1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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SUGGESTIONS… SUGGESTIONS… SUGGESTIONS… (please consider or at least think about it)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by yellowocean, 22 Jun 2017.

  1. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Hello Rovio!!!​

    After driving for 4 hours and thinking about battlebay the whole time, please do allow me to indulge myself in the following wish list. All things I’ll be discussing here are, in my opinion, meant to make the battlebay experience more enjoyable for everyone. For us players, I hope it will encourage more positive interactions/chatter, more stuff to do in the bay, and more bonus reward opportunities. For Rovio, I hope it will increase average play time per player, attract new players, bring back the disenchanted ones, and encourage more purchases. Don’t know how these will be received by the forum members but please feel free to disagree. So here we go…

    1) Making Guild membership more fun and eventful

    a. Guild levels
    • Guilds will now have the ability to level up (50 levels) by accumulating guild experience through guild wars (when that happens) and guild quests (more on this later)
    • Each level increment grants one (1) guild point (GP) that can be used to unlock guild abilities (GA) (note: no ability should provide advantages in battle)
      • 1. Sample “abilities” are the following:
    a. +3% faster crew training and re-training (adds up with vip perk)
    b. +5% battle resource rewards (adds up with ads/vip bonus)
    c. +5% additional parts received when scrapping items
    d. +5% better chance of getting higher rarity on crates and when scrapping
    e. +5% discount on in-app purchases, shop prices
    f. +10% faster shop refresh
    g. Gain 1 additional slot for an ALLIED GUILD (Guild starts out with 2 slots – more on these later)
    h. Gain 1 additional DGQ / SGQ / Daily Quest (regular quest – current daily quests in the game)
    • Each GA can be upgraded by spending additional GP, each GA will also have a cap limit with varying degreeiii.
    • Each level up grants 1 GP that the Guild Leader and officers can use to activate 1 GA from a list, using the examples above, the guild can choose to go for scrapping bonuses first instead of faster crew training. Abilities can be chosen again but with increasing GP requirements
    • Abilities can be reset only once per season
    • Choosing abilities – this can be done by the leader alone or by voting. Only officers and the leader can vote – a minimum of 3 officers required. Each officer gets 1 vote, leader gets 2. In case of a tie, leader’s choice wins (leader has exclusive guild option to make the ability selection democratic or autocratic)
    • To initiate an ability reset / selection – leader is only one who can initiate (autocratic), leader or any officer can initiate (democratic)
    • Democratic selection and resetting will take effect on the next daily reset (in my case, every 8am GMT+8:00 Manila/Taipei), autocratic activations are instant.
    • All members can benefit from these abilities, new recruits will have to wait until the next daily reset.
    • Players can transfer to other guilds only once per season.
    • This system will allow each guild to have unique perks and benefits for its members and provide a different perspective in choosing guilds. This will also allow newer guilds to compete in member recruitment versus the current top guilds. This will also provide incentives for leaders to maintain their guilds
    • Players can view guild abilities in the guild profile

