you keep saying that they changed it, you present it as the only truth, yet you did not post anything better than screenshots of few battles, something like graph of rewards during some period (perfect would be graph of rewards, which would include data from before the "drop" and after the drop, if you added all your battles from that period, it would show much more), plus win/loss ratio for that period (it's easy to make average rewards for each day and include win rate for each day)
now you only tell your feelings, not real data, you posted screenshots of only few battles-that might also be called cherry picking

Miika said, that their stats show opposite to what you said-no drop in rewards, I posted graph of my rewards (my last 94 battles at that moment) from period between 23-07 and 30-07 (both included), that's period between end of 5v5 TDM and end of CTF event (included some ranked battles after CTF to show, that no real drop in rewards occured)
yes, my AVERAGE rewards were slightly lower at the end, but so was my win rate and it's logical to have lower rewards in average, when you win less battles
only Miika and I have posted any long(er) term stats so far and both seem to be somehow similar, so, imho, based on our stats, your statements are NOT true
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