So as you guys know, the devs are always looking for constructive criticism to know what direction to push the game in.
Events are very new so they are mixing stuff up to see what the community enjoy the most, and the 3 vs 3 TDM event is due to wrap up in a few hours so thought I would leave my thoughts.
Game Mode: 3 vs 3, first to 8 kills, 50% cooldown.
I actually loved this game mode, the small maps made for some intense close quarters combat which was a lot of fun.
The cool down reductions led to railguns and explosive cannons being used often, and team work was key to win these events.
The 4 perks this week were all just as inventive as the last, and nothing seemed overpowered "yet".
The stun on railgun was my favourite, and I bagged an epic missile perk that I am sure will come to use later on

I must admit taking the items out of the rewards was a huge disappointment for me, and I hope they return in future as gave a good incentive to play more.
Progress Structure:
Previous event required stars, this was actually much better in my opinion.
As even if your team sucked or you had a floater, there was a chance you could still lose and take 1 or 2 stars and make progress.
In this event you had to win, and I had so many games where I had done over 30k damage for my team mates to both do under 5k and we lose.
Or both teams be tied on 7 deaths and the friendly with 200hp goes racing at the 3 opponents even to me spamming negative repeatedly

Also if you got a "bad" player, it is very hard to pull out a win with only 2 decent players, last event was much easier to win with 4 good players!
I only managed to get to the epic perk which was disappointing as played a ton of games over the weekend.
But with ticket limitation and skewed matches and requirement to win, it just wasn't possible to get the legendary without buying the ticket replacements.
The risk to rewards just isn't worth it, 200 pearls for 5 tickets, and of them you would probably win 3 out of 5.
So I would have to of replenished tickets 17 times roughly for the legendary perk, 3400 pearls, which just wasnt worth the investment.
To summarize:
Game Mode: Great
Perks: Great
Way to earn prizes: Bad - Go back to stars
Plus put the items back in the next event to go along with the perks
Shame you cant keep these game modes active after event ends, and remove the tickets and the rewards and just let people play for fun.
I know people have much more fun playing these game modes than the regularly 5 vs 5 infamy mode.
Keep it up!
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