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Welcome to the "dumbing down" of Battle Bay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rhummy, 5 Sep 2018.

  1. Rhummy

    Rhummy Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Please for the love of god....why did devs do this?

    This is the only mobile game I like..and I already hated the ramped up agility event anyway. It made it feel like a cheap game and i never got used tonit, nor enjiyed it....i simply tolerated it to get some coins for the event.

    ....and I can't belive their motivation for this change! To make it easier for new players?? Obviousley they think this makes it easier for people to get into the game, but it has ruined it for people who rely on tactics and skill. It is true I have been frustrated as hell trying to kill speeders with my shooter.....and thst is huge part of the enjoyment, the skill and ability it takes to take advantage of subtle strengths and weaknesses of each ship and weapon...and now the game has lost that subtlety...lost its magic that hooked me....

    I shouldnt complain though....i know i am a battle bay addict...this will probably help cure that and now my wife won' t be complaining about how I am playimg all the time.

    Thank you to the original devs....I am sure you were fired about a year ago....because I cannot believe that they would make thhese changes...completely ruining the spirit and soul of the best mobile game I have ever played......
  2. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    It’s the only think they did right so go to your home to play alone turtle bay
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    The mods have gone from locking these threads to outright deleting them, lol. Unbelievable
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  4. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    We don't need a thousand threads all saying the same thing. There's a stickied thread and posts are being merged into it.

    Consolidate the feedback and it's much more likely to be read.
  5. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I'm guessing that a lot of Wives/Girlfriends/Significant Others are going to be celebrating Update 3.2.

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