DISCLAIMER: this thread is in NO WAY at ALL a guide to use this combo! I can tell you right away that it is very, very hard to use. I'm learning it too.
RIecently, I have enjoyed a 900 drop in infamy! I don't care though, because it was spent all learning the infamous frost blaster + big torpedo combo for speeder. 'Learning it,' more like trying vaguely to see if it's possible to make this combo work with my skill level. I'm improving, I guess. Let me give you a little bit of background info: I mained enforcer, which I enjoyed, all the way until 1700 infamy. At around that point, I decided to turn around and say, 'you know what? it seems like a good idea to learn the frost blaster + big torp combo for speeder instead of continuing to learn enforcer.' I really don't know if this was a mistake, but I can tell you that it made me drop to around 800 infamy. But I really don't care at all! This combo is awesome and really fun to use, even if I do lose a lot of games.
I just started playing this combo a few days ago, and here's what I've learned so far. I would like some more advice on this combo, as it's EXTREMELY difficult to use, though I know it can be very, very, very rewarding. Also, the list below are things that I've noticed about playing this, and sort of explains my strategy for it (Basically what I know already). Correct me if I'm wrong on any of them, or something else would be better.
Thing #1. In the beginning of a match, your most important goal is 100% to stay alive as long as possible, as I, personally, lack the power with my big torp to significantly drain someone's health with one shot, I've got to wait until someone is at around 1k health, then I go in for the kill. This makes it really idiotic for me to rush out in the beginning and try and get a kill right off the bat. Instead, I either hide, or kind of circle around my team, averting the enemy team's attention and dodging shots.
Thing #2. It's good to frost a target, then circle back around them, then fire the torpedo.
Thing #3. When you've got a clear shot, the most important thing about firing your torpedo is to make sure they don't know exactly where it's coming from. Once I get a more powerful frost blaster that really leaves people sitting in the water, this will be less of a problem. For now, my blaster only slows them down 30%, allowing them to still dodge my torpedo, so I've got to be really careful with my shots.
Thing #4. It's best to shoot your torpedo from either head-on, or straight at their rear end. This applies mostly to shooters and defenders, as they can't turn as quickly. Don't shoot your torpedo at their sides if you can avoid it, and don't shoot it at an angle, because they can just turn away from it.
Thing #5. Always take out the fixer first!
Thing #6. Don't go out on your own in the beginning. Later in the game, it can be advantageous to flank the enemy, but requires a lot of experience.
Thing #7. Probably the most important: Secrecy is your biggest friend. Walls are second. Unless you're being a support speeder and dodging shots for your team, it's extremely important to not run straight into the enemy team and be like, 'Hey a big torpedo is coming your way! you'd better get into a good position!'
Ok. These Things that I have learned are just things that I do, I'm not recommending that you do them or not, I'm just asking people whether or not they think all of these things are correct and that I should abide by them. Perhaps somebody else might think going out in the beginning is a good strategy for reasons that might've never occurred to me. That's what I'm looking for

thank you so much! I'll learn this combo even if it brings me down to 100 infamy.
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