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A long list concerning all of battle bay

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by c3n3, 10 Aug 2018.

  1. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    (this paragraph is not important skip please if you only want the important stuff) Ok, so I have been playing battle bay for quite a while. I have over the course of all that time thought of many things that I think would be great added or changed in this game. I have posted on previous threads somethings, but I decided I wanted to just overview the entire game. So that's what this thread is. Also if the devs read this, just know that I am happy with the game and what you do, in no way is this me lodging a complaint about everything in the game. It's just my thoughts I what I think may be good ideas, maybe, maybe not, idk.

    Section 1: ITEM BALANCE


    Flare: bullet speed reduction of 25%

    Reasoning: flare currently is very easy to hit, does a lot of damage and reduces heal, and honestly should be close to the same travel speed as a cannon. This would nudge the flare into more balanced state, as it will require more skill to land a shot, but doesn't reduce any the possible damage it can do

    Blast/explosive cannon: arc decrease of 20%

    Reasoning: these are two of the most used items in game and are really easy to hit enemies with. The current high arc these weapons have allows them to be lobbed over waves very easily granting hits on opponents that they can't even see. Reducing this arc would require people to see the Target they are shooting at, and is a slight nerf that wouldn't have any impact on the possible damage done (just like the flare).

    Sniper: new event perk +7.5% critical +20% chance to crit Tesla shield (should not be added with TS balance)

    Reasoning: more so not that the sniper needed any buff or need (it doesn't), but the Tesla shield needs more counters than now.

    Missiles: nothing

    Reasoning: already a skillful weapon good damage, it's good right where it is

    Standard mortar/other 1 pointers: decrease damage drop off by 20% through a final talent (lv 28-30 maybe)

    Reasoning: this would allow morters to do more respectable damage in higher leagues on the edge of the circle. Boats in the later level are fast and hard to hit with mortars this give more benefit to mortar users without changing the highest possible damage or projectile speed.

    Big torpedo: nothing

    Reasoning: Who doesn't love this: a big slow bullet that does plenty of damage. Perfect.

    Swift torpedo: nothing

    Reasoning: Swift torpedo is a good high damage weapon that rivals cannons, just harder to hit, but makes up for it with wave running, splash damage, and no Tesla interference.

    Big bertha: nothing

    Reasoning: this gun relies on frost. Change frost and it will be back.

    Carronade: minus one projectile, damage increase of 7/6

    Reasoning: Carronade is a good weapon. Though it is very situational and some games the situation will never arise. Reducing a projectile and increasing the damage to fill the gap would allow the carronade to do better at further ranges and slightly reduce the impact of defense on it's damage ability. This would slightly makeup for the times you never get to use it.

    Napalm: new talent that makes a direct hit set the Target on fire like a grenade

    Reasoning: firebomb needs more competition and this just makes napalm a higher skilled and deadlier weapon.

    Firebomb: duration -2

    Reasoning: firebomb is a slow heavy hitter. You get hit for 20+ seconds, that is a chunk of damage not only from the firebomb, but also from the inevitable cannon barrage. This is mainly to reduce cannon window time rather than reduce firebomb damage.

    Mine: decrease detection radius to the actual mine image

    Reasoning: This just allows us to see when when will hit the mine, and to know if I will fit the passage way.

    Triple torpedo: slower speed by 1, but arming distance is now the big torpedos length

    Reasoning: This gun is just not used much since it's hard to use past the potential of a big torpedo or even a swift torpedo, it needs a buff

    Rail gun: nothing

    Reasoning: Just in a good spot now.

