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Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by KATZ, 7 Oct 2018.

  1. KATZ

    KATZ New Member

    15 Feb 2018
    WTF ! I've been fighting cheaters,manipulators of the game and your computer. I don't get credit for a lot of shots. My controls stop working. Weapons won't fire when I touch whichever weapon button but that crap only happens in battle. I've spent my share of money on this game. This is how you show your thanks. The worse thing of all is , I upgraded my shooter from mk4 to mk5 and almost immediately into the mk6. Now I'm fighting players with three to four times the hit points. Can't win, so no money, so no upgrading of weapons. No nothing. I've been given the swift torpedo and the gernade , the rare ones about 75 times . It won't let me advance by not giving what it knows I need. And the legendary weapons. They're not legendary if everyone that I have to fight has one. Give me one so I can at least have some hope. This will be my last weekend on this game unless something changes.
    Dying gets old after a few weeks.
  2. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I’m not sure whether you’ve come here to blow off steam, or to get advice to assist you.

    If you want advice, please post a screenshot of your regular ship and weapons, and your event ship and weapons.
  3. KATZ

    KATZ New Member

    15 Feb 2018
    Venting like a volcano . They need to do something about the match making. I think I jump ships to fast and that's why I have to fight people with mk6 6 weapons. I jump from mk4 to mk6. MK5 was just a minute .I would like to fight based on weapons rather than infamy and upgraded boat. I'm just so tired of them pulling up in front of me and sitting there letting me blast away and then two or three shots from them and they are merrily on their way.

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