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Matching system tweak for balance

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Fährtenleser, 22 Jun 2017.

  1. Fährtenleser

    Fährtenleser New Member

    22 Jun 2017
    Overall, I like the intent behind the infamy based matching system, but, as many have noted, it has problems. I have a potential solution that I expect would be relatively simple to implement.
    2 main problems I see are:
    "Seal Clubbing": Higher level players intentionally dropping their infamy to enter battles they can dominate.
    "Bad luck" in a string of matchups crashing a player's infamy by 4 or 5 hundred points, (usually right around 1,300 - 800 infamy) and them having difficulty regaining the ground due to significant skill level differences in that infamy range. (This is obviously magnified by Seal Clubber opponents that have often dropped down by 1,500+ infamy.)
    My suggestion:
    Currently infamy is gained or lost more or less equally between wins and losses. I recognize that is an important factor in moderating a player's infamy to keep them properly matched with their equipment/skill sets. However, the problems noted could be addressed by reducing the amount of infamy lost with each consecutive defeat, or reduced based on a high ratio of defeats in a short period of time. That would make the infamy loss needed for Seal Clubbing far more time consuming, and less profitable or enjoyable. It would also mitigate the losses from a string of bad luck, which would resolve a lot of frustration for players that aren't intending to crash their infamy. At the same time, it doesn't affect the self moderating effect of infamy gains and losses for the bulk of players that stay at, or above, 50% Victory rates.

    Now I just hope the right person reads this... ;>}
    Kimberly12105 likes this.
  2. NAN0NAT3R

    NAN0NAT3R Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Let's hope the devs see this post
    Kimberly12105 likes this.
  3. Kimberly12105

    Kimberly12105 New Member

    22 Jun 2017
    I am very dissatisfied with the new team matchups:( I was up at 1840 infamy and then dropped over 400 infamy and now I cannot get back up! I guess this is how the game is now but I unfortunately will not be playing or spending any more money on this game. I lose so much and only win few battles. The way the teams were before was more attainable for a win. Now not so much.
  4. NAN0NAT3R

    NAN0NAT3R Member

    15 Jun 2017
    You have no idea how many times I have come so close to 1600 and then BAM! I loose six battles in a row
  5. Kimberly12105

    Kimberly12105 New Member

    22 Jun 2017
    I know it sucks! I feel like it's different now though! After the crash they had over The Weekend it's been different ever since! The battles were very slow moving and now I can't get a good team to save my life. It used to be fun.. like leterally last week!
  6. NAN0NAT3R

    NAN0NAT3R Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Hope it gets a fix soon
  7. Kimberly12105

    Kimberly12105 New Member

    22 Jun 2017
    I'm not sure it will! Looking at what the administration said on another thread tells me nothing is going to change! Why twerk a game when nothing is wrong with it! Dumb move. Oh well :)

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