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How would you fix Event Seal Clubbing?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by xArrogance, 18 Aug 2018.

  1. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    1) Current Method ...

    a) Skill Tree bonuses (Power Score)
    *Probably the most difficult part of this equation*
    You don't want to read a book about how complicated this is, so just trust me.

    b) Empty item slots
    E.g., if an item slot is empty -> replace the 0 value with the highest equipped item's GS. *empty perk slots may still need adjustments too*

    c) Minimum item level differences
    To prevent someone from using dual T1 legendaries with all uncommon items as filler.

    E.g., for every item that has a GS less than 50% of the highest gear score item -> adjust those item GSs up to the 50% mark.

    c) Weigh red items more heavily than yellow, blue, and green items
    Since weapons do the most damage, they should be more heavily weighted, right?

    E.g., (sum of red items/# of red items)* 0.8 + (sum of other items/# of other items) * 0.2 = adjusted gear score

    Adjusted Gear Score + Power Score = Player rating for matchmaking.

    Issue: It's very difficult to make a formula that doesn't overrate players using their normal items, underrate GS manipulators, and/or punish players with one good item.

    Try it using examples from the screenshots. See if you can come up with a formula that's balanced and can't be manipulated - using actual numbers.

    2) One ship to rule them all ...
    Or, upgrading one ship, upgrades all ships..
    • Players will be discouraged from upgrading, so nothing solved there.
    3) Forced, free ship upgrades
    • People will still manipulate GSs for easier matches
    • But ... more importantly, the large, forced jumps in competition may discourage people or make them quit. Or, at the very least, discourage them from training captains (to keep xp down).
    4) Standarized Skill Tree

    If a mk2 ship (and equipped items) are limited to T2 of the Skill Tree, this eliminates the need for Power Score adjustments.

    But you still have the issue of trying to create a one-size-fits all formula that prevents seal clubbers

    Bottom line - there is no easy solution.
    Last edited: 18 Aug 2018
    StrictSalmon307 and PastelPiku like this.
  2. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    However - the best solution in an imperfect world is ...

    Scaled Rewards:
    Mk1 - maximum of 3 coins earned per match
    Mk2 - max 6
    Mk3 - max 9
    Mk4 - max 12
    Mk5 - max 15
    Mk6 - max 18
    Mk7 - max 20

    1) Incentivize players to use their best ship.
    • Seal clubbing quickly loses its interest when you're sacrificing coins by using a lower tiered ship. As opposed to now, where it's more of an incentive to drop ship tiers and farm easier coins.
    • And, even if players drop one ship level, more players at that level will have access to the same items they might use to lower their GS (i.e., tier 1 legendaries).

    2) Newer players will be less discouraged.
    a) New Player smackdown

    Since it takes 2 weeks to earn your first legendary, these new players are beating the stuffing out of even newer players - discouraging them from playing .. and this cycle will only continue to get worse - further discouraging new players.

    b) Slowing down progression during these early levels is good for the game

    The progression used to go from common (for a short time) -> mid-level uncommons (CapLev 8-20) -> mid-to-max rares (CapLev 20-42) -> mid-level epics or T1 legendaries (CapLev 43-50) -> And max epics eventually.

    Now, it's common & uncommon (for a short time) -> T1 rare -> T1 epic -> T1 legendary (CapLev 14)

    Since players get their T1 Legendaries at an early level, they're not wasting pearls to expand their inventory and save epic duplicates, nor the time/energy it takes to level them up to T4 (so its stronger than a T1 legendary).

    And, since they rarely earn legendary parts from scrapping or raffles, they'll get stuck with their T1 legendaries in Ace or Master's League until they get bored and quit.

    Before you say it ...
    Not in BattleBay. There is a ceiling you hit where you're scrapping 33 out of every 35 epics you get, because you only need a few specific items. With RNG, this could take a year to get what you need. Similarly, it would take years to build up a full arsenal of legendary gear from playing events.

