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What happens if u dont collect any raffle rewards from quest?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Taevion0, 11 Oct 2018.

  1. Taevion0

    Taevion0 Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Anyone know What happens if u dont collect any raffle rewards from quests and you move on to next weeks rivalry?

    I know if u dont collect rivalry reward and the last quest board rewards your guild is on, the game will let u collect first before moving u onto next rivalry. I'm wondering if anyone knows how far back you can hold off? Cant find this discussed anywhere.

  2. Taevion0

    Taevion0 Member

    7 Jun 2017
    That doesnt really answer the question and doesnt seem like u r sincerely trying. Care to add more detail to that response?

    I'm wondering how far back will the game save the quest rewards for me to collect before it "expires" and what is the "expiration" period?

    Is battle bay staff willing to reveal the answer or on the faq board?
  3. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    In my experience it has more to do with the number of quests completed than a specific time frame, although it may have changed since then.

    The last time it happened to me (several months ago), my guild was on board 4 before I logged in .. The entire first board was expired as well as some of the second.
    Taevion0 likes this.

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