    b. Guild Quests
    • Requirements:
      • Guild should have a minimum of 10 members with 3 officers that have logged in to the game at least once in the last 30 days upon start of the quest.
      • Guild should have minimum total infamy of at least X infamy at the start of daily reset in order to qualify for the guild quests (maybe 10k infamy)
    • Daily Guild Quests (DGQ) – daily quests that will encourage guild member collaboration and encourage more play
      • Sample DGQs:
        • Deal X total damage for the day
        • Sink X enemy ships using Bhurt weapons
        • Win X battles while fleeted with a guildmate
        • Gain X pearls from battle rewards (ads / vip bonuses)
        • Gain X infamy while fleeted with a guildmate/un-fleeted
        • Sink X shooters/speeders/enforcers/fixers/defenders that are not guildmates
        • Win X battles while fleeted with a guildmate – boat specific (eg speeder & shooter, fixer & defender, etc.)
    • Season Guild Quest(s) (SGQ) – longer/tougher versions of DGQs or quests that typically requires several days to complete.
      • Sample SGQs:
        • Complete X Daily Quests (regular quests)
        • Complete X DGQs
        • Combine X items in a season
        • Gain X amounts of parts from scrapping
        • Achieve X pentakills
        • Fleet up and kill 3 ships in a single battle X times
    • DGQ vs SGQ
      • Main difference is length and scope
      • DGQs can be completed by 1-2 members of the guild (fleeted quests considered) while SGQs are impossible or extremely difficult to complete alone
    • Sample rewards: only members who contributed to the success of the quest will qualify for the rewards. Qualified members may forfeit their reward and donate to a guildmate.
      • X Gold/sugar divided evenly among contributing members
      • Each contributing member gets a random guild quest reward crate (better rarity chance can be boosted by GA) Crate may contain perks, pieces, power cells, parts, complete items)
      • Gain X Guild point(s)
      • Each contributing player gains X free upgrades for any item (does not include evolving to next tier)
      • Each contributing member gains X free re-training or X free training of his/her crew skills
    • Guild Alliances
      • Guilds can ally with other guilds default is 2 (can be increase through GA)
      • Allied Guilds can have the following features:
        • Your guild gains a portion of allied guild’s abilities
        • Your guild can hire mercenaries from allied guilds to help complete guild quests.
      • Mercenaries
        • Leader or officer can tag a player from an allied guild as a mercenary, player must accept this request to activate mercenary status
        • Mercenary can view allied guild’s on-going quests and contribute to the completion of that quest
        • Mercenary gains loot after successfully assisting in the completion of the quest.
    2) Expanding the shipyard.
    • Trade depot - resource generation section that provides passive resource accumulation (gold/sugar)
      • includes resource converter – exchange gold for sugar and vice versa with certain penalties (ex. Exchange 1000 gold for 500 sugar); limited use per season with a cap on quantities (upgradable)
      • gold/sugar have capacity limits and accumulation rate (upgradable)
      • parts converter – exchange parts, pieces, power cells (ex. 10 common parts for 1 uncommon part, 5 epic blue pieces for 1 epic red piece, 20 rare power cells for 5 epic power cells): this has limited use per season
      • Training room – players can access this room and practice their weapons and try out their items (accessible offline)
        • Moving targets can be added to simulate battle scenarios
        • Obstacle courses for maneuvering practices
    3) In-app purchases creating more value-for-money propositions:
    • Buy X pearls for X straight days, get X free pearls or other freebies
    • For every X amount of pearls spent, you get a freebie
    • Include smaller denominations ($1 dollar offers, $5 dollar offers; bigger bonuses)
    • VIP upgrades
      • VIP status can be leveled up
      • Permanent VIP status
      • Exclusive customizations (decals, banners, color schemes)
      • Exclusive vip section(tab) in the shop featuring unique exclusive offers
      • Improve training time boosts w/ pearls
    4) Shop improvements
    • Separate tab for random items / perks (displays 12 or maybe 16 items) that can be purchased for gold and/or sugar
    • Separate tab for parts/pieces and maybe include power cells nowCheaper costs for storage capacity expansion
    5) Chat interface improvements
    • Allow sorting options for friends
    • Faster scrolling via first letter search
    • Allow searching players via their name or allow player to select a player’s tag number and copy it
    6) Rematch feature
    • Upon completion of battle, players will have option to choose rematch or go back to lobby. 6 players must choose rematch for it to occur. If 1 player has left the battle (rematch option won’t appear), players go back to lobby as always.
    • Rematch is limited to 2x only

    Will add more soon… tell me what you think :)

    Keep on battlin’!!!
    Nikkie!, Hazimi, Tmfh67401 and 36 others like this.
  2. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Awesome post. You should drive more :)
  3. Johnnieday

    Johnnieday Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Love it but probably will never happen.
    I won't rant on your post because it's been very well thought out and made very well but I'm afraid the devs won't allow that.

