it was funny but no fair matches for me

I either had "cheaters" (those who deliberately manipulate gear score by thousands from their normal one) or noobs, met only 1 person who was able to compete with me (luckily, I had him in my team and then fleeted him for the rest of the matches so it was easy af) and we could win together anything if we didn't met these "cheaters"
we only lost to these "cheaters" because normal mk4 players (at least those who I met) are not even able to lead their shots, not even talking about something like tactics or co-operation (teamwork) so these weren't opponents for me (nkt arrogant but describing sad reality

I met only two mk5 ships (these were shooters and they were in enemy team) and I lost, but not because they were more skilled but because they used they brutal force to overrun us (it was 0-2 after like 30 second, then we made it to 3-2, they killed me so it was 3-3 and then they killed in knife-fight my fleetmate with sniper's crit hits (that's imho even bigger BS than getting matched with them)
we were dealing more damage than these mk5 shooters at long to mid range because they weren't able to lead shots properly but once they came close enought their inability to lead shots was out of the game and they steamrolled use by raw damage of their weapons
and something positive:
got two leggy red pieces from crates in a row, then got one blue leggy piece and when I combined the rare pieces I got, I recieved rare frost launcher which was immediately scrapped and I recieved another leggy red piece from scrapping it (don't even want to know the chance of happening it in %)

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