    New players can catch up in less than a year purely by no-lifing events.
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2018
  3. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    It's simple just have every one in events have mk7 and t5 epic equivalent weapons . Look at pubg you can get maxed weapons the first match and every matchq flooring for 0 money . Hmm and pubg is getting rich like that. Just like rovio had the "ESPORTS MATCH" they could simply set all events like that . Win win folks play events and there mouth waters wanting to lvl up so they can be that strong in ranked matches . That game is so awesome game play best I've ever played . But completely unfair and frustrating to lvl up . They could sell boat skins pearls for all kinds of things so many other game a ftp player can have maxed weapons just like ptw by grinding .and you can in this game after 2 6rs of grinding. This a competitive game and real copmetion folks use equal eqipment and THEN YOU SEE WHO REALLY HAS SKILLS . This game has ESPORTS written all over . But 5 on 5 mat h making ahs to be incorporated look at pubg you can have 4 man sqads right away and it WORKS more team works equals more comrodry more fun more interest in game . Rovio needs to take a long look at com2us golfstar game models next games walking dead model pubg models all tbose game are very successful have been for years . And completive and make money . I hope rovio keeps working to improve this game because of it's one of a kind awesome gameplay if I could fleet with five of my guild in real guild wars set up like there ESPORTS model was we're everyone have to woic equivalent gear it would be so much more interesting . Set up events like baewatch does they can have 24 he events to 3nter 5 man teams in elimqntion matches then the next 24 hrs the win ers in those brackets play off and the winner in that bracket the next 24 hr window for the playoffs . I say 24 hrs in other words guilds matched and have 24 hrs to get together and play the opponent . I'm just throwing ideas out there but the key imo to agmes is GULDS. And comrodry and 5 man fleeted matches is the answer to that with everyone equal weapons for those matches . I'm no dev but I have ayed other games that devs have figured out how to incorporate all this and make money rovio has full access to all that info I'm sure . Anyhoo just my 2 cents and it and worth spit . I just love this game play and really hope down the road some equal equipment matchups on 5 man fleeted teams can happen . 3 man event 2 man 4 man events 1 on 1 events but a with eqaul weapons lvls that real competition you win like that and nobody can doubt your skill and would be awesome
  4. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    i made a post, but no one reads it. here it is:
    make lower ships have a 'max' damag they can deal

    thats means an mk1 can deal 1600 dmg with an xcannon.
    maybe the maxmum will be 300-400.

    that means mk1s face mk1s, mk2s face mk2s, and so on.

    now the game will be more fair, without people being 1 shooted by big torps, and speeders like me will have a chance to actually deal some dmg.

    but say there is a nooby mk7 thatll face unfair opponents.- the mmk7 has lots of xperience, and thus should not be nooby
    nooby mk5- will have to gain xperience by just playing.
    nooby mk1- the ship is either nooby or not. - the noob will learn slowly, keep playing.
    and the 'seal cluuber' mk1 will just have to grind to upgrade the ship.


    *i didnt mean to leech onto someon eles post for likes, its just i dont get attention, and i dont wanna 'bump' myself like some people, @SupremeCalamitas*
  5. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    In your bed, computer, and screen
    good idea (no like yet, but good work), but whats you point?

    youre just saying why bb is good.

    but lets cut to the chase, shall we?

    tournament std-you get a cutom inventory with whatever items you want to equip. when you put it ona weak boat, its automatically weakened.

    but on a mk7 ship, it gets crazy upgrades (equivalent of mk7s strength)

    mk1 - t1 u
    mk2 - t1 r
    mk3 - t2 r
    mk4 - t3 r
    mk5 - t3 e
    mk6 - t4 e
    mk7 - t2 leggy

    the ship will automatically adjust to the level you are playing with. ay ur enfor mk5.
    the custom inventory will make all ships to the highest one so far (still mk5)

    good idea?
  6. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    In your bed, computer, and screen
    And another idea:
    to make events less op/crazy

    nerf shields by 10%,
    buff ships hp by 10%.

    this makes people use shields less, adding more variety and you wont see mk1 def with 5k hp.--
    --which leads to the point-
    ship has a max cap of strength

    that means a big shield at mk1 will cap at around 400 hp
  7. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Wow, there's a lot there .. all in one paragraph - so I might miss some things.

    1) I'm sure they could add skins and make money, but it wouldn't change the type of game.

    There are probably other ways to make money that would relieve the pressure of having to charge for things like power cells, so that's not a bad idea.

    2) BB is a little different type of game than PUBG .. In PUBG, you run around collecting for 10 minutes, then it eventually winds down to a few players. Next game, everything restarts to 0. I'm not a huge fan of it. Each game is random. They don't match based on the central idea of giving you a challenges each match like BB does.

