=Fee_KlocheTTe=, post: 174200, member: 11860"]Hello,
After few days of use, here are my thoughts about the new weapon : GATLING GUN (GG)
It was absolutely necessary to hotfix the defence points issue for this weapon, considering the fact that it could do 0-1 dmg/bullet, this have been done
1) Pros

- adding a new weapon is good, and it introduces a little new gameplay
- it's pretty fun to use it
- trajectory is good, something like Blast Canon's shooting angle
- speed is good, it's not auto-hit like sniper canon but enough speed to hit some low speed ships
2) Cons
a) Shot Duration : emptying the entire clip takes a lifetime ! (chrono'ed at 3.7sec, say "3.5"), this means :
- you can't hide during 3.5 secs if you want to (try to) deal full damages
- you have to lead shots during 3.5 secs
- as you press "shoot" continuously, the game enter in zoom mode which means it's easier to lead shots, BUT you are also almost unable to drive correctly the ship nor see what is falling on you, during 3 sec ...
- after the 3.5 sec, you have to wait another 2 sec to be able to use another item/weapon, which means 5.5 sec for 2 weapons use, this is a lot of time when you usually use 3 weapons in 6 sec !
This also means that even if the cooldown is 7sec (with crew), time between 1st use and 2nd (beginning of) use will be 10.5 sec
=> This shot duration is cumulating A LOT of drawbacks that have to be taken into account
b) Clip and Reload :
- As long as the clip is not empty, the GG does not reload, which means if you shoot 14 bullets and have 1 left, you'll not be able to fully use your weapon untill you shoot the last bullet and wait for reload time
- I did not notice if other weapons reload when GG is shooting during 3.5 sec, does they ?
c) Cooldown Perk :
There is a dedicated cooldown perk for the GG, the Epic Perk is 2.5% cooldown, meaning 0.25 sec !
I understand you Devs don't want to make the weapon a very low cooldown weapon, but considering a global cooldown perk of 2% already exists, and putting 4 dedicated cooldown perks on GG would reduce cd by only 1 sec, this is really a useless perk
3) Conclusion :
In its current configuration, this weapon is pretty weak, considering all the drawbacks, mainly shot duration
- It will not be played by speeders nor fixers, nor enforcers (no time to waste, too many things to do), little played by shooters (why lose shoot time when you have 5 weapons)
- Only defenders can really be interested (good as they don't have a lot of viable choices)
- It will not break tesla shields (why spend 3 sec to break a shield !?)
4) Improvements :
- Shot Duration :
It should be reduced by half (double firerate), the weapon will still have these specific drawbacks, but in the current configuration they are really a very big issue for the weapon to be used.
- Clip and reload :
The weapon should start to reload as soon as it stopped shooting, like any other weapon
- Cooldown perk :
please buff this perk or transform it to another perk
= KlocheTTe =
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