    I must add : legendary trades between guild members. 1 legendary piece / ressources / item for 1 legendary piece / ressources / item.
    NoTtIaN likes this.
  4. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    haha i do drive a lot, its part of my job... to call me a battlebay addict is an understatement... just sad that the new update looks like its gonna piss off another batch of players... hope i'm wrong
    • Percy • and KypBA like this.
  5. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Based on the latest data there are 30-50k new downloads a day..
    I say make it a great game for everyone...
  6. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Guild quests sound like a great idea. It would definitely add more play hours for me.
    • Percy • likes this.
  7. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    yes... let's hope the devs' decisions will drive the game forward
    NoTtIaN and • Percy • like this.
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    if the devs are keen on expanding the things players can do while logged in to the game... guild quests should come to form one way or another...

    as for a trading system, i never mentioned anything about it because i have already mentioned this to the devs in the old forums... the devs have said they are looking into it but they haven't found a solution wherein the pros outweigh the cons significantly. my own personal take on a trading system is that it should be very limited and should be earned through gameplay, not through pearls or any other shortcuts. it's like a privilege to be earned once in a while. with the item progression and shop system currently in place, a trading mechanism will offset its overly RNGish nature. What's your idea on how to make a trading system work in battlebay?
  9. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    hi Devs,

    Here's another batch of suggestions and requests. Hope you guys will give some of it some thought... please note that most of what i'll say here is mostly based on my own experience in the game so feel free to comment.

    1) Guild interface:
    • Bulletin Board: allow leaders / officers to leave guild messages for all members to see when they log on. Personally, i'm keeping track of my guildmates' season progress in terms of how many games they've played, how many kills they've made., etc. so it would be nice if we could post them somewhere in the guild interface.
    • include online/offline status when viewing the guild members list. with my friend list getting longer and longer everyday, sometimes it's irritatingly inconvenient to browse through the list just to see who among my guildmates are online (specially if you have guildmate with an IGN starting with the letter Z.
    2) Chat rooms / friend list
    • is there a way to search for players using their IGN? as far as i know, you can only search through the tag #... i think it's safe to say that nobody memorizes those. would it be possible to allow search via IGN instead?
    • option to customize arrangements of your preferred chat rooms, or have the option to start the list on your last chat room.
    • allow quick search / quick browse through your list of friends... by typing the 1st letter, let's say D, the list will go straight to the first friend with an IGN that starts with the letter D
    • quick delete function - delete friends on the list itself, no need to go through their profiles
    3) Item Viewing
    • i'm neutral on this one however, it would be nice if allowing other players to view your items to become optional and/or only for your guild's eyes only. if a player opts to disallow viewing of his/her items then he/she cannot view other players' items as well (this should be fair). or must seek approval to view a player's items.
    4) Battle log
    • it would be really really really nice to be able to view other players's battle logs, maybe past 20 matches?
    5) Resource conversion
    • Allow players to convert resources without using pearls... it would make a lot players really happy if you can a put conversion feature for resources (e.g. gold, sugar, stars, parts, power cores/cells and maybe pieces too). you can even put cumulative penalties for excessive usage or maybe put a hard limit on the number of times you can use it for a period of time - like a season. ex. 1st conversion will yield -20%, 2nd will yield -30%, and so on...Heck even a chance is good enough... every time you attempt to convert a resource, you only have a 50% chance for success.
    6) Rarity restrictions or max cap levels:
    • you really need to give this some serious thought... infamy based matchmaking isn't perfect but it's serviceable but what is more important is the restriction of items specially at lower levels. i tried playing with a low level account and even at level 10 i'm already encountering rares and epics. improving gameplay balance and quality of matchups is critical in the lower levels because this will make or break your player base. so many players have already quit or uninstalled the game before they even reached mk3 or mk4 boats because of frustration going up against "extremely lucky" players who get epics and legendaries at the lower levels. i don't know how many servers you have running but i keep facing the same players everyday... probably under 50 different players in my league, i've basically memorized the loadout of several players so that tells me that your player base hasn't really grown that much or has it?
    7) Events:
    • Special item events: this is good for testing out prototypes or concepts for new items OR simply to spice things up Declare a special event maybe a day or a week or a month, each player gets the same special item (item is not upgradable nor scrappable), item level/rarity depends on player's captain level (VIPs get better stats for the special item). players can use special item like any normal item during the duration of the event. player gets special rewards for accomplishments using that item. (Ex. special item "Gatling Cannon", 2 slot red item, players can play with it for the duration of the event, players get special rewards for making X kills with it, dealing X damage with special item). item disappears from players's inventory after event.
    • Special Boss Event: A super ship appears out of nowhere and threatens the bay, players must gather together and attempt to bring it down... each player gets 3 attempts to beat the boss, players can fleet with 4 other players to take on the Boss ship and get a chance to earn special awards (this Boss or bosses are player controlled (rovio staff) or bots,
    • Special Quest Event: Players take on a monstrous quest or series of quests to earn special rewards.
    8) Background music: can you change it up more often or maybe add more variety?
    9) Map scenarios:
    • random weather probabilities: (maybe make it a special event) night battles? how cool or frustrating would that be? (vision is impaired by XX%, rainy/stormy seas, incendiaries are weaker during rains, torpedoes swerve during storms. Bigger/rougher waves or calm seas? you can add an option for each player to vote for his/her preference on the weather condition just before starting the match (the condition that gets the most votes will be used for that map) OR player can preselect it at his/her home screen (imagine a hail storm, all boats gets pelted with hail, get dealt X damage per second haha)
    The game just has so much fun potential... Hope your next update will be awesome!!!