    This is more of a card collection game like clash royale. Although I quit playing CR because the top of the ladder was rigged and the game felt like too much of a money grab, I do feel like there are some things they did well - like balancing changes and new content.

    3) If you hit the top, you'll see .. 2 person fleets can be overpowering. Certain 5 player fleets - with people used to working together - would be near unbeatable. It wouldn't work in BB. It's a smaller community. The elite players are already stacked in the top 3-4 guilds.

    Anywho, you work towards items and sets in BB .. it builds a sense of investment in the game. As your items get better and you get better - you rise further up ... it's a partnership. (Insert your own Pokemon reference here). In PUBG, you can easily move on to the next fad .. you're not losing anything other than a custom skin or two.
    Last edited: 18 Aug 2018
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  8. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Two big issues would remain with your idea.
    1) Captain level bonuses would still be a huge advantage.
    2) Even if you eliminated those, more experienced players are better than new players. And, more experienced players can get easier coins by using a mk2 - facing mk2 competition - than facing mk6-7s. You have to eliminate that advantage.
  9. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Yeah. That would work. Basically make an open inventory and tournament standard. You could even give everyone access to mk7s and max legendaries.

    Of course, I - like most people - would only play events. Why spend time collecting and leveling up items if you can play them for free in events?
  10. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    you use regular ones for customs and ranked (like cr)
    you mean trains? oh yeah, youll be able to train whoever you want,(that means noobs can still have higher stuff) for 0 time, and youll get to select it. (it doesnt stay and gives 0 xp)
    and yes, your team can still be bad and you can lose-i forgot to say that the rewards are more if the boat is higher
  11. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I think with the amount of thought our forum has put into preventing seal-clubbing, the OP is correct. There is no EASY solution.

    The ONLY solution seems to be equalization of Ship MK and Weapon strength during the events. Everyone has the same gear and talents, nobody can seal-club. Obviously those with highest skill are going to do the best. This is not an EASY solution either, I am not in the tech business, so I don't know the extent of programming to make this happen, but the developers would have to devote the resources to making this happen if they truly want to stop manipulation during the events.
  12. ●H€ll-Blad€●

    ●H€ll-Blad€● Active Member

    29 Sep 2017
    so u r proposing an idea where strong plyers will be more strong and weak will be more weak
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  13. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Great post :)
    Could you break up the paragraph a little into pieces that are relevant to each other? This would make it easier to read/follow.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  14. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I just bump myself so that someone can actually realize I posted an idea, nobody ever notices. So don't be an asshole about it
  15. Lucent

    Lucent New Member

    3 Aug 2018
    This is extremely complicated. How about keeping it simple... something easy like league specific events.
  16. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    In your bed, computer, and screen
    Yes, I’ll do that too, it’s like liking yourself, nothing *wrong*, no?
  17. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    It's barely 'liking' yourself. I'm simply trying to make sure people actually NOTICE my ideas.

    Shut Your little mouth up. Just drop the topic or I'm ignoring you.
  18. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Read the original post ...

  19. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I thought of that ..

    But, as Warhawk has pointed out - event rewards are much, much better than league rewards .. so you'd only create more of an incentive to infamy tank or never play infamy matches at all.

    In other words ... if it's the same event rewards for all, and your event competition gets harder as you climb infamy, the best strategy is to keep your infamy as low as possible to maximize your coins earned per hour.

    Regardless, one line of code to determine the number of possible coins (based on ship mk) or one line code to determine your league for event matching has the same level of complication.
  20. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    How about this, we want to discourage sealclubbing via gearscore manipulation, so we make coin distribution tied to your gearscore. First we double up coin requirements for rewards (each box requires 70 coins to open, legendary perk at 1800 coins). Next we increase the max coins per battle to 20 coins, then we distribute coins based on gearscore. The higher your gearscore, the closer you will be to obtaining 20 coins for top contribution.

    For example, a guy with top contribution with 10k gs will get 20 coins, meanwhile another dude with 5k gs (different match) will get 10 coins. This will completely discourage sealclubbing, while making sure people still have the incentive to upgrade their items and use their most powerful ones for events.

    The only drawback will be newbies will be farming coins at a much slower rate, instead of currently farming their god tier equips as fast as senior players. But as any kind of progression based grinding goes, this should be the way, the stronger you are, the better your rewards.
    Fluid Bait likes this.

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