my journey started months ago (don't even know when exactly) then had a pause (if I remember correctly)
I came to forums when I was "noob"-mk2 speeder/shooter at 800 in pool of mk4 and 5 sharks
I recieved many tips from TheAntiSnipe, Da Carronade King, Sewah, The Otherguy, What's Up Player and many others (sorry for everyone who helped me and I didn't mention him/her)
I changed my main ship many times in like four months speeder-->shoter-->defender-->enfo (few battles but got my to 1k infamy for the first time)-->fixer-->defender-->selfish fixer-->speeder-->selfish fixer-->shooter (right now)
as you can I tried many times, tried also loads of meta setups and also some non-meta yet still good setups and some weird setups (for example double fire bomb mk2 shooter) and I also did these changes because matchmaking forced me to do it because my current ship was always too weak to compete and I always chose ship which pushed my infamy up
since the start I am suffering due to the matchmaking, when I came to the forums (at least my oldest post I found)
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the situation was awesome, mk2 and mk3 ships together at over 600 infamy, it was possible for mk2 ship to go really high before meeting mk5 guys
as the time was going the matchmaking problems started and were getting worse
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I was poor mk2 speeder in pool of mk4 and mk5 ships who were regulary one shoting me no matter which weapon they used
my items are much stronger, my skills are much bigger than when I started yet my infamy have not increased that much
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and the situation now, you might say that I have mk4 ship so it's logical that I meet mk5 ships but the higher I get, the more mk5 and mk6 meet so now it's impossible to get back to master (and I got there with mk3 ships and t2 rare as best item, only one btw)
my inventory, captain level, levels of items and mk's of my ships have got higher yet I am still not able to compete with players I meet (almost same situation since I started playing BB) and I think that my infamy could be significantly higher because I am more skilled than these mk5 players but they easily steam-roll me with their brutal force
my progress almost stopped (it takes like 2 weeks to get 1 level for any of my items because my leauge rewards are low and shop isn't giving me enough parts) and I have no chance of becoming equal opponent (in terms of items' levels) for these mk5 players because their grow speed is similar to mine (or maybe slightly higher because of their league rewards) so if I ever manage to get levels of items they have now they will have much stronger items again
I think that BB journey is comming to it's end (and it might be closer than I think) because problems with matchmaking, endless grinding, idiotic teammates, system exploiters everywhere etc. are just simply killing my joy from playing this game and there is no point in playing something when it starts to be boring/annoying/consuming too much time etc. and it seems that this is not going to change anytime soon and I don't want to wait months for fix of these problems
I think that I made some friends here and also in the game, I have awesome guild but this game is not enjoyable for me anymore so I think that this is end of my funny and edifying BB journey, I am happy that I met all of you guys (even those with who I argued about some irrelevant BS, lol) because I had awesome time with you but this might be end of it all

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