    Cheers!!! :)
  10. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I couldn't have thought of that in a whole day! Devs should really consider making few changes based on above suggestions. Great thinking Bro. Hope your ideas won't be disregarded by the devs.
  11. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    if you're passionate about the game, it comes naturally i guess... i haven't been this engaged in a game since final fantasy 7 hahahaha... i'm just a gamer at heart, every since my dad bought the first nintendo family computer... i just wanna see this game go big and dominate the world hahahaha

  12. AndyAshton

    AndyAshton Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Awesome ideas, yellowocean :) bad news for the guy who does the coding.
  13. aKifer

    aKifer Active Member

    27 May 2017
    I don't like the guild points and abilities (should somebody be weaker because he/she plays with friends?), but all the rest is pretty much awesome
  14. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    bump; i hope the devs give notice to these ideas!!
  15. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    I'm not sure what you mean... the guild points and abilities don't give any advantages in actual battle gameplay, it's more of providing perks for players for joining guilds helping them gather resources faster.
    aKifer likes this.
  16. ekagreen

    ekagreen New Member

    22 May 2017
    good suggest bro, i hope will come true on next update
  17. Makeloa

    Makeloa Member

    7 May 2017
    Makes me wonder if the poster is the "actual creator" of battle bay and wants everyone's input before actually adding it to the game. These ideas are very indepth, I hardly see any flaws in the persons descriptions, which they like to add. The evidence shows person has some game design background. So fess up are you with and/ or the creator of battle bay?!
    Skye likes this.
  18. aKifer

    aKifer Active Member

    27 May 2017
    Ops! Misread some perks
  19. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    in Support of @Captain Gilligan 's very well written post on taking a break... here are some other suggestions to the Devs,..

    As i have mentioned in the earlier post today/yesterday, there is simply a huge matchmaking issue specially at the intermediate levels... mk2s going against mk4s and even mk5s, free2play mk4s getting owned by mk3s with legendary items. @Lardfinnish also made a very good point on how frustrating matchmaking can be for his kids. as an avid fan of the game, i'm just alarmed by the number of players quitting out of frustration because of the disadvantageous matchups. i can understand players walking away because they got bored or have a found another game to focus on but players quitting out of frustration is just a very clear indication of matchmaking issues that need to be addressed ASAP. The system has to protect low level players from being slaughtered by much higher level opponents (we don't need "kobayashi maru" scenarios in this game). Put damage caps (based on captain level or league) on legendaries/epics being used in lower leagues, add ship level restrictions so mk2s don't have to face mk4s all the time, maybe consider a player's current total DPS as a factor in matchmaking. You guys have to fix this soon or suffer more players walking away not because of boredom but because of frustration.

