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How to fleet with a Mediocre Fixer

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Oggog, 30 Aug 2018.

  1. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    Clarification: I have been asked multiple times what 133+ means. It is geek for Leet which is short for Elite.

    I frequently play with people that seem to think I am one of the UBER-E133+ fixers. This made me think I should explain how to have more success with a mediocre fixer such as myself, and what typically does not work unless you are with 133+. Most of this is just random thoughts and observations of things I've seen happen. Some of it is not directly related to fixing but is just annoying. Hope you enjoy.

    Here is my typical load-out so you can see what a mediocre FTP fixer is running with:


    If I fleet with shooters that I am familiar with, I will run dbl pulse with a bolt or dbl bolt with a pulse depending on their preference. I do take load-out requests if you are competent at keeping me alive.


    First off, I would like to establish that unlike 133+, mediocre fixers are not shields. If you play like I am a shield, we lose. This is KEY. 50% of my losses are because people play like that. Here are some situations where you are playing like I am a shield and it doesn't work.

    1) Taking high damage and not relocating. If you are taking on the other team 1v5 with me right next to you, I cannot save you. 133+ probably has the 75% perk chance to make you invincible for 15 seconds but I do not. I can make you invincible for 1.5 secs on my 10th shot if you are lucky. Unfortunately the other team will have unloaded all of their weapons twice by that time because you did not relocate. As you can see from my loadout, you'll likely be dead before the first round of unloading on you is finished because they all run a flare that blocks a significant portion of my mediocre healing. Please move.

    2) When you are almost dead because you found yourself in a bad spot but did decide to move, LET ME HEAL YOU. Many of you think that I am a shield (see point 1) and decide you REALLY need to get that extra shot off on the defender that still has 22K HP left. You peek out to satisfy your trigger finger and guess what, a) they never lost you as a target because you only waited long enough to see I was next to you before going back out, and b) they shot before you actually got to fire because they were leading you. You are dead, I didn't heal anything and you did no damage. PLEASE let me heal you up at LEAST enough to survive one more hit before getting twitchy. Also, I may still be on cool down from healing someone else. I'm not ignoring you. PATIENCE my friend.

    3) Regardless of what ship you are running, keep tabs on your team. If you are in the group, the group will sometimes reposition. Check to see if this has happened at least every 2nd shot. If so, reposition yourself or you just unwittingly fell under the GOING SOLO section of this post.

    4) As the mediocre fixer, it falls to me to decide fixing priorities. If you were smart and got out of the heat, I may not heal you right away because the other hero decided to stay in the heat. I will try to heal you both but you have to have patience and not revert to point 2 above just because my bolt went to someone with more HP than you.


    Unlike 133+, I cannot shoot through walls across the map. If you are a solo hero, yelling help when you are getting toasted by that lone fixer on the other side of the map is not going to get you any help. It just calls everyone else on your team's attention to how bad you are playing.

    1) Remember that one time at band camp 200 rounds ago where you went solo and flanked the other team and you won? Ya, that sucks. You didn't win because of your master strategy. Your team carried you. If you aren't a speeder or 133+, don't do this. If 133+ is doing this, you better be following to support. He understands the game better than us and that is just life.

    2) If you aren't sure who is leading the group here is what I normally do. Find the highest infamy person and follow them. They aren't always the best player but they usually are. If they have repeatedly established themselves as a solo hero, follow the next highest infamy. That way you at least always have a group of 2. The solo hero will get you killed even if you follow them.


    If you are going to spam the YES! command every time someone on your team dies, you better be the top player on the team. More often than not, the guy doing this is the worst player.

    If people yell Negative! Together! They are likely annoyed that you played solo hero. See GOING SOLO and watch the replay to learn from your mistake cause they are probably right.

    If you are 3100 infamy and you are playing with 4200-5K+ infamy, don't spam follow me! and then go solo. Just don't. If you can't figure out why not, see GOING SOLO. You are going to be yelling help once the heat starts, if you live long enough to get the help command off when it does.

