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Question regarding infamy tanking penalty

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Blitz, 24 Sep 2018.

  1. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    I apologize in advance if this thread doesn't belong here. I am asking this question on behalf of my friend, who is reluctant to show up here because of his language barrier (probably).
    I tried to look for support team's contact email but I couldn't find it anywhere.

    My friend's infamy got dropped from 2800 to below 2000. One day, he started getting penalized for this : no decent rewards.
    His level is 44 and he is in ACE2 league. He'd been waiting yesterday for 2 WEEKS because he recovered his infamy to 2200s.
    He thought that he'd start getting decent rewards but no. He is quite disappointed but he continues playing anyway. He loves Battle Bay that much.

    I can swear that his infamy drop didn't have to do with sea clubbing. I think he shouldn't be penalized anymore.
    Is there anyway to solve this problem?

    To avoid any misunderstanding, this IS NOT my issue. My name on the game is Blitz29 (#WRCDBPGW). I am just doing fine despite my recent thread about speeder's current state, which deserves more agility in my opinion.
    Nam_Nam and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    There is a penalty that happens when a player loses 800 infamy. Their stars are cut. And they face tougher competition until they climb back to the 800 range from their highest score acheived.

    This is uniform to all players.

    Something to note, the season resets every 2 weeks. This will also help your friend. He will be matched into a league that better suits his/her playing ability.
    Tell your friend to have fun. And not worry about infamy. Use events to get better.... by trying new ships, and weapons. Focusing on getting weapons achievements and free legendary weapons. Also highly suggest early on for your friend to focus on 2 weapons at a time to get acheivements. Then go to another set of two weapons. Pretty soon... you will have almost all legendary weapons. And these will be equal to a Rare Maxed weapon. Or an Epic level 4 weapon. Plus as a player... your improve and learn which weapons and ships you excel at. Ranked play will improve. And your infamy in between events will rise.

  3. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    Thank you for your advice. But I have to add, it seems strange because the new season just started last sunday(yesterday). He was already aware of the fact that the new season has to start to get rid of the penalty. Nevertheless, he's still suffering from the penalty and he climbed back to the 800 range before this new season. I'd like to know a way to contact the support team in order to get a chance for them to check his claim and earn back what he deserves. I checked the Rovio's homepage but I found absolutely nothing except redirection to this forum.
    Nam_Nam and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    The infamy tanking calculations use highest ever infamy, not season highest. Right now easiest way to get back is by going afk for a while because in the recent update they made it so inactive people’s infamy naturally decline over time to help them deal with when everyone’s gear increases at the same infamy.
  5. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    I know this move had to be done because those sea clubbers are really messing the game but seriously this is too much, I think. Now, I don't even want to switch my ship or weapons.
    Thank you. Going afk for a month seems like a bad solution though. I read about this update while looking upon infamy tanking penalty, of which I haven't found any mention in the update notes.
    Nam_Nam likes this.
  6. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    The season reset itself will not effect the penalty, I believe what Jaws meant is that he will be playing opponents in a lower season bracket making it easier to get back up into that 800 infamy from max range to get rid of the penalty.
    Side note: I think the infamy drop penalty causes more problems than it fixed. There seem to be more mk6s around 1800 infamy than at 2200. Is this because they got that penalty and now can't progress back to their normal? I think so. A better solution would be to cap the negative infamy at 800 so you can't drop below that threshold regardless of how many matches you lose (intentionally or not).
    Nam_Nam, TheAntiSnipe and *JAWS* like this.
  7. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    If that's what Jaw meant, that is just being too optimistic.
    I agree with you on the side note.
  8. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    How come that I can't find any mention of this penalty on the update notes...? Can anyone find me a link to official rules about this?
  9. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    This was implemented a while back. I can't remember if it was in a full update or just a patch.
  10. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    Thank you again. :)
  11. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
  12. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Wait, so DOES the season reset thing reset your penalty for having dropped? I did just notice that, after the reset, it listed my highest infamy of the season as the infamy I was currently at. But I was under the impression that the penalty was permanents unless you got your infamy back up.
    JoshW likes this.
  13. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    It uses your highest infamy ever, not the reset infamy.
    JoshW likes this.
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    There is nothing you can do about it, and the devs aren’t interested (which is why you were directed here).

    The best advice is to just keep playing and climb back up. If he did it once, he’ll be able to do it again, it just takes time.
    Flint, Medullaoblongata and *JAWS* like this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So basically.

    Last year in May, almost all the new players on the forum including me were complaining about sealclubbers. I mean, even dropping 800 infamy is pretty bad, but 2200+ infamy dropped? Like wut?

    Yeah, that happened. People in Challenger were fighting Ace 1s who were tanking matches until they got to lower levels. And they could get back up to Ace 1 multipliers in time for the next season.

    So to prevent this, a barrier was put into place. The update was "We're gonna need a bigger boat, update 2.4". 800 is not the accurate number of infamy that you can drop before being anti-tanked, they never mentioned it. The reason of the no-mention policy was that nobody should know the exact mechanism of this rule, and thus, nobody could bypass it.

    Update patchnotes link: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/patch-notes-v-2-4-were-gonna-need-a-bigger-boat.3256/

    It's worked well so far except for the many unfortunate souls who get trapped in it for no reason.
    YerJokinArnYer and Nam_Nam like this.
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  18. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    I thought so.

    OOOOkay there Mr. Judgey. I honest-to-god can't play the regular game mode for the first five days of a new season or I'll drop a hot 8 hundo infamy every time.

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