This issue isnt the 50 percent cooldown.
It was a pleasant surprise in the 3vs3.
Players that adapted to it did well.
Players that didnt adapt did poorly.
What needs to happen is a gradual cool down reduction between each league starting from beginning the game level 0 to level 50. Or beginning league to nitemare league.
Whatever the downs should get quicker.
If this was happening players would naturally adapt and adjust their play styles to the quicker shooting.
There are multiple other shooting games in app land. Battle Bay regular mode is by far.... one of the slowest per shot games out there.
The cool downs globally are too long.
Yes ship speed across the board should also increase by 5% as well.
But in real shooting games. Its about how quickly one can fire.
Pro athletes in any sport can do everything faster.
For the bay to get where it needs to go E sports. Things must speed up. Or its kind of boring to watch.
How many of you really watch your guild members 5vs5 vids they post in guild chat. After a while. You stop.
You know why

. They take forever to kill 5 boats. 5minutes should be a mercy stopping point for games. That hardly ever gets reached. But with regular mode/slow mode. Vids are tough to watch. Lol.
3vs3 and even the 5vs5 event modes were more exciting.
This 50 percent cool down from the 3vs3 showed us the universal cool down is a move to highly be considered by developers.
I suggest 25 to 35 percent faster cooldown for all nitemare players and a 5 percent reduction all the way down to beginning mode.
And if the developers want to gradually reduce the cool down over the course of 2months so players can adapt play style. Each week an X% of cooldown is reduced. Even better.
To be a competitive game. The entire game must speed up. Weapons, ships, etc. Or go the way of that other slow flightless bird which went extinct. The Dodo.
@Zeus @Miika @The Grim Repair @PineconeClick to expand...