Like usual I will try to keep it short & sweet, to the point, and without going off on too many tangents.

As we all know, there's been complaints for a long while now that Frost is useless and needs a buff, and just as many or more complaints about the flare being to strong because of the Flare & Blast/Ex Cannon Combo. Oh and I can't forget to mention Firebomb as well, since this idea will pertain to all fire! Anyway without any further ado, here's the solution... 

Whenever anyone on your team gets hit by a Flare/Firebomb, you will now have the ability to extinguish that fire by shooting your own teammate with Frost! 

Conversely, Frost will be restored back to it's original "No Break on Damage" state, BUT now whenever someone on your own team gets frosted, you will now have to ability to Un-Freeze them by shooting the with a Flare or Firebomb! 
I know what you're probably thinking is, "why would anyone want to waste a Flare/Firebomb shot on their own teammate!?" This was my first thought too, (Talking to myself in my head while constructing this idea) 

but if you have a teammate that just got frosted and there's a Big Torp coming there way laced with frost perks that's going to "Tink" them between 3000 - 4500hp, it might be worth it to hit them with your Flare and Defrost them. And who knows, now that they aren't frozen, they might even be able to escape that torp. Then that same teammate could light that Frost Lover Loser Wannabe on fire with his own flare (since yours is on cool-down duh), and you could hit em with your ExCannon for a cool 2K of hp. And the Unfriends could be such idiots, one of his teammate could try to save him and shoot him with their frost, but only after you've already landed your ExCannon shot. 
But anyways, you get the idea.
There's a lot of room open for other ideas, or little tweaks, and adjustments. This is just the overall theme and idea to hopefully make both sides happy. And this could lead to many possibilities in strategy and game play, and overall could make things a lot more interesting. Obviously there could be flaws in this idea as well and would still need all of the logistics and interactions figured out. But let me know what you think, and if you have any other ideas that could be added to it, I would love to know! I know I went off on a tangent or two 
but hopefully it wasn't too long and you made it all the way through, And if that's you, I would like to thank you, and I appreciate it very much, even if you think this idea is the dumbest thing you've ever heard of, and I should just uninstall the game and STFU. 

Oh and lastly, if this couldn't or wouldn't work in regular game play, then it defititely should become an event where everyone has Frost Blasters/Launchers & Torps, and Flare/Firbombs & Blasts and Ex-Cannons! And the name of the even could be called .....FIRE & ICE!!! 

Or FIRE & FROST could work too. 
Last edited by a moderator: 20 Aug 2018