maybe I should post thread:
you wanna have easy-to-build setup? play shooter

shooters have imho easiest setup building of all ships...weapon achievements are relatively relatively easy source of good items (you don't need to level up your epics that much when you can easily get legendary weapon which is as strong as lvl 34 epic and stronger than t5 rare)
other ships need multiple blue items (defender, turbo, big shield and other slots filled with std shields if possible) or yellow items (enfo if you want to use that "incredibly op" DB setup or speeder, if you want bi-nitro setup) or greens (fixers tend tend to use two same items and one different, for example two bolts and pulse/tape)
only greens and weapons can be obtained through achievements, all other items are purely RNG dependant
and shooters can use majority of weapons (19 weapons in totall), two (or maybe three) yellow items are dead (frosts+maybe tesla bolt), two blue items are not that usefull (rudder and gear lube) and one green item is not that usefull (repair box launcher)
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