Badass post, mate! Also, about this:
1. EXACTLY. Enfos are the most targeted(if there's no fixers on the team) and the NUMBER of times I've seen enfos going #YOLOSwag into the enemy team with their TS on, is more than my brain is capable of counting.
2. I guess I'm one of those 133+ enfos? When the enemy team is clearly less skilled than me(in my perspective, I mean) I tend to go Rambo and carry. I won't say that I never make the mistake of going Rambo on the wrong set of conditions, but the last time it happened was when I was LEARNING enfo mk6 lol.
3. Reverse tip: If you're not 133+, and you see a good enfo, remember not to pulse him unless its it's an emergency. Pulsing requires you to get into the line of fire, and though we can easily protect you from mortars and cannon shots, you'll be taking indirect damage from all the torps we might get hit by, and direct damage from any that we dance-dodge.
All in all, let me just say, to all but those 133+ fixers out there, DON'T be heroes. As vanguards, enfos and defenders WILL try to cover you if you get out of position. As your protectors, it sometimes means we have to sacrifice ourselves. As fixers, you need to know the difference between someone having gone Rambo and someone covering your escape from a bad position. Too many times, I have been that suicide distraction, and the fixer came back to try and save me regardless of the risk to him/her. Please don't.
You're the most important of pieces on the chessboard that is the battlefield. If you live longer, the team wins. Your team is NOT the most important asset, you are. Don't let it get to your head tho

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