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Who kicked them out?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by JediKnight1968, 4 Sep 2018.

  1. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Guild chat window. Player xxxxxxxxx was kicked from the guild.
    By who???? Don't we get to know the as***le that kicked our second best ranking player for not being active (the poor guy just went on vacation for two weeks and had notified me before leaving)
    Please add an option for the leader to disable kicking ability for anyone other than himself OR put a name in the message the name of the b****rd that kicked him so we know.
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  2. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Quick fix - don't promote people .. or demote everyone.
    Nicolas likes this.
  3. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    That's not a viable option I cant hunt for new members all the time. I need to rely on my people for talent scouting.

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