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This ain’t working. Fights need to be by gear score

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jason Langevin, 23 Jun 2018.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    What is your infamy, training level, and loadout you are using? If EventMatchmaker(tm) says that I have an unusual combination of gear/ship/training it will frequently put me in an unbalanced match.
  2. NBK_RedSpy

    NBK_RedSpy New Member

    18 Jun 2018
    I get the “unusual load out” on my speeder (which I don’t use) but not on my others.

    Level 35
    Gear 5518
    Infamy: 1260 (down from 3000 when I came back)

    Ship: shooter mk 5 (which is what I nearly always run)

    Opponents are usually 2000 plus infamy and 8000 gs)
  3. Fir4

    Fir4 New Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Nowadays yellow weapon are more common then the grey weapon.. 6.3k game and still blue weapon
  4. Nooobser

    Nooobser Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Your argument makes me very disappointed and hopeless for this game.
  5. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    *Disclaimer Edit... I just noted the OP is MK3. The lower league play is plagued by players with high gear score due to infamy reset. To my knowledge, the devs haven't acknowledged the difficulties facing new players (MK3-4) when they are thrown into battles with MK4, MK5, and MK6 boats. I agree that something needs to be done to match the low league players on a more equal ground... That being said, if you are in Master or Ace, the following applies...*

    Gear score should not be taken into account in regular matches. It's a fallacy that gear score = skill.

    Regular matches are about measuring your performance vs opponent's performance by the best available metric, infamy. Let's say performance is a combination of your skill and your gear. You complain that you are facing high gear score monsters in regular matches, well that's cause they have the same performance as you. Maybe their gear is better, but their skill is lesser. It balances out.

    Look at your regular season win rate, it's probably a little higher than 50%. That is exactly where it should be. You win some and you lose some when you are evenly matched.

    You want to climb infamy? Work on your play, your strategy. Stick with your team, call out easy targets (lowest hp, closest enemy...). Pick out the injured antelope and kill it. Turn your games into 5v4 and you will climb in infamy. Gear score doesn't matter if you play skillfully.

    In the event matches with teams assigned based on gear score, I am frequently the one on the team with the highest infamy. I'm often put up against people with the same gear score, but 2k infamy less. I regularly beat these people into submission because they lack strategy and skill. If they turn regular matches into gear score games, it would quickly become boring as it sucks the challenge out.
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  6. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Sorry.. but thats the reality of it..
  7. Fir4

    Fir4 New Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Most of game will count winrate to push to 50% for match making
  8. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Indeed, we need Gear Score, because now it is unbalanced big time in some battles.

    These players were in one and the same battle, some of them just started this game 30 minutes ago, while others had already t2 rare weapons.

    Screenshot_2018-06-23-10-43-44.jpg Screenshot_2018-06-23-10-43-48.jpg Screenshot_2018-06-23-10-44-08.jpg Screenshot_2018-06-23-10-55-49.jpg Screenshot_2018-06-23-10-56-51.jpg
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    No. Infamy is the best way to do ranked. Any argument is futile.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  10. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That is the same as letting a team of 10 years old kids who won 32 battles now play against Real Madrid, because they won the same amout of battles.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2018

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