    another thing you can look into is the shop and IAP menu... as it is right now, it favors the fat wallets hands down... you can't just ignore the free to play players as well as those who are willing to spend but at a restricted budget. remove or separate the regular pearl offers and put in more daily deal offerings, not many players are willing to pay 50-100 dollars per purchase, but i'm sure many would be wiling to cough up 10 bucks or even 20 bucks at a time for some really good deals. keeping the whales happy is great, and i'm all for that (this game has to make money for it to be viable long term), but you can't just ignore the middle class folks who far outnumber the elite spenders (by my guess would just be about 5% of your player base) while the budget spenders will probably compose around 20-30% of your player base (you need to keep them happy as well). Give free to play grinders a better chance to catch up in upgrades and fire power by offering more quests, more variety of rewards, and better shop. (if the shop will sell an epic item for 2 million gold at random, grinders will willingly play more to earn enough resources to buy that) more grinders at the bay keeps your whales happy too coz they can play with more players.

    Just last week, one of our guild's top players walked away from the game because of the speeder nerf but more so because he knows he can't keep up with the whales anymore as well as the fact that the system doesn't offer players the flexibility to switch to other boats quickly.

    with flexibility in mind, you might want to consider giving each boat a skill preset. with this, each player can save 5 crew skill sets, 1 for each boat. so that if a player decides to switch from a shooter to a defender, all crew skills will be set to maximize the defender and vice versa. (example, a typical shooter will maximize railgun skills on buzzkill but if swtiched to a speeder, that player would probably want to maximize tesla bolt or tesla shield skills instead of railgun skills). make crew skill re-training faster and less tedious - re-training should be available anytime even if you are still training for a new skill.

    you may also want to consider scrapping enhancements like spending gold/sugar while scrapping to get more parts or better chances of higher rarity pieces.

    This game, unfortunately, is quickly becoming pay-2-win, if that's your goal then good for you but if you really want to expand the battlebay community, you need to satisfy the bigger pieces of your player base pie. As i see it, the typical player base composes of 5-10% big spenders, 20-30% budget players, and 60-75% free-to-play grinders. you need to keep the majority of each type of player base happy to make this game grow.

    Hope you guys will give all these some serious thought... and better yet, i hope all these makes sense

    Cheers!!! :)
  20. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    1. Special rewards - currently, the reward system gives random pieces, parts, cells/cores, gold, sugar, a few pearls, and random items. so here are some ideas for new kinds of rewards. that can be gained from daily/weekly quests, calendar/daily freebies, or maybe an entirely new set of challenges/achievements. this is similar to my first post on this thread but some are entirely new ideas that the devs might just try out so i'm crossing my fingers :) once again, none of these rewards will provide a competitive advantage in actual battles
    • POWER BADGES - time-restricted power ups, 1-time use only
      • Titan badge - player gains immunity from infamy lose for X hours/matches (maybe 2 hours is enough or 5 matches). player can not lose infamy while this badge is active.
      • Celestial badge - player gains bonus infamy points for each star earned in battle for X hours/matches. aside from the standard +23/24 infamy points you gain through each victory, each star will give a player X additional infamy (maybe +5 for each star). Consequently, in case of a defeat, player loses less infamy for each star that player has earned during that losing match.
      • Gemini badge - while fleeted, Player earns double the rewards from each battle (gold/sugar/pearls/stars) on top of the ad/vip bonus for X hours/matches (partner also earns the bonus)
      • Hermes badge - speed up training time and shop cooldown by 4x for 1 day.
        • what other suggestions do you have? :)
    • UPGRADE BADGES - permanent rewards, extremely rare, can be maxed out, once maxed, spare can be sold for resources OR can only be earned through special events (see previous posts on this thread)
      • Star badge - permanently increase star capacity by 15 (can be leveled up 5 times)
      • gold badge - permanently increase gold capacity by +5% based on current max cap (can be leveled up 5 times)
      • sugar badge - permanently increase sugar capacity by +5% based on current max cap (can be leveled up 5 times)
      • pearl badge - permanently increase pearl(s) earned per battle by +1 (can be upgraded 10 times)
        • what other suggestions do you have? :)
    _devill, behumble and Rock'N'Rolla like this.

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