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Strategic stun improvement

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by JoshW, 26 Aug 2018.


Which option would you prefer or do you think will be the most beneficial.

  1. Option (A.)

  2. Option (B.)

  1. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    (A.) Add a base stat to the stun that creates a 50/50 chance a friendly shot will do no damage and not break the stun. OR (B.) even have a few seconds at the start of the stun where it cannot be broken nor damage dealt to the unfriend.

    I use stuns strategically to create a 1v1 scenario rather than 2v1 and it's pretty frustrating when my team "accidently" breaks the stun early. Im not 100% sure if its teammates who dont understand why im stunning unfriends or if they just got thier shot off while my stun was in transit. Using either of the methods above will help to minimize this frustration by either a. Having a chance that my oblivious teammate won't ruin my strategy or b. Give my teammates more time to recognize that the unfriend was stunned. This is not the only strategy that evolves leaving an unfriend stunned but it is the one that I use the most which is why I used it as an example.
    I'm sure I'm not the only one who has this issue so let me know what you think
  2. HappyUnicorn789

    HappyUnicorn789 Well-Known Member

    28 May 2017
    option B makes good sense. So the same can be applied to frost as well
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I would agree with you. The biggest problem for both frost and stun at the moment isn’t cooldown or anything like that. It’s the risk your own teammate breaks the frost or stun, especially if they have no time to react to the opponent getting frosted/stunned.

    It is an interesting theory - having a chance that the stun/frost doesn’t break when hit.
    Building upon your suggestion, I would suggest a system that:
    • The chance of the frost/stun being broken increases the longer the frost/stun lasts; AND
    • The chance of the frost/stun being broken increases the greater the damage dealt by the weapon
    Therefore if a ship was hit by a small amount of damage (say outer ring from a mortar) in the first few seconds of a frost/stun then it would have a low chance of being broken, but the same damage later on would have a greater chance of breaking it. But if it receives a big hit at any time then it would be be broken.
    Last edited: 27 Aug 2018
  4. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Tesla Bolt (stun):
    • Shots fired before the target is stunned should reduce stun duration to 50%
    • Stun should invert controls
    • If the target is on fire stun duration should be reduced to 50% (Reason: To nerf Flare/Stun combo)
    • Tesla Bolt should break bubbles and stun the target.

    Frost Blaster:
    • Shots fired before the target is frosted should reduce frost duration/effect to 50%
    • Frost projectile should be more curved to make it easier to hit the target.
    • Chill cannon perk should be counted as a frost effect. In other words, it should give you extra dmg with torps/mortars.
    PastelPiku, JoshW and Mr. Joseph like this.
  5. HappyUnicorn789

    HappyUnicorn789 Well-Known Member

    28 May 2017
    I like the idea to invoke an unbreakable period
    PastelPiku and JoshW like this.
  6. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I think stun would be cooler if it locked your controls, keeping you moving in the same direction as before you got stunned.
    Agree, but the stun should only be as long as a shield break stun.

    Totally agree with everything else.

    Yessss, even just 1 second would be good enough for accidentals. Maybe it can be extended with perks, up to max of 4 seconds with 4 epic perks? That would make the most optimal perk values +0.25/0.50/0.75 seconds.
    JoshW and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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