Thought of an idea for a tdm event that will bring back our beloved capture area.
But... Instead of capture percent and it going away if you take damage they would be capture points and don't go away.
There will be 10 minutes on the clock. The team who gathers the highest capture points at the end of the match wins. If a team collects 200 capture points they are automatically victorious.
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If you stay on the capture area for 1 second your team gets 1 capture point. This multiplies when multiple teammates are on the capture area at same time. Taking damage will give you a 3 second capture cooldown where you will not be able to gather capture points.
The results screen will show how many points or how long (in seconds) you were on the capture area. Capture points will have a big impact on where you get placed in the results screen, in other words your stars and reward.
Maps will be limited, so there is a fair chance for everyone. For example, chill zone will be taken out for this event because the capture zone is so far away from spawn giving speeders a big advantage that wouldn't be fair to say, a defender.
Rewards for special perks:
Special perk rewards will be based on how many capture points you gather. Say 75 capture points for an uncommon perk. 125 for a rare perk. Etc.
Let me know what you guys think

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