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Ship-Specific Abilities

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Ænima, 7 Jun 2018.

  1. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    It would be cool if each ship had a unique ability in line with their "role" to help spice up / add a further strategic dimension to coordinated team play. For example:

    Defender: Ability to redirect x% of friendly ship damage to the defender for y-seconds (or until a certain amount of time passes). Would automatically break after z damage is taken (if that happens before time limit expires).

    Fixer: Ability to temporarily reduce all incoming damage by x% for y-seconds. Would be range-based (so only affects ships within z-range), preventing a fleet wide reduction unless all are together.

    Shooter: Ability to increase damage for friendly ship by x% for y-seconds. Could be fleet wide but range based (and weaker), or individual target and stronger.

    Speeder: Ability to increase the speed of nearby ships by x% for y-seconds. Great for positioning or retreating.

    Enforcer: Ability to remove all stun effects from nearby ships and make immune to stun for y-seconds.

    Given the power of these suggestions, I would think they should only be able to be used ONCE per battle. Of course, ship level increase = increase in the power of these abilities.
  2. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Lemme guess, you like algebra (x,y,z)

    Or you play a lot of Minecraft.

    I love this idea. BUMP! You should be a dev!

    Maybe for the enforcer one, it should also remove Tesla shields, I don’t know. Or make them weaker.
    Ænima likes this.
  3. Jimbot

    Jimbot Well-Known Member

    21 Mar 2018
    Great idea, but this would be another defender nerf. Sorry to be that guy, but we barely avoid damage in the first place. This would suggest that we take more damage. Some shooters have more health than us. If this was implemented in the game defenders should have a huge hp buff. Maybe +5000-10000. We would need so much more health to take others damage too.
    Ænima likes this.
  4. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Defender is my main too, so yea, I feel your pain. Would love to see some rework of shielding instead of just throwing more HP at us - mitigating the damage would be a better solution imo.

    Also, I believe players would want to coordinate the use of these abilities - for example it would be a good idea for the fixer and the defender to think about timing and overlap to prevent getting nuked. It would also augment the play style (like Rovio has suggested they want for Defender), and would make it a much more meaningful decision for the defender to stay with the fleet / fixer or to go full smashmouth.
  5. Jimbot

    Jimbot Well-Known Member

    21 Mar 2018
    I think that something else that could work well is if defense points blocked a percentage of incoming damage. But my personal view is that if defenders are given a huge amount of hitpoints to play with, they will become just a s viable as other ships.
    Ænima likes this.
  6. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    I agree completely, and would LOVE a rework of how shielding works. If a defender had a kind of "soak" ability like I described, they would definitely need better natural damage mitigation through shielding.

    To mitigate this, we could introduce Armor Penetration perks for weapons.
  7. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I have an idea for passive ship specs that every ship can select one at a time. For example;
    When an unfriend saw you, you no longer shown for other unfriend ships.
    After you get a direct hit, you gain %30 speed buff that slowly decreasing for 3 seconds.

    If you like the basics i can add more specs for other ships.
    Ænima likes this.
  8. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Yes, like specializations! Wouldn't change the slots, right - just gives passive perk to give some greater dimension to each ship's gameplay?
    Hokuse likes this.
  9. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    I am not sure about what are they yet and i don't think they should be a perks. But i am sure about specs must be various otherwise they stuck us in to limited setups.

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