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Best ways to nerf DB ( poll)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SupremeCalamitas, 16 Aug 2018.


So, best Tesla shield nerf?

  1. 10 second period where another Tesla shield can't be used

  2. Limit use to 1 per ship

  3. Make crit damage go through Tesla shields ( keep in mind that this is sniper buff)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Make all remaining damage go through Tesla shield

  5. Make remaining crit damage go through Tesla shields ( keep in mind this is sniper buff)

  6. Make TS break stun longer

  7. Lengthen TS cooldown ( see 2 votes below)

  8. HP nerf ( see below)

  9. Duration nerf ( Please don't select this, I just had to put the standards on here)

    0 vote(s)
  10. Allow crits on TS. All remaining damage still absorbed.

  1. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I don't use Tesla bolt. Last time I checked, some idiot teammate tends to remove the stun. Tesla bolt isn't any better than frost.

    I need to wait until mk6 to use Tesla shield on speeder, and believe me, using shooter is the worst in master league, especially mk4 ( haven't upgraded yet, duh)
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    you don't use it, so it's bad? tesla bolt is strong (so is frost), you just need how to use it:rolleyes:
    just checked top 50 in BB and bay stats
    none double nitro speeder in top 50, they (top 50 speeders) use ofc tesshield but also tesla bolt-it can't be that bad if top players use it Screenshot_20180817-190331.png Screenshot_20180817-190236.png Screenshot_20180817-190226.png Screenshot_20180817-190214.png Screenshot_20180817-190207.png Screenshot_20180817-190657.png Screenshot_20180817-190740.png Screenshot_20180817-190801.png

    back to your idea, they (enfos) spent weeks/months to get their shields, some of them also money and now you (and some other forum members) suggest limiting the number of tesshields to only one per ship, if this was implemented, then they would deserve getting their resources (maybe also money) back or possibility to choose equally leveled yellow item (with perks) to replace one og their shields...
  3. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Whats the guatantee that the bubble limit will not accidentally applied to other item/setup. That would hurt more player who have double or triple setup
    TheAntiSnipe and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  4. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I don't use Tesla bolt because some idiot teammate ( people in masters league are still pretty stupid for me... can I get put into ace pls) tends to cut the stun WAY short. Basically makes it useless. People in higher leagues don't have to deal with this, so they can use Tesla bolt.

    I don't have dr buzzkill trained anyway, and I'm not wasting 750,000 gold on an item I might not even LIKE.
  5. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I am in master too -_-
    used it between 1.3-1.4k infamy, no issues with teammates, my buzzkill is lvl 11 (but it was maybe 8, I leveled it up)
    I was playing like assassin so my teammates had no chance of breaking my stun, I attacked targets that were far from my teammates, yet high priority (fixer, sniping shooter etc.)
    as I said, you just need to know how to use it:rolleyes:

    and no reply to other parts of my posts?
  6. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I am more of a scout than an assassin. I usually stay back when there's still many enemies alive, but when there's 3 enemies I go in. I'm good at timing my intros ( I have learned to nitro RIGHT when they shoot, but I don't do that much, since I don't need to. Not good at close range anyway).

    Basically I'm in the main battle, so if I use Tesla bolt, some idiot's gonna cancel it.

    Also I just need speed, because why the fuck is the point of speeder if you're slower than a sack of shit drifting on the water?
  7. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    so you are saying, that all those top speeders don't know how to play their ship?
  8. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Thats what u guys want(ntro nerf, bubble nerf) ....to completely destroy yellow boat.......earlier u all cried for stun nerf, frost nerf and destroyed all the good combos speeder used whether it is frost topr or fire combo.
    All other yellow items were counter to shield but u guys destroyed them and now bubble.
    Now u guys wanna do same with enforcer .
    Destroying shield ....aslo waveblower and harpo are crying for flare bc nerf and u all cry for bubble nerf so that same thing happens which happened to speeder.
    Anything a smart player uses to climb leaderboard is OP in your view.
    You all are willing to destroy All yellow items and almost yellow ships.
    Learn from some good players used specific boat (same as you) how to climb leaderboard without whinning.
    Spending years playing battle bay and spending hours to build combos then we get to know that it got nerfed....all dedication in dustbin within couple of second solves nothing
    Stop being selfish and grow up
    Think about improving the game rather than finding flaws.

    All items were balanced when the game was released but u guys cried and they nerfed certain items creating vaccum between all other leading to a series of nerfing all items.
    Soon after nitro is going to be nerfed and time by time game will be destroyed.
    Think again and save the game paying money and time, new friends all get destroyed with nerf.
  9. Mati

    Mati New Member

    3 Aug 2017
    My idea with the 10 seconds, I think it seems reasonable or maybe 8 seconds seems like a reasonable window. The problem I see is with the introduction of health perks, A single weapon can’t break a shield unless it’s a railgun, And with this enforcers can abuse te double shield because the can activate both at once which is a problem because they are still protected while stunned from the first shield break. You said enforcers can’t survive concetrated fire for too long, but this applies to any ship, Yeah speeders and stuff can heal but you’re talking about concentrated fire which will destroy any ship. A skilled battle bay player, not just enforcer, should avoid concetrated fire anyway. By having a short delay, this gives a bigger opening, and will prevent enforcers from easily overlapping the tesla shields and avoiding the consequence of the stun from shield break. The delay will also make them think twice of using health perks because if the duration is not long wnough to cover the 10 seconds, they will naturally have a window of vulnerability. In the current situation, enfrcers can keep their shields for 16+ seconds straight and then have essentially 4 seconds where they are invulnerable, which is too small of a window as they can easily reach cover. This delay I think is also good because it does not affect single shield users due to the regular cooldown being 20 seconds already.
    Argo53 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So kill an entire playstyle instead.

