your ideas (in this thread and other threads )are selfish ,just because you can reach top players (top infamy ) you wanna increase their(your) reward and reduce the reward for other players ,
you just want VIP players to have a massive advantage over non VIP players ,you said that high players have no reason to buy VIP ,that is normal ,why would you ever buy something in a game when you already have everything?if you wanna switch from T5E setup to T5L setup then buy pearls and not VIP ,
and especially you want P2W players to crush F2P players ,
but Devs love your ideas

EI ? now gear score means how powerful your ship is ,it means if you won a match it is because of your skill and teamwork , with EI you will be punished for being skilled ,
and for tickets ,you want tickets to get back because as you mentioned VIP players can get a higher capacity or lower CD,selfish ,
and for coins:do you even know what is the advantages of saving coins ?you might say "yes I know " but you don't , because there is no advantage of saving coins,
if you saved your 2 event coins and got 2.1k or you spent 1050 every event , what is the difference between your reward?
nothing ,you will still get only 2 legendary perks ,and the same rare/epic pieces , and the same legendary pieces.
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