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What about you do not lose infamy when there's a floater on your team (once or twice a day)?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Rainbow Warrior, 26 Jun 2018.

  1. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I saw that on another game and I loved it!
    It has to be just for one or two games in order to avoid exploitation.
    The floater would lose his infamy normally (because it could be caused by a disconection, etc)
    The other team would gain their infamy normally :D
    YerJokinArnYer and Ænima like this.
  2. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    I'm a little confused about the title of this thread… is this supposed to say "What about you do not lose infamy when there's a floater on our team (once or twice a day)?"
    If so,
    I think this might mess up the balance of Infamy where there's a relatively constant amount of Infamy in the Bay when you add it all up together. What I've heard is that the Infamy gained by new players as they fight bots is cancelled out by the Nightmare League reset. Implementing this would mean that some battles (without bots) would result in a net increase in total Infamy.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Sorry about the title, the language gap make me forget that I can't say things in English like I say them in Portuguese :D
    I don't think it'd create a big amount of infamy since Miika told us that floaters, around 1500 infamy points IIRC, are present on 1% of the battles. But it'd be really cool to do not lose infamy when we have a floater on our side (even if once a day).
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I think it'd be better to change infamy gain/loss to be based on performance, meaning you gain more when you do well than when you do bad, and you lose more when you do bad than when you do good. You should always lose infamy because a defeat is a defeat, but I can see how it's unfair to lose the same amount as someone who literally did nothing.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I like this idea, and it wouldn’t be exploitable if it were just 1-2 games per day.

    I also think that games with floaters shouldn’t count against your winning streak.

    The first time I broke 10 in a row. Game 9 I could see I had a floater on my team. I was so annoyed, but by pure luck there was also a floater on the other team, so we won.

    I think floaters should just get banned for progressivly longer intervals every time they float. And it should take progressively longer to wear off.

    When I play, I always try to make sure I have good signal and battery, and I switch my phone to ‘do not disturb’. I think anyone who doesn’t do that is being incredibly disrespectful to the other players.

    I have still had things go wrong, but it would be less than 1 in 1000 games (probably closer to 2000).

    It annoys the hell out of me when I see videos from top players, and they’re getting Facebook messages popping up on their screen during play. Just turn that s*** off for 5 mins, it’s not hard.
  6. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Or the game could detect a floater and when their team loses BECAUSE of the floater, the floater would GAIN infamy instead, which is the opposite of what they want, and then the game would automatically report the floater. This would surely fixer floaters. Obviously a new tab ( or however reports come in) would have to be made separately for floater reports, and just make a 'ban all' button. And how to not get banned accidentally:

    1. Don't play during a storm ( happened to me once)
    2. Don't play with bad connection
    3. Check stuff.
    4. If you do get banned on accident, tell devs. Don't fake the accident though, you cheating bastards.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  7. WoopsyDaisy

    WoopsyDaisy New Member

    2 Jun 2018
    Bad idea. Team up with a guild member. One of you does float and if it looks like a loss stays dead in the water and nixes the infamy loss.
    Highly exploitable even if it’s only once or twice a day.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  8. sjoerdmans48

    sjoerdmans48 New Member

    1 Jul 2018
    It’s a nice idea but I think it’s also hard to detect floaters because there will also be people who just do a little bit dmg and then start floating.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Make it not count with fleets then
  10. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    In VainGlory, if you have a floater or disconnection(in first minute) then losing side would not lose fame but winners will gain because they won obviously.
  11. KRN Nomad

    KRN Nomad Member

    27 Jul 2017
    I rather would know how the whole reporting thing works. I don't have much problems with floaters, as it could be technical issues (like disconnection, battery outage, freezing of device), unavoidable personal issues (like an important business call, especially if you are playing the game on your phone), etc. What I don't know for sure is whether the infamy tankers I've reported did actually serve any time when I reported them? Besides, can't the system detect how many times a player floated in x amount of time frame? It would make more sense to ban floaters based on the frequency within certain time window like 2~3 times in an hour deserves automatic ban for 2 hours or something.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  12. HappyUnicorn456

    HappyUnicorn456 New Member

    6 Apr 2018
    Tankers are definitely a problem. I played a game with one who has a mk5 boat while mine is mk2. 15,000+ battles with 14,000+ kills compared to my 220+ battles with 180+ kills. His infamy is 800+ and my infamy is 700+. He has obviously completed more training than I have so his crew bonus is higher which gives him a much bigger advantage.
  13. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I like this because it could help counter the loss of infamy in the system from Nightmare reset. It'd have to check to make sure they disconnected somewhat early on, though, or if they were the last one standing, because otherwise people would just quit the game before losing so their team retains infamy.
  14. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Sorry man, we can't all do that. I decline calls as often as I can when I'm in game, but I'm not ignoring, say, my boss.
  15. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Leaving battle and disconnection are different things. There is ping stored on server, if you join the match. If you see infinite ping onn1 player for starting 30 sec automatically no infamy loss kicks in if and only there is no further activity from player.
    Rainbow Warrior and PastelPiku like this.

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