    Spamming negative is time not spent doing something. Say it once if someone is doing something stupid and move on. The command is helpful and if someone says negative, check yo-self. They might be talking to you. Play as a team and don't be a douche.

    I know you have never done it, but even 133+ sometimes does something that turned out to be boneheaded. Calm down.
    Last edited: 31 Aug 2018
  2. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017

    I suck at healing defenders. Even when I fleet with awesome players I can't seem to be helpful to them as defenders. Just FYI. I think this has to do with the only strategy available to them. They all immediately charge in and try to pick off the opposing fixer(s). This is even if the other team has no fixer. If they get the fixer, we have a good shot to win. If not, we lose. (Yes, if the other team has no fixer and they charged, we lose.)

    If the other team has a defender(s), they are coming for me. 133+ fixer can just ignore him because they run 3 tapes while shielding/healing you. I cannot. If you know this and take action, we will likely win. As you can see from my load-out, I am equipped to run short distances and get away to heal. He is still coming for me and will eventually wear me down because he has a flare and it reduces my healing. Please kill him.

    1) If you are going solo during this, don't yell help. I am annoyed with you for leaving me for dead already. I probably won't heal you even if we both survive cause you suck for doing that.

    2) You are not a minesweeper. Rovio hasn't released that ship yet. Unless we need to stop the capture and there are no other options. Please don't. This is the fastest way to take out a defender.

    3) The best strategy I've seen against defenders is to kite them. They came solo and kiting them will keep them solo. They will also usually double as minesweeper if you kite them properly. If you don't know what kiting is let us know and we can explain.


    This is the only class I am okay with going solo, but this comes with conditions. I'm also ok with speeders that don't always do high damage if played right. You can be super valuable just being annoying once the battle engages.

    1) Don't engage 1 on 5 when the rest of your team can't even see the enemy. There is a 50-50 chance you do anything useful if you are 5K+ infamy, 0% if below 5k caliber. Otherwise you wasted all of our team's time and infamy cause you are dead before we even see one of the unfriends.

    2) Return for healing if you get hit. You have low hitpoints to begin with and your name is not Neo. And even if it is Neo, this is not the Matrix. (See GOING SOLO and shooting through walls)

    3) When you do return for healing I may be on cool down. Don’t sit there like a duck on a pond. Keep moving till I can get you healed back up. Can’t tell you how many times speeders came to me to be healed and were popped by a sniper or rail because they just sat there. See FIXERS ARE NOT SHIELDS.

    4) If we have another speeder, please pair up and look for the solo hero unfriends together. The more you can pick off, the better chance we have.


    Your name is not NEO and this is not the matrix. Just because every other post on this message board is complaining about double bubble, your tier 4 rare bubble does not make you invincible. Those posts are not complaining about you. You are the dream target and will likely die before my bolt recharges for a 2nd lifesaver achievement on you. 133t enforcers will solo the other team. If you have never done this, don't try it. It is always a groan when you lead the charge because you will likely just die and not have done any damage. These boats are my vote for most likely to yell YES! when someone else dies while actually being the worst on the team.


    You are my bread and butter. If you are half way decent, understand positioning and re-positioning, and have decent weapons, we are likely going to win. There are times when the other team unloads all 8 of their Big Berta's and the 2 railguns at once and hits all 5 of us in the bulls-eye, but those times are rare. I enjoy fleeting with good shooters the most (other than the elite 5k player in any boat). I have already explained bad shooter play in some of the other sections so I will just leave it positive here.


    I feel your pain brah.

    1) Don't use more than one tape cause I'm expecting you to heal me just like everyone else.

    2) At least the event coin situation seems to be fixed. Haven't played 2v2 or solo since it appears that way so jury is still out.


