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Infamy manipulation spoils the fun for most

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 7 Apr 2017.

  1. KypBA

    KypBA New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Admins, can you show paragraph in EULA about dropping and ban? Is dropping cheat?
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Are you seriously questioning if its an issue that people try to loose on purpose in a team-only multiplayer game?

    Mind = blown
    Last edited: 19 Jun 2017
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You guys should see Ryan Higa's video on annoying gamers. Quoting him, "How would your girlfriend feel if you went AFK on a date?"
  4. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    from what i understand... these are the main problems:

    1) high level ships shaving infamy and then bullying low level boats for farming purposes
    • proposed solution: players can not go down in infamy below the minimum infamy of the next lower league (ex. nightmare players can't lose infamy below ace 1 minimum/qualifying infamy). this way, seal clubbers cant shave infamy fast enough to give them any farming benefits. (i think)
    2) low level players crushing others with epics/legendary items
    • proposed solution A: there should be restrictions on usage of high level weapons/items (ex. mk1s can only use common/uncommon, mk2s can only use up to rare t2, mk3s can only use up to rare t5... and so on) players can still acquire the epics and legendaries to their hearts content but they can't use it until they've reached the required boat level.
    • proposed solution B: put a damage cap on weapons/ hp heal cap on recovery items, / effect/duration on yellow items/blue items depending on their league or captain level: (ex. player A has legendary blast cannon but still only in master league 2, let's say at that league, damage cap for blast cannon is at 400) for as long as that player remains in that league, that player's blast cannon can only deal max base damage of 400 - of course criticals will still take effect and burn damage iincrements as well)
    Other related suggestions:
    • Promotions/demotions - with current season duration at two weeks, i'm suggesting a midseason check on infamy. if players falls below the league threshold by end of the 1st week, he/she is automatically demoted to the lower league and will only qualify for the rewards of that lower league. if player is eligible for promotion, player has option to decline promotion during midseason. No rewards for midseason. with this suggestion though, infamy achievement in league standings will go back to the previous measure which is based on current infamy, no the highest-ever for that season.
    • i think one of the major reasons for rampant infamy shaving now is the "highest-ever" rule implemented recently regarding infamy points in league standings. seal clubbers can shave points without worrying about their league standings if they have already attained a high enough level early in the season.
    what do you guys think?
    TheAntiSnipe and AndyAshton like this.
  5. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    He's questioning the "legality" of the punishments according to their own rules. Which is fair, tbh. Usually, game EULAs have a line that goes something like "we own the software and can do with your account what we want, for any reason or no reason at all, at any time", but I just read Rovio's EULA and it has nothing like that. It actually has nothing about what you do in their games at all... they should update their EULA.
  6. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    what do you mean cheat? shaving infamy or hacking the game to gain unfair advantage over other players?

    just to be clear, i'm not defending these "cheaters", but to be fair to them, if they are just exploiting the loopholes of the game's rules then technically they are not cheating - more of dishonorable players i guess.

    the bulk of the responsibility falls on the devs to change the rules and cover up the loopholes in the game to minimize or eliminate these undesirable behaviors. they probably didn't anticipate this problem (mass infamy shaving to farm faster) because back in the beta days, there was hardly anybody doing that.

    i'm sure the devs are working on a solution... otherwise, this game will slowly go down the drain... (which i certainly hope it won't)
  7. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Well in most video games (including this one!) exploiting is as much a bannable offense as hacking or 3rd party tools. Just because it's a game flaw does not mean it's the dev's fault that players abuse it. Whether you want to call it cheating is up to you, but for punishment purposes, it is.
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    PrincessLizzie, I've been in games with you and even though you deny it (and you denied it when I PM'd you). I've seen you exhibit the classic speeder suicide death in many of my games. I mean I've done similar behaviours that from pure frustration, and perhaps you are going through the same frustrations /rage in game. However, to go from 3k to 1k even with a weaker ship seems to be an extreme case and an excuse. My experiments with infamy manipulation has proven that it's very profitable, but to drop to 1k is actually not easy, you win more games than you think even when you throw these games. What I'm saying is, that it takes even more than just intent, it's persistence of throwing numerous matches to get to 1K (way over 50 -80 games).

