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Event Ticket timer balancing Q&A

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 8 Jun 2018.

  1. wusolja

    wusolja Member

    31 Oct 2017
    Someone actually complained about tickets reloading to fast?
    From 1 hour 15 minutes for a full 5 ticket reload to 2 1/2 hours.
    this sucks. this cuts back on amount of play time you get.
  2. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Hey Devs. I recently just finished the second star box for the Boosted TDM event. All I needed was 1 more star to get the reward and move onto the next star box. In my next game, I got 2 stars.

    However, the second star didn’t get moved into the third star box progress. It seems like my second star was erased from my progress. Is this suppose to happen?
    Rainbow Warrior and Fluid Bait like this.
  3. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    It punishes the average GOOD players.
    Example with 15 minute cool down let's say for a round figure sake you get 100 tickets in this event.

    On Average 50% win rate (assume 50 win 2 stars and 50 loses 1 star) will get you 150 stars.

    Doubling the refresh times means lesser chances to obtain stars from lost games
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    When will we get the 50% rule in events. This is rediculous
    Screenshot_2018-06-09-01-18-00.png Screenshot_2018-06-09-01-17-53.png
    (I am getting 1 star every loss besies that 1 game my internet went out)
    If I am doing average cooperation every game (aka 1 star) how have I lost EVERY match with a 1 star...
  5. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Set up please?
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Fluid Bait likes this.
  7. enotSenO

    enotSenO Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    Well, who are burnt out? If this is really true motivation of increasing the ticket respawn duration, I thank you. But I am afriead you think too much for us. And to reduce the feeling of missing out, you cancel the tickets. This will just cause players who are not chilled to buy pearls.
  8. tapan

    tapan New Member

    25 May 2018
    thanks dev for increasing timing of tickets and bringing back stars...i am addicted to it but also want to enjoy my life...now i can sleep,enjoy,and play
  9. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Win system ( no offense) was terrible cuz if you did all the work and still lost you got no reward.

    @Zeus maybe there could be like a damage dealing requirement? like uncommon box would be X damage? No specific weapons. ( and fixer healing also counts as damage, fixers have enough against them as it is.)
  10. Swaf

    Swaf Member

    29 Sep 2017
    Ticket count doesn't matter when you get crap perks in the end. I got epic carronade and leg health. Last week epic missile and leg missile. I'm done grinding for nothing. I don't use any of those.
  11. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    the game should be always like this event
    What's Up Player likes this.
  12. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I had exactly the same thing happening to me last time we did stars. I consistently had long runs of 1 star losses. One was 20 games, in which I only won 3 (85% losses).

    Here are my games from this morning, all 5 are 1 star defeats.

    I think there are only two explanations for this. The first is that I’m a terrible player, and I keep making my team lose. In which case, it should probably stop rewarding me! I get better rewards while losing in my Defender, than I do getting Pentakills in my Speeder.

    The second possibility is that I’m being overrated by matchmaking. That does appear to be true. Even if I equip the most basic shields on my mk3 (<4k gearscore), my weapons always seem to get me matched against mk4s 5k+ gearscore.

    Weapons seem to be the biggest factor in how you get matched. One good weapon on a mk3 will drop in you into games against all mk5s. Shields don’t seem to matter at all (at least not on my build). Whether I equip my t4 shields with perks, or my lvl1 shields bare, I seem to get similar opponents.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  13. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Great strategy to get players to spend pearls. Definitely should do it for all the events. :rolleyes:
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Both stars & wins are fine - Thats just a matter of balancing how much is needed. People disliked wins because the amount required was vastly overtuned.
    Very happy with the increased ticket regenerate timer. Id aIso suggest not doing grind events every weekend. Perhaps some events with a fixed amount of games, fx 10 over a weekend.
    You guys need to take a serious look at Fixers and events that focus on starts. I probably win more as Fixer, but 1* 1* 1* makes it hard to justify playing my main boat.

    The contribution formula undervalues healing, which works ok in short short ranked games. But in deathmatches (& the ranked games with high amounts of Damage and fixing) its pretty obvious that something needs to be adjusted.

    @Miika Try looking at the top 10 healing records (ranked games), did at of the best 10 healing games ever result in 3*?

    I dont doubt that average (in ranked) is fine for Fixers - But high number games are way off.
  15. Medullaoblongata

    Medullaoblongata Active Member

    14 May 2018
    This something that i always thought.Only giving stars to a fixer for healing a boat which does most significant Damage is so dull.How are you even supposed to know that in a battle,idk!

    However there should be an extra star just for good amount of fixing.I mean a fixer who does fair amount of Damage with fair heals has better chance of getting stars than a fixer who is solely focused on fixing getting huge heals but less damage (Flynn record Breaking heals with 2 star prove that).Its clear that fixer are not rewarded enough for their job Aka fixing which they should be!
    Kitterini and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  16. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    All I have to say is i love playing the events as much as possible ! Now i just sit all day waiting on tickets. It's not about the perks,stars,or other crap some seem worried about! I like the TDM and have fun playing it!!! Isn't that the point of BB , to have fun? Now the fun is zapped by sitting around all day waiting on friggin tickets. Oh well I just cancelled my subscription to VIP as there is really no benefit to maxed players and now that the ability to play the event modes is so restricted to only the pearl spenders then it seems like it is time to move on. Such a shame to see such a great game idea be ruined by a few that seem to want to play less than more just because they feel they are grinding for perks. Hell remove the friggin perks rewards and allow us to play the modes for FUN! !! Put the perks in random rotation in rivalry raffle and marketplace like everything else since they complain about having to play so muck to EARN them! This lazy generation is so annoying!

  17. enotSenO

    enotSenO Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    Yeah, I also think the same. I think a true reason that they complain about too fast ticket refill is that they do not want to left behind the players who play a lot.
  18. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    As a grown up with family and other responsabilities its a blessing not having to logon every hour or get left behind. But I can relate, back in my gaming prime I would have enjoyed being able to play nonstop for hours on end also.
  19. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    I feel for you. I just have to do 10k and 5 kills to get 3 stars. Then again, I fight mk4/5s not mk6s.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  20. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I spend something over 6 hours (close to 7) in school only by lessons and breaks, one hour by lunch and going to/back from school, I sleep 8 hours, that's approximately 16 hours, I need one hour for homework/learning, that's 17 hours so I have 7 hours of free time per day and I want/need to do other things except for playing BB, I also must go shopping (1 or 2 hours) or do some housework (again 1 or 2 hours) and I sometimes have table tennis trainings (2 hours)
    during this time all tickets that are over the limit of 5 are just wasted
    then when I finaly get to play the game I quickly use my 5 stored tickets and than what? waiting 30 minutes for possibility to play with another nightmare guy with over-leveled items in mk3 ship who kicks everyones ass, then again 30 minutes and the same repeats
    I finished today the uncommom perk and have no chance of getting the epic nor even the rare one, not thinking about possibility to ever get legendary one because I don't have that much free time to play
    is it really good to punish people like me who don't have that much time to play by doubling the ticket recharge time?

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