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Varying infamy rewards based on individual performance?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Epicular, 21 Jun 2017.

  1. Epicular

    Epicular Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Creator of BayStats
    I'm not sure if it's like this at higher levels of the game. But where I'm at in the 900-1100 infamy range, everyone on the winning team always gains 23-24 infamy. And everyone on the losing team always loses 23-24 infamy. This change of infamy is doled out in that identical range every single time, regardless of individual performance. If my team loses, and I score three times more damage than anyone else on my team, I shouldn't lose the same amount of infamy as the guy who was AFK. Likewise, if I am AFK and my team wins, I should not be awarded as much infamy as the rest of my allies.

    I cannot control the fact that my teammates are sometimes speeders who try to break the world record for how quickly they can get themselves into the lines of fire of all five enemies. Or teammates who target literally any enemy except the fixer who is on less than 500 HP. Or teammates who spam "TOGETHER!", then promptly abandon the team and end up dead 30 seconds later. Or teammates who sit and do absolutely nothing the whole match.

    To sum it up- it really puts you off when you lose the same amount of infamy as everyone else, even though you were by far the biggest contributor and your teammates just didn't hold up their end.
  2. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    They should scale the infamy and rewards based on performance.

    It's easy to do with just a hit count / shots fired as near misses, rather than pure damage. Since some members can kill in 1-2 hits, and afkers / suicidals are unlikely to participate in combat. I feel your suggestion would work in changing player behaviour.
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    No, that would not work. This has been posted many times before, btw. But 1) the infamy on each side needs to be the same or we'd unbalance the system and 2) there is no way for the game to accurately measure performance. Doing it based on a damage number would be a very bad idea.
    ChickenSurprise likes this.
  4. Feue

    Feue New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    There is, not accurately, but the star system is the best measurement system so Far, and its not based on damage only.

    Assuming the star measurement can be broken in 30 parts, each 10 meaning a star, infamy would be performance biased.
  5. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Many many threads on this topic. I absolutely don't agree that there's no way to measure performance (the star system, imperfect as it is, already does this). I agree with the game concept of focusing on team play, but it's demoralizing that there's not even a few points' difference in infamy gain or loss depending on contribution. I've been on a huge infamy drain recently (from ~1700 to ~900) despite consistently high damage/contribution & lots of stars. It'd be much more motivating if I was at least not losing as much infamy as the AFKer or the guy who spams "together" then suicides.
    Epicular likes this.
  6. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    And it would be horrible... I'd quit if they did this. The star system is far from fair or accurate.
  7. Feue

    Feue New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Better than the actual infamy reward system, im sure.

    PS. Your Idea of system break If infamy changes from the actual system hás no argument. The system is already broken, and the point is to make It better.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
  8. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Eh, no. Better to base infamy on the group effort than on an unfair individual distribution.
  9. Feue

    Feue New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Group counts, but individual performance should as well. Both are part of the star system.
    The system is not perfect, but better than be rewarded as team-only, specially If theres infamy manipulation and afk players.
  10. Epicular

    Epicular Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Creator of BayStats
    As far as I can tell, the star system does a pretty darn good job of measuring performance as it is right now.
    I'm not necessarily suggesting that infamy is rewarded purely according to stars (ex. 1 star = 10 infamy, 2 stars = 20 infamy, 3 stars = 30 infamy).
    A much smaller scale would be just fine (ex. 1 star = 20 infamy, 2 stars = 25 infamy, 3 stars = 30 infamy). It would be a huge upgrade from where we are now.
    Perhaps if someone on the losing team gets a star, they only lose 20 infamy whereas everyone else loses 26 infamy.
    ThirstySeal likes this.

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