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New Events System-Rewards-Mods

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Nicolas, 3 Sep 2018.

  1. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    But, the other suggestions - if enacted - would end the game for me.

    As of now, I'm not going to finish in the top 5 with my shooter without duplicate max epics (e.g., 2 more rail guns/sniper/grenades/etc). And, it would take a several hundred epic cells to switch over to a yellow boat, which isn't happening soon.

    With events (until the last event), I could keep getting epics (scrapping the majority of them for cells) and keep slowly building a few select legendary items.

    In other words, I have a reason to keep playing matches, keep buying parts, keep my VIP subscription running, keep buying holiday specials, etc.

    But, if it's made that much harder to earn epic and legendary item pieces .. then I have no reason keep playing (or keep spending money on the game).

    Grinding events was just barely giving me enough of a feeling that I was still progressing before. So, like I did with Clash Royale, once I get the feeling that I have to directly purchase further "progression," the app is getting deleted.

    Oh .. and a 2500 cap for coins wouldn't really bother me unless they have more special events where I'm not interested in the perks (e.g., all frost, fixing, yellow boat perks).

    But, tickets were awful for me. I can't pull out my phone and play once an hour. I normally play once a day in a longer session rather than 10 two-game sessions sporadically.
  2. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    If they put a limit on the number of event matches you could play for coins - say 300 or so - that would stop people from getting 3-4 rounds of play in each event - and hyper-progressing.

    Or the number of matches you could play for coins could be tied to your captain level .. as another way of slowing newer player (mk1-4) legendary progression.
  3. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    First, tickets won't affect players who complete one round per event. Tickets are just to slow down event progress and to limit it to 1-2 rounds for op-high infamy players-sealclubbers... who are capable of completing more than 4 rounds per event. Tickets are just a way to give them a short break from events.
    Second, who does the word "us" refers to?
    I don't hate anyone. I just hate how events are so unbalanced. It was too easy to collect op rewards with fast progress. If u want op rewards back then ur progress should be slowed down. As I said earlier:
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2018
  4. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Like I said, if people are really playing playing 30 hours of a 72-hour event to get through 4-rounds of 900 ... then, yeah, that's not healthy.

    So, limiting the coins earned per event to 1800 (or whatever the nearest box purchase over 900 is), wouldn't be a bad thing.

    But, if I get two hours of peace and quiet to play and I'm out of tickets after an hour ... and it's taking 5-10 minutes to match an infamy match or I have all my crew talents switched over for the event and can't play a ranked match ... then, yeah, I'm not going to be happy.

    Side point .. it's also not healthy to have kids trying to play at school, or adults at work, or setting your alarm every 3 hours, all in order to keep the ticket counter from capping out.

    Kids getting grounded, adults getting fired, people falling asleep at the wheel .. lol .. all around, not great for society.
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2018
  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Anywho .. didn't mean to go overboard on tickets.

    I like the event game ideas, especially Domination.
    Nicolas likes this.
  6. SWAT0013

    SWAT0013 Member

    23 Nov 2017
    Those changes to rewards would literally kill this game for many F2P players.

    Problems are not the event rewards - problems are league rewards and event matchmaking. You are probably solving MM part, yet you are ruining the only thing that made this thing interesting for casual players...

    Let me put it in time perspective for you - this fiery event I played pretty much only to fulfil quests I got. In previous events I had no issue playing getting about 300 - 900 coins... Not because I did not like that event mode - but rewards were not appealing for me...

    No, you have no choice. Legendary perks are only slightly better than epic ones. And this game really does not need another RNG with no guaranteed rewards...

    I understand you are salty from how NML works as rewards are totally unappealing pretty much in all leagues. Yet ruining fun for and chance to get something useful and interesting for all others because of that is an efing idea...
    Greencheek, Reorge and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  7. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    No this won't kill the game for f2p players.
    I just want to limit events to one-two rounds.
    When we started playing in events, everyone expected a quick nerf to events rewards. They were just too op and too easy to collect.

