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Rovio Hates The Fixer

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by EduardoMeliss, 4 Aug 2018.

  1. EduardoMeliss

    EduardoMeliss Member

    29 May 2018
    Rovio Hates the Fixer

    The rewards of the main Fixer in the events are on the floor.
    The rewards in battles for Infamia for the fixers have decreased.
    A fixer can heal 30,000 per game and save the entire team and only receive one star.


    What is the problem with curing maybe is a role for stupid, we are bothered by that

    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  2. EduardoMeliss

    EduardoMeliss Member

    29 May 2018
    There are no events for Fixer, the Fixers are excluded from the events
    Scourge Argaen likes this.
  3. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    It's a bit of a catch 22 for fixers. I agree that these events aren't particularly fixer friendly less you go 2-3 tape but even still you lack firepower to be competitive. On the other side, an event which actually favours a fixer clearly wouldn't be good for anyone else.

    If I had the gear I'd probably play another ship but after 5k+ matches, my fixer is still not fully kitted out, nevermind another.
    Nam_Nam and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  4. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    I personally haven’t played fixer but in some of the match results I seen healers do 30k plus healing and still get the worst rewards on that team.

    Sorry but healers like that win games and should be rewarded for it not punished just because they hardly done any damage.
    Scourge Argaen likes this.

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