    If you did not just see a friend drop that mine, it is the enemy's mine and treat it as such. You are going to get us all killed. Keep your head on a swivel because that enforcer/fixer just dropped one behind you.


    There is not currently a way to remove the heal block effect. 133+ can ignore this and heal you regardless. If you have one flare on you, I can sort of keep you alive. Once you hit the 5th and 6th flare, you stayed in the open too long and are dead. Just because it doesn't kill you instantly doesn't mean you should stay and ask for more. If you aren't sure if it was a flare or a fire bomb, assume it is a flare.


    These are tough. I can heal through them if you stay close and don't keep collecting hits. Getting hit with fire drastically increases the other team's DPS because of fire perks. If you have a flame on you please reposition because you are now high risk.


    If I am on your team and leading in damage then you did not do well. Watch the replay and try to learn what went wrong. This is true even if we win. I should rarely lead in damage unless the other team's speeders went hunting for my mines. Many wins I do zero damage.


    If the other team is on us, they are after me. Try to focus them one at a time so we can increase the chances of wins. Call a target. If someone has already called a target, don't be a douche and call a 2nd. If you are in not in range of the target that is on me, see section GOING SOLO.


    If you are playing as a group, this is the most useful command. I sometimes do it if the other team is weak and I have time but it should really be a shooter or enforcer calling the target IMO. Others may disagree and I'm happy to field suggestions.

    1) If you are a solo hero, please don't call a target. We are just going to ignore you and you are cluttering up the screen and interferring with anyone legitimately calling the target.

    2) Sometimes high level players (not me) will just instinctively attack the right target. If you are calling a target that they are not hitting, you are just being annoying. Figure out what is going on first.

    3) If someone is yelling help and calling a target, check to see if you are in range. They likely need help dealing with someone charging in solo and you can quickly give your team a leg up.

    4) Don't be afraid to switch targets if the current one was smart and re-positioned. If you are the spotter and don't call the new target, solo hero will dive in trying to get that last hit thinking he will win it for you. This never works and hero just dies while not actually finishing the target. So do us all a favor and call a new target when appropriate.

    5) I understand these points are somewhat contradictory. Please use your best judgement to determine what scenario you are in. Watch replays.


    My friend Frosty is 133+. If you fleet with him, please ignore all my advice. He will surely appreciate super aggressive play ignoring the consequences. Other than him, I have not fleeted with this elusive 133+ fixer that is encouraging the above mentioned types of play.

    I also fleet with the much misunderstood Penal Code 187. Pretty sure many of you have had PMs from him kindly explaining that you should not partake in the above behaviours.


    You suck. I took the time to write it and it's not that long. Not that it's worth reading just because I wrote it so maybe you don't suck that bad. Probably not very accurate anyway, just like my aim.
    Last edited: 31 Aug 2018
  3. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I’m sure if I remember even half of your advice in battle I’ll be a better player.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  4. rexaroni

    rexaroni Member

    20 Nov 2017
    What a great post - not saying that b/c I'm above any of the mentioned behaviors (I am certainly guilty of some), but this is a super helpful guide written in a hilariously witty manner that I think almost anyone can learn from.

    Thanks for taking the time to formulate this. It should stay visible to all players, especially inexperienced ones.
  5. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    If you need heal, dont stay behind a fixer, fixer is not a shield and the bolt cant go backward. Not to mention the fixer will most likely cant see you. Dont expect to go solo 1 v 5 and then spam HELP!! the fixer’s life worth more than you.
  6. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    Thanks for the kind words. Here is a replay where you can see some of the mentioned behaviors going on and it still has a happy ending. Plus it is worth watching because Al is just handsome.

