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Event Ticket timer balancing Q&A

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 8 Jun 2018.

  1. Where R U Now ?

    Where R U Now ? New Member

    10 Jun 2018
    no matter how good the update is.... the matchmaking still sucks(am sorry for saying that).
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    can you tell me how high is your captain level and MKs of your ships?
    I am trying to say that it's hard af to get anything better than uncommon perk when you meet at least one master 1 player with lvl 40 rares (sometimes lvl 50) and lvl 30 epics (sometimes lvl 40) and usualy even lvl 10 legendaries in mk3 ships who wreck normal players so they can't get many stars per battle and usualy 0 stars when battle is lost
    is it fair to make it possible for high captain lvl players to equip weapons which are able to delete half of anyones hp? my mk3 defender lost 3/4 of health after legendary grenade hit me because it set me on fire
    majority of players in my battles get 1 star when on winning side and 0 stars on losing stars because these high level players do majority of the damage
    the events may be fair for high level players when they play in their main ships but low level players suffer from the system because players can intentionaly decrease gear score to get easier matches
    Nooobser likes this.
  3. Chris Krahn

    Chris Krahn Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Can we talk about how the rng sucks for these events? I got four caranade perks, utter bs if you ask me!
    Swaf likes this.
  4. Will-o-the-Wisp

    Will-o-the-Wisp Member

    7 Jun 2018
    I’ll trade you! 3 healing perks and a freeze duration. Hehe.
  5. Chris Krahn

    Chris Krahn Member

    21 Nov 2017

  6. Nooobser

    Nooobser Member

    7 Jun 2018
    I live in Morroco,near Spain. This year is exclusive for me, summer break began the start of June, and of course will end at the start of September.
    But I mostly get summer breaks at the half of June.
  7. glenn31

    glenn31 New Member

    5 Sep 2017
    I now star base its good for all but just try star base and win, maybe try like guild missions
    Win with especific boat
    Cause damage with especific weapon
    You say you are testing different ways to do that event will be good to see all the people try to win with fixers and the prize just perks for fixer its hard to be fixer in that event or speeders and the prize useful for speeders
  8. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I actually like the ticketing system on this event the most of all the events so far.

    I can have my 6 battles (5 + 1 that regenerates during the time in play the 5), go and do something in real life, and then come back later and do the same again. It feels less ‘grindy’ to me this time.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  9. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I am captain 47 and all MK6s at lower end of Nightmare. I've been actively trying to ask for fixes to prevent high end players beating up the lower end too. I made suggestions on how to do that but it went on deft ears.

    The issue we been discussing was that you want quicker ticket reload though. You are contradicting your argument by wanting more perks and not playing that much. You can't have high end perk if you're not playing a lot. That's the whole point.

    RANTING: I got a LEGENDARY FREEZE PERK. I used freeze too but it has been collecting dust since it got nerfed. Spending most of the weekend for this is definitely not worth it.
    TheAntiSnipe, ShipCrusherCz and Swaf like this.
  10. Swaf

    Swaf Member

    29 Sep 2017
    Yup got poop perks I'm not playing event next week unless there's 4 good perks or they add a way to get respin for a different one.
  11. Will-o-the-Wisp

    Will-o-the-Wisp Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Yeah, I got a legendary healing perk that I will never use... all I wanted was a carro perk epic or better (i'd even take a rare...), had 1 chance at legendary and 2 at epic and 2 at rare and nothing.. it's discouraging after grinding for three days. I even spent pearls on tickets for the first time. I'm mulling forsaking the next event or perhaps playing less... it kinda doesn't feel worth it when this sort of thing happens.
    TVNPryde likes this.
  12. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    With 2 kids, I can only get 1 legendary perk on some weeks. The reward system will not going to hold up for long. Too bad it's a good new event that Rovio will kill it soon. They want people to spend pearls but the ticket bought is not worth it and the end reward is just depressing.
  13. Nooobser

    Nooobser Member

    7 Jun 2018
    I feel you. Actually I want to exchange my rare "ranged" carro perk with your legendary "rapid" healing perk... Of course if this sort of exchanges exists and if you agreed on this trade!
  14. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    too be honest, yesterday I played like mad, got rare and I played like 3/4 of the ammount of battles as in the first event where I got epic, but now only rare
    I don't want to make it easier for anyone who plays for example only 6 battles per day but mainly for the lower end guys who meet some over leveled guy in almost every battle, you can't get 2 stars for win or 1 star for loss when someone does 80% or even more of the team damage;)
    and because it seems like devs won't do anything with those high level players wrecking others in low mk boats I suggest making the ticket regen quicker just to balance it, these low level players could play more although at the approximately same win rate so they could reach better perks without spending pearls on tickets
    and to prevent serious grinders from getting too many legendary perks I suggest some quantity restriction
  15. MatthewNGBA

    MatthewNGBA Member

    4 Apr 2018
    Gotta say that i like the new ticket timing and star adjustment. The first evemt i got legendary perk and then got to uncommon perk again. This time i got to legendary and im about to get epic perk a second time. It was a lot better this time cause i didnt have to be constantly playing.

    Only thing i didnt like is the 20% increase in speed. I think it made speeders so crazy and it got a little annoying. I dont even bother shooting at them unless i have a clean cannon shot. But i mostly ignore then cause its too difficult.
  16. Sachin Shekhar

    Sachin Shekhar Active Member

    5 Jun 2018
    This screenshot proves that small number of guns doesn't equal low damage:
    Nobody is at disadvantage here..
  17. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I finished the event this morning. I thought it would take longer, as I needed 3 stars and only had 1 ticket left, but I lucked-out, and had a good game, which got me over the line. 650CDD90-695B-4D81-8024-C4E423A6D01A.png 683B8B01-4501-41C0-8330-3B59C0CB833C.png

    Final thoughts.

    Game Mode:
    I thought the event was a bit uninspired. I barely noticed the boosts, and we’ve done TDM for 3 weeks in a row now... I’m starting to feel like Rovio might be a bit of a ‘one trick pony’ when it comes to these events.

    Length and Difficulty
    I quite liked the length of the event. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to play much over the weekend, so I had to buy some tickets to finish the games in time. But it felt a lot less grindy.

    I think it would be nice to have more time on Monday, so that players who are busy at weekends aren’t excluded.

    I also think that the rewards system could do with adjustments. Stars are better than wins, but it still feels a bit lazy, and doesn’t always reward the best play.

    I ended up with the Legendary Carronade and Epic Frost Blaster perk. Neither would have been my first choice. I’ll probably be reluctant to ‘buy’ tickets for future events when you still end up at the mercy of RNG.

    Also what happened to the Epic Item? That was actually worth grinding for. Why so stingy Rovio?

    Lack of VIP support, again!
    Give VIP some more love, please! We’re your most loyal customers.

    I’m a VIP, and my satisfaction couldn’t be any lower. The only reason I don’t cancel it is because adverts are annoying.

    I’d be much happier with a service that actually makes me feel ‘valued’ as a customer, and ‘adds’ something to my experience, rather than paying over the odds just to ‘remove’ an irritation.
  18. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Everyone look at my thread about Event perk complaints
  19. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    One game doesn’t prove anything. Especially when the one-weapon Fixer got zero stars, and the team with fewer weapons lost hard.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  20. Roundtable

    Roundtable Member

    9 Jun 2017
    @The Grim Repair, or any devs in general, is it possible in future implementation to have the Team Death Match battle and win record separated from the ranked battles and win in the profile?

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