    Rewards should be balanced based on difficulty level:
    Cricketmad likes this.
  8. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    isn't seal clubbing making it hard for low/mid level players? facing players who can easily one shot you etc.
    and based on my calculations and common sense, it would be impossible to finish even one round without paying, if tickets had 25 minutes cooldown
    15 minutes-that's again 4320 minutes of event, so you could theoreticaly get 288 tickets, that's 293 with 5 tickets you get at start, with average of 5 coins per battle, you could get 1465 coins, again not two rounds, probably not even one if you had work/school etc.
    text above is reaction to Nicolas' ideas

    seal clubbers have that kind of win rate and and coin average, ticket system is another reason for seal clubbing-if you have only limited number of battles, then you want to get as much rewards, as you can, so even more Ace/NM players will seal club to get higher rewards
    my "best" is getting one and ¾ of a legendary perk (I had coins from previous event), it took me too much time to get enough coins (due to seal clubbers, matchmaking, normall win rate etc.), I can't even imagine how can someone manage tmanage to get three or four legendary perks per event
    [QUTE]I agree that giving players legendaries too early is messing up newer player progression, so scaled rewards or more expensive, then-discounted based on league/level boxes would help with that.[/QUOTE]
    yes, giving new players legendary items is bad, but progress of newer players should be faster than progress of those high level players (compared with time when they were new players) because otherwise, it would be impossible to get to NM without paying or grinding much longer
    Reorge likes this.
  9. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    your ideas (in this thread and other threads )are selfish ,just because you can reach top players (top infamy ) you wanna increase their(your) reward and reduce the reward for other players ,
    you just want VIP players to have a massive advantage over non VIP players ,you said that high players have no reason to buy VIP ,that is normal ,why would you ever buy something in a game when you already have everything?if you wanna switch from T5E setup to T5L setup then buy pearls and not VIP ,

    and especially you want P2W players to crush F2P players ,

    but Devs love your ideas o_O,

    EI ? now gear score means how powerful your ship is ,it means if you won a match it is because of your skill and teamwork , with EI you will be punished for being skilled ,

    and for tickets ,you want tickets to get back because as you mentioned VIP players can get a higher capacity or lower CD,selfish ,

    and for coins:do you even know what is the advantages of saving coins ?you might say "yes I know " but you don't , because there is no advantage of saving coins,

    if you saved your 2 event coins and got 2.1k or you spent 1050 every event , what is the difference between your reward?
    nothing ,you will still get only 2 legendary perks ,and the same rare/epic pieces , and the same legendary pieces.
  10. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    even tri-tape fixers are less selfish:p
    if all his ideas were added, it would be impossible for anyone, except for top players, to even get legendary perks-BC cap combined with his 25 minute ticket cooldown is just *self censored*
    his other ideas like VIP boost were stupid, 5× bigger contribution towards guild quest, that's just *again self censored*
    only advantage of saving coins is, that you don't waste them (if you get enough coins), you will always (with current system) waste at least 10 coins per event (910 coins required to get perk)
    SWAT0013 and Kurd1stan. like this.
  11. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    lol, the only reason to save coins is there aren't no good perks ,but it is always like that ,
    Last edited: 7 Sep 2018
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  12. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I guess, that I wasted so far more than enough coins to get another perk;)
    so if I saved my coins, I could have another event perk
    Kurd1stan. likes this.
  13. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    I have found lately that this game has got full of legendary weapons etc and this can't be good as lots of people have spent a year working hard to get to the same place as someone can now do in a month hence why lots are leaving and getting annoyed. Rovio I am guessing has twigged this and so amended it slightly to balance this back out unfortunately the damage has been done as those experienced players are always going to be annoyed and the new players are always going to want easy ways to get the legendary weapons as they have no concept of what it is like to not be facing legendary weapons every match. I hope this waffle makes sense!
    Nicolas likes this.
  14. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Thanks for ur unconstrictive criticism.

