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Getting shorted on gold/sugar

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Carl2801, 27 Jul 2018.

  1. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yeah they did it on purpose. I contacted them and got double talk. I’ve deleted game for a while
  2. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Sorry you are so wrong I not only noticed I contacted Rivio. Been in communication with them for what good it did. Yeah you happy u finally got 2000 infamy what’s gonna happen when school start back
  3. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yup they programmed it like that after last update. Too many people that know nothing about battle tactics was complaining so now they instituted a so called handicap system. I’m not too clear how it work all I know most kills or points means nothing when it come to stars
  4. Jayden Kim

    Jayden Kim New Member

    12 Jul 2018
    Miika, Seeing is believing.. many people
    posted actual data, graphs, etc. to support their ideas. Please simply show us your own results of the research which u mentioned that you did about min, median, max values of before&after updates.
    I do hope what u said is correct but so far I agree(and I think I'm also experiencing) that battle rewards dropped.
    Reorge likes this.
  5. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    you keep saying that they changed it, you present it as the only truth, yet you did not post anything better than screenshots of few battles, something like graph of rewards during some period (perfect would be graph of rewards, which would include data from before the "drop" and after the drop, if you added all your battles from that period, it would show much more), plus win/loss ratio for that period (it's easy to make average rewards for each day and include win rate for each day)
    now you only tell your feelings, not real data, you posted screenshots of only few battles-that might also be called cherry picking:)
    Miika said, that their stats show opposite to what you said-no drop in rewards, I posted graph of my rewards (my last 94 battles at that moment) from period between 23-07 and 30-07 (both included), that's period between end of 5v5 TDM and end of CTF event (included some ranked battles after CTF to show, that no real drop in rewards occured)
    yes, my AVERAGE rewards were slightly lower at the end, but so was my win rate and it's logical to have lower rewards in average, when you win less battles
    only Miika and I have posted any long(er) term stats so far and both seem to be somehow similar, so, imho, based on our stats, your statements are NOT true
  6. Jayden Kim

    Jayden Kim New Member

    12 Jul 2018
    Do appreciate your detailed explanation. Your analysis seemed very reliable.
    One thing I do hope is Miika(or anyone from Rovio) conducts at least the similar level of analysis for those complaining users as this issue, allegedly, doesn't happen to everyone and you might be luckily the exception.

    I don't think people only picked 'cherries' but just wanted to show some examples which are really obvious for them as they are apprantely against their past experiences.

    In Miika's graph, he didn't pick 'cherry' but didn't pick 'apple' either for apple-to-apple comparison.

    For example, gold/sugar rewards comparison between 'normal mode win battles' from before/after update and further group them by number of stars earned from battles.
    This will simply give us an idea how avg. rewards from 'the same star win battles' changed(or the same) over time.

    Doing this by ourselves takes much efforts as we don't have access to raw data and we have to do it manually one by one.
    However it's just a few minutes' work for Miika using database.

    Reorge and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  7. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Why do you not believe the very developers of the game?? They manage the game, so they would know if rewards dropped. Miika SPECIFICALLY said that rewards didn't drop. Stop complaining and get over it, it was only for one day damnit. So what if you gt lower rewards?? I understand being concerned, but if you're gonna complain, wait a day or two. If the issue is still there, THEN complain. If not, keep quiet! And when the issue has passed, quit complaining!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  8. Neu

    Neu Member

    10 Jan 2018
    lmoa, average player doesn't have that kind of data/graph to show a prove or whatever. I believed that dev didn't change the reward atlest intentionally, but still a bugs is a bugs. not going to hostile toward dev but broken mess still need to be fixes. da heck I'm getting same rewards as I had used to when Im still MK4 in warrior league.

    It had been 3days for me and some player experience it since last Thursday. Not my intend to complant further but some player keep defending/argue blindly. I just wait till dev decide to/ fix it.

    edit: word
    Last edited: 1 Aug 2018
    Jayden Kim likes this.
  9. Leuco

    Leuco Active Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Hey, I'm back with more data! I went through my battle history and logged gold rewards from every single non-event, 5v5 win since July 3rd, 2018.
    As you can see, my rewards have been 17% lower since Wednesday July 25th, the day people started saying their rewards seem lower. How can "I can say most definitely, without a doubt, there is no change in rewards." be true when there's clearly a change in rewards?
  10. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Wow, that must've taken you a while to compile all the info :p
    I think there's two possible scenarios:
    The devs measured it incorrectly, or rewards on losses have increased (Because the devs had measured average rewards).
  11. Leuco

    Leuco Active Member

    21 Nov 2017
    It was 5 seconds of filling in gold values, and then 3 seconds to move lower down the list, repeated maybe 40 times, so not too bad.
    I can't think of a solid explanation to why this change isn't reflected in the dev data. Some ideas are:
    • The chart Miika posted was only about a day after the change so maybe there wasn't enough data to confirm anything after less than 24 hours
    • Losses are worth more (it doesn't really feel like it though, but I haven't recorded them to make sure)
    • Lower infamies are gaining more which are balancing out the average (no one's mentioning higher gold gain, so I doubt it)
    • There's some kind of discrepancy between the data that the devs have access to and the actual amounts plays are receiving (this would be weird)
    Reorge and Jayden Kim like this.
  12. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    A few days back there was somebody complaining on this forum that his friend (less than 1000 infamy) got more gold than him (60k gold in one battle) and demanded the same rewards. Could be related.
  13. Jayden Kim

    Jayden Kim New Member

    12 Jul 2018
    You're amazing!!
    This is exactly what I asked dev team to do as a fair apple-to-apple analysis.
    Now I do hope dev team can disprove using the same level of analysis to support their idea.
  14. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    add stars and win rate, these are really important factors
    the difference between win rates of two consecutive days may vary a lot, for example first day 56% win rate and second day win rate only 47%, difference of win rates must cause difference in average rewards, simple
    higher win rate=bigger average rewards
    lower win rate=smaller average rewards
    more stars~bigger rewards
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  15. Jayden Kim

    Jayden Kim New Member

    12 Jul 2018
    I thought he only counted every single 'win' games as the lowest reward is even 30k+ which I can't get from lost battle(my infamy is around 3.4k).

    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  16. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    he counted wins and he watched ads
    stars are here really important, because you will recieve smaller rewards when you recieve less stars, he forgot to add stars so the graph is rather useless right now because it doesn't offer all needed informations
    SlayerofSergeants and Jayden Kim like this.
  17. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Wasn't that a match played during the BB anniversary (3× battle rewards)?

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