    In other words, I don't think that Rovio temporarily suspending you is on unfair grounds, they must have seen your battle log to see suspicious activity of intentional dropping to 1k. You should know better PrincessLizzie.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
    Kalbs, SCOOTY PUFF Jr, CrizR and 2 others like this.
  9. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    A post was made about 2 weeks ago called 'PrincessLizzie griefing' where the dude who made the post said the same thing.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
  11. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
  12. Lucasalta

    Lucasalta New Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Hello everyone, there is a guy in the italian chat who is searching for other players in order to lose on purpose. I'll give you the player ID (#FSWYGHHJ) and I'm asking you to report him.
    He tells also that he is using multiple accounts.

    Attached Files:

  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @yellowocean 100% agreed that "cheating" can come in a variety of degrees.

    Its the classic discussion of 'clever use of game mechanics' vs 'abusing an obviously uninteded loophole'.
    Noone doing (heavy) infamy dropping was unaware of it being an unintended loophole and a major annoyaince for everyone in their games.

    No problem labeling that as cheating (in my view anyway)
  14. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I don't see infamy dropping as cheating, but a faster way to gain resources...improve stats.. Etc.

    If they balanced the rewards against level, load outs and performance then we might see a change in player behavior.

    The game will probably never be fairly matched, so i personally believe they need to provide incentives for underdeveloped and new players facing overpowered opponents.

    Such as awards for actually defeating higher tier ships in random plays (only) to prevent farming exploits.

    Rewards could be:
    - Weapon parts 1:10 etc
    - Scraps
    - Chests in exceptional circumstances

    If this was the case, I'd not feel poorly towards the game. As I would be getting rewarded for my increased efforts. Rather than having to overcome higher obstacles and feeling pressured to invest $ into a game where it is uncertain there would be any benefit/balancing.

    At the end of the day, we need to ask this question.....
    Is the game worth my time?
    Are the developers encouraging you to play through enjoyment or frustration?

    Because a lot of our financial behavior encourages development now. Hence the rise of cash shops, DLC and other development behavior providing pay to win features.
    cgr3asy likes this.
  15. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    alright, at least it's clear to me now what you guys are referring to as cheating... if you can get banned for those then so be it, but the devs have to do something about it than just keep on banning players. 1 less player in the bay is no good. i just wanna see this game become a massive community... this is the only game where i take an effort in providing feedback to the devs, and help out new players as much as i can.

  16. manueliz30

    manueliz30 Member

    6 May 2017
    I am fine because I do not AFK in any of my battle except if my network drops.
    I am fine because I am fighting most of the time at 1-3 most damage after the battle.
    I am fine because I'm not ruining the game!
    currently, I am using my enforcer.
    StarSRD and Helius Maximus like this.
  17. EndWaller

    EndWaller New Member

    6 May 2017
    Geez take a look at this guy he was around 1100 when I fought him then at 937 infamy when I last looked him up and now is at 320 infamy.This is the most blatant manipulation of infamy I have seen.
    IMG_1174.PNG IMG_1168.PNG
  18. cgr3asy

    cgr3asy Member

    30 May 2017
    they only reason some players do it is for resources like sugar and gold, it is so hard to get those resources and save it because you open a chest and you just got a duplicate item, you upgrade it max and yo have no sugar or gold left. and now the player wants to upgrade his ship what is he gonna do? keep grinding and losing or drop lose infamy but you will get a lot of those resources when you come back up. you under stand what im saying? you guys or girls need to make more way to get resources and players wont drop as much!

    but the search system is so messed up that you cant search for a players name so how you gonna do that???
    Last edited by a moderator: 20 Jun 2017
  19. saracollins

    saracollins New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Wow, this sounds like fun.
    I'll try to drop my infamy as well.
    I need a lot of gold and this looks like a great way to farm.
  20. cgr3asy

    cgr3asy Member

    30 May 2017
    i have dropped infamy before i tried it once but it is very painstalking getting back up! in fact i deleted the game because it was so tedious to get back up, but i had to install it back! but i dont recommend it if you in the blue league (i forgot what its called)

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