    First, im not selfish. I can finish 4-5 rounds per event. I end up on 15+ wins streaks each event with 90%+ win ratio. (No to mention 1v1 and 2v2 events where we ended up with 100+ wins streaks).
    I consider it unfair to put me against unskilled players. (No to mention my op fleet mate). GS doesn't reflect ur skills. In ranked games infamy reflects how skilled you are. Similarly, in events EI will reflect how much ur setup/tactics are useful in this specific event. (EI won't be visible to players). It's just a factor to improve matchmaking in events.
    Skilled players will face skilled players
    Op players will face op players
    Sealclubbers will face sealclubbers
    weak players will face weak players
    Again, I don't want to face u in my battles. Similarly, u don't want to face @ShipCrusherCz in ur battles.

    Im not selfish. Im just giving some suggestions based on what i see in my battles. I want to limit events to 1-2 rounds to stop the abuse of events rewards. I want to balance rewards based on difficulty. If it's easy to collect BC then it should be hard to get good rewards. If it's hard to collect BC then it should be easy to collect good rewards.
    I want good rewards with harder opponents. You want op rewards with weaker opponents.
    Definition of Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.
  15. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Im glad that devs love my ideas :)
  16. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    nope, infamy can be easily manipulated
    nope, El could be manipulated as easily as normall infamy, just intentionally lose some matches to get easier opponents

    I would be happy if I faced him, instead of NM players (even met few 4.8k or higher infamy players), who are seal clubbing
    and only based on your your battles, you don't care about low level players
    limit by adding tickets and ticket cooldown so long, that it would be impossible to finish even one round
    [QUOTE I want to balance rewards based on difficulty. If it's easy to collect BC then it should be hard to get good rewards. If it's hard to collect BC then it should be easy to collect good rewards.[/QUOTE]
    if seal clubbing was completely fixed, than some kind of normall reward scalling could be good, but it's hard for newer players to get legendary perks, when there are NM players in low level battles, who can easily one shot ashot anyone else, it's imho already hard enough
    disscussion about easy matches for newer players is just irrelevant now, seal clubbers are making matches hard
    making it impossible for new players to get legendary perk, while also making it easy for players like you is what?
    if you disagree with the line above, please add why you disagree
    I will add maths and reasoning, then you will see what would your suggestions cause
  17. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Nope, they won't waste tickets to intentionally drop EI.
    I won't be much happy if I face you because I might spend 90% of my matches hitting the wall then I will attack you, so you won't be embarrassed. This is just a waste of time to keep your dignity.
    Based on my battles and many players (from all leagues Challenger to nightmare) who I talked to on discord and in-game.
    EI will solve this problem.
    It will solve this problem too
    **Making it easier for new players to be in fair matches to get their legendary perk, and making it harder for players like me to abuse events rewards is from a noble perspective.

    I want constructive criticism.
  18. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    they would, if they could get better
    I said "him", not you
    his setup would be probably closer (in terms of strenght) to my setup, than setups of seal clubbers
    so players want these changes, interesting...
    who would support idea, which would make something completely impossible for him?
    how? they could just simply intentionally lose matches


    1. BC limit...50×captain lvl
    you would need lvl 18 (or rather 19) to be able to store enough coins to get one legendary perk (but lvl 18 will will only allow you to store 900 coins, lvl 19 would allow you to store 950 coins, enough to safely get one perk), spending coins without being sure that you will get enough coins to fill rest of the legendary perk meter, anything could happen...no connection, you end in hospital etc., these situations would make it impossible to get the perk but you would lose all your progress
    2. tickets with 25 minute cooldown...explained that before
    3. tickets with 15 minute cooldown...again, explained before

    I will add more soon, now I need to go
  19. SWAT0013

    SWAT0013 Member

    23 Nov 2017
    He claims that players from Challenger to NM want these.

    I believe (at least some) players from NM and probably Ace want these as it would make harder for everyone to try to claim their position. Other players (if they are sane) highly doubt would support something that would make progress for them somewhere from much harder to nearly impossible... If you ask especially on lower leagues how many players finally got something useful or dupe to make them more competitive, that number would be close to 100%...
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  20. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I don't even need to ask anyone
    events made it possible for me to compete with mk6 ships, who have t4+ epics, and I am still under 2k infamy
    it would be impossible to get above them without event rewards

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