistance and one more for double the average contribution/assistance.

    So to get 3 stars, you have to win, and help your team for twice as much as the average.
    Atmo and Rogue Blueberry like this.
  12. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Such a necro
  13. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    The whole reason a floater is a piece of shit is because they want to lose infamy. Make them gain more infamy.
    Tmfh67401 and Rogue Blueberry like this.
  14. Rogue Blueberry

    Rogue Blueberry Well-Known Member

    18 Feb 2018
    On the east coast of the USA
    Lol yeah 'perfect' solution
  15. Atmo

    Atmo Member

    25 Apr 2018
    Thanks AntiSnipe, several people were asking the question. Now I know what to tell them.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Damn, you beat me to the necro lol.
  17. Atmo

    Atmo Member

    25 Apr 2018
    I'm new. The only way to learn is to ask.
    Flint likes this.
  18. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    The more noobs are playing, the better for you! Because in your team there will only be four noobs, but in the enemy team there will be five! :rolleyes:

    More seriously: Humans remember more their losses (especially due to bad play of others) but tend to forget their wins (even if you win because of bad play on the other side).
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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