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Chat Moderators

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Donovan30, 5 May 2017.


Am I worthy of being a chat mod???

  1. Hell yes!

  2. Heck No!

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  1. Donovan30

    Donovan30 New Member

    5 May 2017
    So by now you should all now how much spam and inappropriate stuff there are on global. I was looking around forums and Rovio sites but couldn't really find anything related. I think they should add in chat mods so we don't get over 50-100 new messages every time we finish a match or just look around the game. From my perspective, I find it really annoying because I have the urge to get rid of those notifications whenever I see them. I'm a chat moderator in many other games especially MMOs and MMORPGs. I would like an opportunity if the game allows. I am 18 and can speak fluent Spanish and Chinese. So just give you your insights on this topic, please!
    TinkThank likes this.
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Chat moderators have become a necessity. Sad.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  3. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The chat is not only toxic, it's causing game lag.. something does need to happen. Chat was actually usable before global release
  4. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    yea global chat should be a place for finding people for your guild and normal chat about the game not for inappropriate stuff (you know what i mean i just dont wana get warning or something)
  5. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    can i be chat moderator too. :)
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Or perhaps add an infamy filter so people can choose whom they want to see chat messenges from.

    Just weeding out sub 300 would make a world of a difference
  7. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    There has been talk on this in the previous versions of the forum but the Devs decided not to implement it. Though they have decide to change their mind now I do not know
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Went to make coffee, general chat had 376 messenges when I returned a few mins later.

    Just the option to filter out below x threshold would help alot. As it is it serves no purpose, in theory I would like to be helpful and answer newbies questions, but any attempt drowns in the massive amount of posts.
    (Using the english chat)
  9. Finger-Bang007

    Finger-Bang007 Member

    19 Apr 2017
    The global english chat is now destroyed sadly. I find myself reporting/snitching on newbies that spend their time filling the chat with non sense/rasicm/hate speach and so on. Its not in my nature to snitch, but I have to think about the kids that play this game. Get more mods please.
  10. Donovan30

    Donovan30 New Member

    5 May 2017
    Yeah definitely!
    peaceful monkey likes this.
  11. ErikBludax

    ErikBludax New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    A mute button for players would also help a ton in this department. As well as having people who download the game in countries like India or Indonesia; GET SENT STRAIGHT TO INDO OR PUNJAB CHAT, not English!!!
    Finger-Bang007 likes this.
  12. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    no i am an indian and i want to stay in english chat and the national language is hindi not punjabi
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  13. ErikBludax

    ErikBludax New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    You can always swap over to English, and my bad on the hindi, the point being people from non English speaking countries are starting in English chat, and if they don't know English can't be helped in chat on how to switch to other languages, and end up with moderators telling them to do so IN ENGLISH which they don't understand: pointless
    Finger-Bang007 likes this.
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Actually they are not. People start in their own language chats automatically, if there is a chat for their language available.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  15. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    he is saying that maybe you should add a launguage of some country with 1.2 billion people you know (india) and indonesia
    Finger-Bang007 likes this.
  16. Tatted

    Tatted New Member

    5 May 2017
    Snitching won't help. I'm pretty sure those global trolls just wanna global troll lol. Mute does sound good tho.
  17. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Look at bright side for those who's really looking for -help -advise -compliment after match -friendship and guild invitation etc.It would be kind of sad if you mute all of them. we're in need auto banned spamming after all,it may help or maybe timer for global chat as such.I'm sure Devs will have best solution for the global chat problem in no time. (Chat moderators would be a great idea if Devs see fit)
    Last edited: 6 May 2017
    JJf and Stelmo like this.
  18. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    What about an option to toggle on/off global chat (all languages). We already have other ways to communicate which are guild chat if you have a guild and private messaging to talk to your buddies. For experienced players who dont really engage in global chat, then these 2 should be more than enough.. This feature should also clearly state that the global chat is "on/off". So that a player knows whats up incase he/she accidentally clicks the toggle button.

    For the new players who just want to say hello or have legitimate questions about the game, if we could somehow direct them to the forums since most of the information/answers are already here. Since global launch, this new forum has been more lively and active, so I think any question from newbies would be answered by forum regulars/developers/moderators in a matter of minutes...

    What about an achievement that unlocks global chat by registering in the forum. Or what about having a link/button that says "for Battle Bay tips, help, and more information about the game, please go to forum.battlebay.net" on top of the global chat box, for all to see. With how fast the messages go in global chat, the questions arent really being answered anyway. And again, most of the basic stuff(answers) are already posted here.

    As for the spam/nonsense/offensive stuff, Give them the ban hammer. Make the ban longer than whatever it currently is, because clearly it isnt working. Theres just too much spam and offensive messages in the global. Its very unhealthy. If theres a program that can automatically detect these trolls then even better. If not, then I suggest "Ban Moderators" instead of "Chat moderators".
  19. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I dont mean to sound harsh, but I think we all agree that the non-sense and offensive stuff has got to go. And as of now thats the best I can come up with.
  20. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Going into chat is now a waste of time. There's some good ideas here about how to fix that but one I don't see here and have enjoyed in other games is the ability to create your own group chat. Simply add, invite or distribute a code (different games use different processes) to the players you want in your chat and that's it. It strikes me now as I write this that the devs saw this coming and rather than create a chat system that was usable they created a pay chat as the only way to escape the madness of global.
    Donovan30 and Mr squiqqle like this.

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