    Gilligans Island likes this.
  7. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I'm actually jealous. You're a FTP at level 47 with at least 6, Tier 5 Epic items.
    I am level 47, and spend money on VIP, the Holiday Epic Container deals, a handful of pearl divers and a few other random daily deals..
    I still do not have a single TIER 5 EPIC item. Not one. I am waiting on Dupes for the items I actually play. The items that I do have enough to make a Tier5, are not items I use, so I keep them at Tier 2 for quests.
    Even if I had Dupes, it is going to take months to get enough Epic and Rare parts to get them to level 50.
    I wonder what I did wrong. Maybe I spent too many resources leveling up Rares.
  8. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    I probably have been playing WAY longer than you then. If you are VIP it speeds up training so you were able to get to 47 much faster than I did. I don't have any idea how long I have been playing because I started quite a while back. I did two months of VIP a LONG time ago but decided it wasn't worth the cost. I watch a ton of ads though, so there is that.

    Oh, and my guild is awesome. We don't get a lot of first places because the devs decided they hate guilds that buy boosts and put us all against each other. (I don't buy them often and never with real cash, but my guild is kind enough to let me stay and hump out trophies.) We rarely finish less than 72 quests. These raffle tokens add up a ton over time on improving your chances at needed upgrades. Even after they nerfed the raffle, it still pays dividends to save up to almost max tokens and then go at it.

    At least you are getting all the valuable insights from the VIP chat. ;)
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  9. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    In retrospect, this probably should have gone in the strategy forum. Sorry guys.
  10. GCC- Fro5Ty

    GCC- Fro5Ty New Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Dammit Ogg .. don't tell them to ignore ur advice when they see me on their team.. I will refuse to heal them solo heros .. I like when we are all teamed up .. we have way better odds ..
    Thank you to my team that got me 119k heals and 2nd on the Heals record list
  11. Gilligans Island

    Gilligans Island New Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Very insightful
  12. EduardoMeliss

    EduardoMeliss Member

    29 May 2018
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Badass post, mate! Also, about this:

    1. EXACTLY. Enfos are the most targeted(if there's no fixers on the team) and the NUMBER of times I've seen enfos going #YOLOSwag into the enemy team with their TS on, is more than my brain is capable of counting.

    2. I guess I'm one of those 133+ enfos? When the enemy team is clearly less skilled than me(in my perspective, I mean) I tend to go Rambo and carry. I won't say that I never make the mistake of going Rambo on the wrong set of conditions, but the last time it happened was when I was LEARNING enfo mk6 lol.

    3. Reverse tip: If you're not 133+, and you see a good enfo, remember not to pulse him unless its it's an emergency. Pulsing requires you to get into the line of fire, and though we can easily protect you from mortars and cannon shots, you'll be taking indirect damage from all the torps we might get hit by, and direct damage from any that we dance-dodge.

    All in all, let me just say, to all but those 133+ fixers out there, DON'T be heroes. As vanguards, enfos and defenders WILL try to cover you if you get out of position. As your protectors, it sometimes means we have to sacrifice ourselves. As fixers, you need to know the difference between someone having gone Rambo and someone covering your escape from a bad position. Too many times, I have been that suicide distraction, and the fixer came back to try and save me regardless of the risk to him/her. Please don't.

    You're the most important of pieces on the chessboard that is the battlefield. If you live longer, the team wins. Your team is NOT the most important asset, you are. Don't let it get to your head tho:p
  14. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    What does 133+ mean?
    TheAntiSnipe and Ultrah like this.
  15. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Good post,but I really have to give up after watching your first post.......
    However unfortunately,teamates saying yes yes yes is common among higher tier battles......
    Also,it seems to be you misunderstanding penal code,he sent hate messages to 4 players in 2 days,which broke the world record.Kindly explaining?I think nah buddy.....
  16. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    Lost in translation.
  17. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Yeah, I’d love it if everyone read this thread. Too bad not everyone who plays Battle Bay has a forum account.
  18. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Um buddy what do you mean?
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I like using new terms lol
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  20. Oggog

    Oggog Active Member

    3 Oct 2017
    rexaroni and Gilligans Island like this.

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