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I was banned by mistake?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Dixon22, 21 Jun 2017.

  1. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    First of all Greetings,
    I've just joined this forum so it's my first post aswell.

    I play this game since late april and i have invested more than a bit of money into this game, i find it quiet addicting and fun!
    I've made many friends and also spent lots of hours playing Battle Bay.

    Past week i was not active that much due to my job and family. Today i turned it on and it said Banned for 7 days, because of "Infamy Tanking" ??
    What does it mean? I gained up to about 2000 and completely legit. I might have lost about 500-800ish because my little brother played the game aswell, he has his own account but isn't so good with weak weapons, i let him use my tablet and play all the games he wants, and i've never had any problems with that.

    My ingame name is: Dixon22 and i am from Germany.
    I hope there is a solution to resolve the problem, and explain to me why i cannot access my game anymore?
    Pardon my bad grammar, English is my 3rd language.

    Thanks in advance, and i am looking forward to the reply of the game creators.
    All the best,
  2. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Contact support. Your little bro must play suicide like and to Rovios eyes the way he played didnt reflect your 2k status.
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Well if you let someone else who's much worse than you play on your account, and that person loses a ton of matches... it's deserved in my opinion. This is a multiplayer game, it's not just about you or your brother. If you hand your tablet to a kid who's not nearly good enough to pull his weight in your infamy range, you ruin the fun for all the people who end up in his team and lose because of it.

    Btw, are you aware that account sharing is forbidden my most games? I haven't seen Rovio staff talk about it, but I doubt this game is any different.
    HeroicBubbles and Travi5 like this.
  4. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    I've talked to him more about it, said it was ups and downs, mostly downs. But that he got more skilled with the weapons because of the choice he had in my big weapon collection.
    He agreed not to access games from my account anymore that has to do anything with online and multiplayer. I'm glad i didn't get banned on Guns of Boom, it was a similar situation(with score) but the game actually is more difficult.

    But i really find it stupid, that even tho i payed for stuff ingame, i cannot access it since the game has no offline mode, it's like gone for no reason? I don't see anywhere in the EULA that it's a bannable offense for my situation.
    And i am also getting pretty inpatient about it since i feel ripped off.
  5. wtfack

    wtfack Active Member

    9 May 2017
    Ye ye ye brother))) sure....
    Helius Maximus likes this.
  6. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yea, sure your little "brother". It's only a week too, get over it.
  7. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Seen versions of this excuse so many times on so many different games that it's really just boring and embarrassing at this point.
  8. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    I'm really in doubt about your age guys, as you write like kids. So i will treat you like ones from now on.
    It isn't an excuse, and i have no time for kids and your little games. I am only looking here for the help from devs.
    I wouldn't do any kind of abuse since i payed for something in game, and i play this game for fun and release stress from hard work.

    Kids, and other trolls who have no intention in helping me, please move on and comment something else.
    Travi5, ECTO_1a and lolawola like this.
  9. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Trolls because people aren't naive and believe a random internet playing victim after he got caught? You 100% deserve this ban, regardless of your excuse as you intentionally ruined the game play of other members in your team.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So he did it. So what? He did get banned. Dixon, you may be right, but the community doesnt appreciate it when someone intentionally or unintentionally drops infamy because of bad play. Even when practicing. I personally insist on mastering all ships before 1000 infamy, at least at a low captain. Take note, this does not mean upgrading every ship to mk5 lol.
    Travi5 likes this.
  11. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    i suggest you try rovio support page, if you have indeed been falsely banned. They should be able to look into your problem in more detail. or suck it up for one week and wait it out.
    as for the kids n trolls, just ignore them.
  12. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    yeah i will contact them as soon as possible
  13. Fiesty Wombat

    Fiesty Wombat Member

    21 Jun 2017
    The issue as I see it is that if you are willfully letting someone else access your account, you are responsible for their actions.

    The game is based on you and your play and your skill level. If you said you were trying new ships or new weapons in and effort to get better long term, that would be a valid argument. But saying that you LET someone who was not as good as you harm the game experience of others... that is a hard to excuse action?
    battlebaymembers likes this.
  14. battlebaymembers

    battlebaymembers New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    You said that you gained up to 2000 infamy and im pretty sure you know how's the game works!!
    This is a multiplayer game, while people are trying hard to win the game and gain infamy, you letting ur "little brother" play your account and loses a ton a matches, i would say that you deserve the banned.
    Last edited: 23 Jun 2017
  15. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    He ain't so little, he's an adult just like the most of us here. I've never thought that it could offense other people and i've talked to him about it, but i don't find it right to be suspended for 7 days. I want either my money back or to be able to play again. No matter what happend, it doesnt say anywhere that it's forbidden. I studied lawschool and i am pretty sure that in this situation, Rovio has no right to take access of my account that i had ingame purchases that can only be used when online.
    Cdo King likes this.
  16. Dixon22

    Dixon22 New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    So it's been past a week now and i am still suspended. Rovio customer support said they are "on it". i really feel ripped off now, i want either my money back that i invested in this game or to be back in game, otherwise im filling a lawsuit against Rovio. I will be glad to pay a lawyer just to finish this, Rovio can't ban just like that whoever they want. I see many people complain for many fake bans.
  17. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Oh a lawsuit this time? Wonder what's the next thing you'll post that hasn't be done a million times by other people who claimed to have been banned wrongly

    Edit: Also just for the record, if we're assuming the day you got banned is when you posted then it hasn't even been 7 days yet so yea...
    Last edited: 27 Jun 2017
  18. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    My 5 years old son originally installed this game and I found that's it's fun so I took it from him. I am at 1100 infamy now and still share the game play with him.

    I am with Dixon on this one. If someone lose 800+ infamy in a short time, like few hours, that's tanking. But if you lose 800 points in a week span, that can be bad luck. I had losing streak where I lose 3-4 hundreds points in like 2 hours. I tried to play the fixer to get my infamy up. My peak infamy was when I used the fixer.
    behumble and Travi5 like this.
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I'm pretty sure you're wrong there. Also, from the EULA:

    "Any and all virtual goods are licensed to you on limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable basis and limited only for non-commercial use."

    In other words, those things you purchased aren't yours. They're Rovio's, and what you purchased is a limited license to use them. Now, I'm not very knowledgeable about legal stuff and couln't find any explicit writings in the EULA that say they can ban anyone at any time, but still I'm quite sure you'd lose a legal battle.
  20. mprovie

    mprovie New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Obviously a liar. You posted on Wednesday of last week that you found out that day you were banned (your original post) then you post today, a Tuesday, and claim its been past a week now. Those two statements by you cannot both be true. Just another seal clubber.

    Good luck with your lawsuit lolz.

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