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Some Suggestions about Guilds

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Risu, 5 May 2017.

  1. Risu

    Risu New Member

    4 May 2017
    Okay I think you have already a lot in mind, and probably most of i will say but still there is no harm.
    So i first wanna start with guilds.
    -There is no local guilds ranking which is so basic so it must be on the list.
    -We cant see our own or other guilds total trophy(called bad reputation?)
    -There should be some explaining about officers in-game.
    -Ground limit for joining.
    -With by request guild type if they applied but then joined to another guild it should cancel out.
    -More customization such as different amblems rather than these six aliens(?)
    -More spaces to join. I mean 25 is low. Atleast make it the start and make us able to level the guilds for more place and maybe some benefits ?
    -Dont show (or make it optional) the messages with bold green. joined to guild, wants to join, accepted, cancelled. Its interrupting the actual chatting.

    Well actually i wanted to make this about all the aspects of game but it felt enough for now :D Let that sink in and make comments about what you thinking or anything you wanna add up.
    peaceful monkey likes this.
  2. Finger-Bang007

    Finger-Bang007 Member

    19 Apr 2017
    I would love it if they made a local guild ranking. Also you make a very valid point about increasing the amount of members in a guild. But I would love it if they explained how they workout the infamy of a guild in the guild ranking.
    Risu likes this.
  3. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    5 May 2017
    Battle Bay Bullies - Offensive Coordinator
    Guess we will see. All in good time. Love the game so far.
  4. Risu

    Risu New Member

    4 May 2017
    Yeah game is great and have a great potential and Im sure some -if not most- are on the list but even just one new thing in the list would be nice :)

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