    Seems legit
    ShipCrusherCz and LimeOnMars like this.
  11. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    So agree with this, we players are the one who destroyed our own beloved game.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Guys, I'll make my position clear.
    I'm in favour of nerfing double bubble, and as many top ENFO MAINS agree, I think it is definitely disturbingly overpowered.

    However, people asking for a COMPLETE removal of the double bubble's playstyle reveals a sense of selfishness and high-handedness that not even the frost nerf showcased. It is a barbaric, inelegant excuse of a solution that would almost definitely make double bubble mains quit the game. And I don't blame them. This is not just on the level of frost, this is a million levels above it. You're completely removing the entire concept of Battle Bay here.

    Listen for yourselves. 1:15
    Is it really Battle Bay if the devs' vision is edited out of it?
  13. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Btw, lets start making the best out of what we have rather than what we want to have. :)
  14. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    When the playstyle is gamebreaking, sure. Seems very legit.
  15. AntiHero

    AntiHero Active Member

    10 Apr 2018
    Holy carp this thread is intense!
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  16. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Cute how you take the opportunity to make a threat on behalf of an entire subsection of the player base. They might leave because their bullshit playstyle got rightfully deleted? One thing to say to that:

  17. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    ok, then forbid more than one mortar/firebomb/torp/mine/sniper
    they're game breaking:rolleyes:
    multiple snipers/firebombs/mortars/torps/mines are BS playstyle so we are allowed to spam the same thing ("forbid them")?
  18. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    The stats might be misleading because of the TDM. If you play speeder without turbo, what is the point of playing speeder at all? I have seen 1 fixer at 5K with no turbo but he's like a hybrid selfish fixer. PeterKing is the top player in the game without a turbo. Many high end enforcers are without turbo these days. There is a huge difference there.

    Back to topic. I am against all the methods the OP presented as it hurts the single user more. I thought of the idea of only allow 1 TS to be activated every 10 seconds. So if your TS disabled or broke immediately, then you can't activate another one until the 10s is up. It's only a slight nerf. However, I prefer to buff a few of it counters. I stated somewhere that frost should cut TS timer in half. Hitting the ship directly also reduce the hp of the TS. This also affect speeder but it's logical.

    It was clear that the Telsa bolt was the reason why speeder was so OP last year but it was not the only reason. Most people forgot that the trainings gave 10% to fire and frost combos where it's only 5% now. There are several reasons the speeders are not as lethal now as they where. TB protect the speeder immensely now it's not as dependable. Frost got nerfed to death. Combos are not as deathly yet after some combos, the speeders are exposed due to the TB cooldown nerfed. Speeders was the best counter for double bubbles enfos but they got nerfed harshly. Let not make enfos disappeared too but force them to play smarter. They cannot tank better than defenders.
  19. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Easy solution. Start cooldowns of tesla shields at end of shield, both break and duration completion. Not when you press the button to activate shields.

  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Cute how you use the only point that counters you as a reply to my comment. Almost like you're here for more of a response than an actual solution to the problem.

    I said, I don't blame them if they DO quit.
    I'll say it to your face, trying to remove a playstyle because it pisses you off is selfish. Nerfing it is fine.

    Also, the way you present yourself insults the efforts of the playerbase that play DB as well. Anything you want to say about that? First, have you even tried DB? If you want to ask for a nerf as well as define what that nerf is going to be, you'd better see it from both sides of the coin. DB is not OP because "it simply is", there are a multitude of factors making it OP. Removing it is like, "Remove mines from ranked, they're bullshit". While yes, minespam is BS in the opinion of quite a few, it is still not banned or anything. Well, I tell you what. If you're so bent on destroying double bubble, let's all just campaign for the disallowing of ALL double equip setups. What ship do you main? How would you feel if your double small shield defender became outlawed? Or your double ex shooter, or your double bolt fixer? How would you feel if an epic T5 you spent months, maybe a year to build, became unusable, and you had to scrap it? Tell me honestly, would you not quit?

    Since you seem to be here for the reactions rather than a responsible way to nerf a setup anyway, and since your entire defence is that their entire playstyle(which you consider bullshit) is wrong...

    I don't really care. Because I've had backup setups in place for a while. I have an enfo setup, a workable one, that has absolutely zero repetition of gear. So I'm signing off on this, I've said what I needed to.

    Take that gif right back at ya.

    Oh yeah, and P.S. It's not like DB enfos had a CHOICE. There's only two 2 slot yellow items in-game. One of them is dead. What else did you think was gonna happen? If there were only two 2 slot reds in BB, the big torp and the excannon, do you think people would still use the excannon if it was nerfed by 80%? Of course not, they would move to the big torp, and then torp spamming would be a thing.

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