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Infamy manipulation spoils the fun for most

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 7 Apr 2017.

  1. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I know its off topic, but Battle bay is largely a casual game. People tend to go to the forums to complain or to learn, so a small group here is indicative of many things.
    Snapshot likes this.
  2. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Totally agree, I've just started playing the game in the last two days. And it's obvious that higher tiers are just either farming the new players or dying intentionally to move downwards.

    It's an easy solution, and programming it wouldn't be difficult. Since you could easily attribute load outs to match making criteria by having a points system in the back end. It could be done simply by potential dps to HP ratios, then prioritizing those fall within the acceptable distribution.

    Those that fall outside could be considered outliers, and that would ID the manipulators.

    It would also be a useful metric to understand player progression and bottle necks in player development that lead to gamer attrition.

    From looking at the ingame shop mechanics, and training system I'd assume they already have something there...or maybe they don't have an actual data scientist in their team.

    I've done similar work creating machine learning algorithms in the environmental sciences. To help monitor movement of organisms in response to external forcing.

    I agree, but I would apply a distribution so you could allow for wiggle room. As underdogs can take on cash shop dependent players. As I've had a few good games where a team of lower levels managed to just defeat a team with better loadouts.

    I don't think level should dictate matching. As this is only time dependent. I think it should be on 'potential' based off weapon/ship load outs. As there is enough variation in game to allow for game changing situations based on player interactions.

    But as long as it stops a single 3k hp juggernaut 2-hit KO'ing a team struggling to dent them... Then it will be a good game.

    Oh the other hand, turn these situations into 'boss battles', where on their defeat they drop loot crates.

    Because they seriously feel like boss battles when you've been circling a seal clubber for a minute to bring them to around 50% their HP.
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Jun 2017
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  3. Cusigma

    Cusigma New Member

    23 May 2017
    There is an EXTREMLY simple solution: making the reward solely based on damage deal + damage taken/avoided + heal. Right now, doing 3k damage at 3k infamy will only give you 1/4 or less of the reward as doing 3k damage at 300 infamy, which is exactly why people are dropping.
  4. lovemachine

    lovemachine New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    The game is really dying from the infamy system. I'm from the 繁體中文(台灣) channel , where most players are from Taiwan or Hong Kong , it has become common sense to lower your infamy here, the farmers don't even feel guilty of their doing. They even laugh at players that suffer from their afk as ones who "don't have ability to farm" which is nonsense, btw .
    Here peanut19998 says he often go under 5~600 infamy farming and his friend frank can even go under 500 when farming.
    Here is Frank's profile:
    They are no where near where they should be , and players like this is all over the channel , please devs , solve the flawed system asap. These farmers are like cancer ,spreading and harming normal players both in game and in chat.
    KilleWh4le and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It is truly depressing as a mid 800s player to see these dudes brag about how they shot up an entire team of mk2s and 3s with a freaking defender mk5. Jeez. Guys, please, dont do this, or the game might just bite back!

    It would, because, well, people like a good fight! Thats what not they come for! Just dont give them more than they can chew! At least, this should be a parameter of some sort later on
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Jun 2017
  6. creplk

    creplk New Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Maybe near end of season so somebody trying to die while somebody rushing to climb? Either way the matchmaking system should have some kind of improvements.

    Im in the 1700s infamy.

    Attached Files:

  7. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Lolol right.
    I guess the saying goes "pick on someone your own size"
    Or theres me. Who is little as fck but goes after the bigger.
    But in the world if battle bay thats no fun.

    For example today we had 2 fixers mk3-4-5
    Other team no fixers and mk2-3-4
    I felt bad lol like dann yall the ones who got the shiit end of the stick . i want fair on both sides. Not what benifits me
    Snapshot likes this.
  8. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    This guy still is AFK, i guess the penalty for his farming is way less that the profit he may be producing for Rovio:
    Kitterini likes this.
  9. EndWaller

    EndWaller New Member

    6 May 2017
    IMG_1159.PNG Man, I'm sick of infamy manipulation makes the game so boring, especially with speeders all they do is just go up to your team and wait to be killed. Just recently got this dude with a Mk5 speeder which did exactly what I'm talking about. This was in the 1100 infamy range, can't stand this.
  10. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Again! New season begins, junky farmers appear! And their number is growing from season to season!
    All this manipulation looks like u came to a low lvl location in MMO game and farm the same amount of gold spending less time than at high lvl location... What is the point of highIt lvl locations then? It shouldnt be so! When are devs going to do something with this?! I don't believe that it is so difficult to make a battle reward depend on players CURRENT INFAMY but not on his league placement and damage dealt only!
  11. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Yep, I don't want to jump into conclusions, but this coincidences smell kind of funny:
    And please don't tell me the 3 of them where having lag... I think it is pretty obvious what is going on.
  12. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Season beginning is going on! Yaaaaay!
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My cheater thread targeting the same player as @Helius Maximus is mentioning above was deleted -- So an admin has seen it, now we just need to await and see if it has any ingame consequence or not.

    Safe to assume that noone gets penalized if they are unable to identify one of the most obvious ´loose-on-purpose´ players in the bay.

    Fingers crossed!

    Mean you daring to post screenshots of heavy spenders that cheat ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: 20 Jun 2017
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    How could I...
  15. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Devs should probably look into capping stats (e.g. damage, hp, duration) depending on league or infamy... OR putting rarity restrictions depending on levels... these two options will equalize the playing field a bit and significantly penalize seal-clubbers.
  16. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ban people that openly cheat + be very vocal about it = Others will thing twice before doing the same.

    Its not rocket science, but it requires manpower (i.e. you need to pay someone to develop a flagging mechanism + someone to investigate when a flag is raised) - Money spend lowers short term profit, tough choices!

    Big fan of rarity restrictions - But somehow I doubt the buisnessmen in Rovio would concur :)
  17. battlebaymembers

    battlebaymembers New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Just team up with two speeder which is MK1 and MK3(fleet) and run into opponents once the game started. yea , we lose 5-0 less den 2 min. :confused::mad::(
  18. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    aaand its gone.jpg
  19. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    This is what we should do to get infamy manipulators banned:
  20. JustinBeaver

    JustinBeaver Member

    16 May 2017
    The proposed options by most people do not solve the root problem and instead give suggestions that complicates the system further.

    Think about the root problem. Carefully. What causes people to manipulate infamy?
    More rewards(gold/pearls/stars) for each win at lower infamy.

    Therefore the solution to directly address the root of the problem?
    Make it unprofitable/not worthwhile to drop infamy!

    This would work because people will not drop infamy anymore and lose on purpose because it is not worthwhile to win at lower infamy games.

    How to fix the current system?
    Develop an algorithm that scales your rewards based on your max infamy reached.
    For e.g. If you have reached a max infamy of 2300, winning a game at 1600 infamy would give you significantly less rewards than if you were to win games at near your max infamy (2300 infamy). With this, nobody would ever want to lose on purpose to lower infamy as it will no longer be worthwhile or efficient to play at low infamy(in accordance to each individual's max infamy).

    Possible problems that could arise?
    People might still manipulate infamy by purposely losing each game they win when they are at their max infamy to reap rewards. However this would be difficult to sustain and achieve by infamy manipulators as all of us would have difficulty to win on command especially at near max infamy(of our abilities).

    Solutions to fix possible this possible problem?
    Better scaling of rewards according to infamy brackets or leagues you're in. This would incentivize everyone to strive to go higher and higher and that wouldn't give anyone reason to manipulate their infamy.

    Root of original problem: economics.
    Solution to problem: economics.

    Why complicate things?
    LightningBolts and D3X like this.

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