    Grenade: nothing

    Same as railgun


    Ts: 3 second stun unbreakable. With a 50% "overshock" damage (the damage that went over the Tesla shields health)

    Reasoning: let me start by talking about the characteristics of this item. It's purpose is to block shots. You upgrade it so it gets more health so you can block more shots or heavier shots. This is something that is so frustrating with owning one of these and shooting at one of these. First off from the owners perspective: let's say I have a rare level 50 it has about 1k health, let's review what this can block in a higher up league. Most likely it will block sniper cannon, standard cannon. (Mortars are not a problem with yellows). OK s a sniper usually has about 700 damage. So what was the point of me upgrading 10 levels? The rare shield will never surpass a good high damage weapon. (This is mainly a problem with rares and also epic owners who can't get duplicates). Now from the opponents point of view: that guy has a Tesla shield, I shoot it, it breaks. After the game I find that the guy was using a common Tesla shield and I was using a lvl 50 epic gun. This also occurs with very high level Tesla shield. Let's say your opponent has a 1300 health Tesla shield, you have two cannons both at 1000 damage. You shoot his shield and it drops to 300 health and doesn't break. Now you find yourself in a horrible position. You either take the next shot, waste 700 damage to break the Tesla shield, or you wait the 8 more seconds left on the shields timer. If you choose to shoot then you have just given yourself four seconds to let your cannon reload and hope that was his only shield, but by the time it was reloaded he's got two shots on you and probably another shield. And then the shield goes up again. If you choose to wait it out then you've just let him fire his entire volley into you and you get two shots off if he has no second shield. If the user has one in this scenario use the first course of action, if two then you might as well give up. Basically my point of these scenarios is that the basic effect of the Tesla shield (taking at least one shot) is good enough to be used in nightmare. And the secondary effect of having health is too much reliant on other weapons max damage, and only improves the gun when it surpasses one (not as a constant "get better" every time the item is leveled). Allowing "overshock" damage to user not only adds worth to each upgrade of the item, but also allows a better way to deal with a Tesla or mainly two teslas that you can't break in one shot. (Also enforcer battle where both have maxed double Tesla shields are stupid)((also sorry for the long rant))

    Frost launcher/blaster: cannon shots only remove half of frost duration

    Reasoning: cannon are the main culprit of ending someone else's frost combo. You can't even ruin the cannon guys fire combo with frost. Why should one require team competence and the other not.

    Tesla bolt: nothing

    Reasoning: It's still a powerful item. Just not used for the same reason as frost, but it is a utility item so it's good

    Nitro: nothing

    Reasoning: I don't think I have ever seen a nerf/buff nitro thread, and for good reason

    Overboost: nothing

    Reasoning: Already been balanced

    Frost blaster: give an arc just like cannons

    Reasoning: Just an interesting idea that would allow more rang of use with this item so you don't have to run up to that shooter to shoot the frost and to torpedo.


    Turbo: (increase base speed of all boats by 10%)

    Reasoning: This item is literally necessary on all boats except for 10% of enforcers. This will lesson the heavy reliance on one single item

    Gear lube: add event perk to lower global cooldown or just make it a secondary feature

    Reasoning: Gear Lube is good on defender, a small portion of Shooters. And nothing else. With this, even if a small percentage, might change things. Hey enforcer would you trade a gear lube for that turbo, how about that small shield shooter, oh and speeder same for you. Fixer eh not so much. Also it's gearlube it should make things work more efficiently.

    Small shield/big shield: nothing

    Reasoning: It's just health, it's all good here.

    Rudder: increase ship agility cap

    Reasoning: I mean I can get to max agility with a lvl 20 epic on speeder. The needs to be more

    Bandage: nothing

    Reasoning: It's just a small shield alternative it's good.


    Repair pulse: nothing

    Reasoning: Already had it's balance

    Duct Tape: nothing

    Reasoning: It's all good with this item

    Repair bolt: reduce bolt width by 25%

    Reasoning: Just slightly too easy to hit with, makes it a bit more skilled

    Box: range +2

    Reasoning: Allows it to better compete with the bolt.

    Next thread to handle this many characters:
    XQT and Mad_Bulls_007 like this.
  2. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Gotta make this first on the recent list

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