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My thoughts on the latest Event - Total Mayhem

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 3 Jun 2018.

  1. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Before I start, it's a lot of fun. The Battle Bay version of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots :)

    1. Cool Downs: The lower cool downs bring a whole new, fast game play element to the matches. Something that was needed. I really think that a broad lowering of cool down times in the regular ranked games would be a good thing. Maybe an overall 20%. I think it will heighten the level of action in ranked games and increase the quality of game play.

    2. Maps: I think you should have cropped some of the other maps to be used. 3 isn’t enough. Fight house could have been cropped smaller and worked well. Foundry has a lot of areas that could be cordoned off. You could probably just put glowing posts up with a “fence” sectioning off areas. Quickest way to crop some of the maps.

    3. Stuns: Should not affect a newly respawned player. I got stunned while i was respawning. What’s up with that? Should be fixed in next like-minded event.

    4. Tickets: Purchased tickets were done extremely poorly. After purchasing 5, i assumed they would be in addition to my free ones. Not so. Instead it filled up my 5 and i lost out on the free ones. This means you’re not actually buying 5 tickets because if you don’t use them right away, you’re losing out on free ones. You should temporarily have a cache of 10 until you use up your purchased ones. I also think membership should have it's privileges and VIPers should get an extra 1 per hour.

    5. Explosive Cannon: Going back into ranked games, i can see how bad the nerf on the Explosive Cannon really is. We need to go back to 12.2. It’s the only thing making Defenders relevant.

    Anyway thanks for an interesting event. :)
    scurb, NoTtIaN, Dobson and 23 others like this.
  2. Yanij

    Yanij Member

    24 May 2018
    Am i totally agree with you on ec that's one nerf which is affecting the defender so badly ... With cool down it's on par with other ships and can fight in ranked games it's just a target practice ... Cooldown on all weapons will make bay much faster paced and more fun.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It'll be interesting to see devs do this, y'all have my vote for sure in this;):)
    American Marauder likes this.
  4. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Defender is definitely the best ship in this game mode. Shooter is probably the worst ship due to way too many of them running 4-5 weapons, which is a waste of cooldown and gear score. Enforcers, Speeders and Fixers are all about the same if they are setup properly. What I mean by that is you only can use 3-4 active items, so there’s no reason to have anymore.

    I could support a small overall cooldown decrease in ranked mode, but I don’t think it is necessary.

    I agree that more maps could have been used.

    I like the stun working on these invulnerable Defenders that have superspeed. If it didn’t work, then they have enough time to shoot a FG + 2 ECs that do 1500+ damage each while they are invincible. If you remove the stun, then you need to reduce the duration of the shield. Leave the speed so you can reinforce, but the shield is unnecessary. No reason you should be able to enter the battlefield with a shield.

    Tickets should stack if purchased. There’s lots of other suggestions that the devs have heard about tickets, so I expect them to test different strategies out.

    I think EC is fine. It still hits so hard and has barely seen a drop in usage.
  5. TwoHeadedFreak

    TwoHeadedFreak Member

    18 May 2017
    Defenders ruined this event for me. Just because I'm one shield short, my defender is useless. Also, why change to wins. Stars is more fair. Just penalise the suicide run that happened in the first one for the easy one star loss
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    To me the lowered CD completely ruins the gameplay experience, zero thinking just spam spam spam. Watch Bittersteels old videos as a rare only nightmare player to see why this game absolutely needs to promote smart shooting rather than endless spamming. Thank god I dont need any of the perks so I can ignore the 200 games weekend grind :) But nonono to implementing this yolo spam fest into regular gameplay.
    Agreed that more maps would be nice & wouldnt be too hard to implement in future low playercount events.
    Also agree that the Exp Cannon nerf was an overreaction.
    And I suppose I also agree with VIP needing more value for money, right now its mostly paying money to gain access to a chat dominated by whining complainers. Liked having a 3rd quest, but not at the cost of that steaming pile of poo chat in my view :)
  7. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Defenders are relevant with a usable explosive cannon.

    They should keep this mode for future use.

    But get rid of the wins requirement. And go for stars.

    Ps....new bay record for Damage done with BlackTail as my co pilot and some great Fixing. Screenshot_20180603-112014.png
  8. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    0.0 wow, gg wp!
  9. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    The faster pace of TDM is exciting and we can get something from this to infamy battles. Here are some I thought of before and recently.

    - Instead of ship getting slower every upgrade, make it faster too with little more top speed - like 10%.
    - MK6 and above should have 1.5 seconds global cooldown. Tenth of a second for each MK upgrade. Weapons increase so much by Nightmare that ships just seemed slow.
    - Bring back EC as it's Defender best weapon.
    - Bring back stun and make defense points resist stun. A defender with 50 defense points only be stun half the duration of stun. With the current resistance already in place, stun will not be very usefull against shooter and defender.

    Now for changes in TDM.

    - Please do something about Brawl Park. ATM, there is no way to attack a team respawn zone if they mine the 2 entrances. It's stupid that people playing for a draw since you're going to lose tickets anyway.
    - Reduce the countdown to respawning to 3 seconds. Reduce the shield to 4 seconds. Increase speed boost duration for non yellow ship. Well maybe keep it for fixer.
    - Increase green items by 50% because this is a brawl. No way the fixer can heal faster than damages done in this mode.
    - Create a new method of capture to force people to meet in the middle ground instead of hogging their respawn zone. I came up with one but that's another thread.
    - Make mines disappear once the owner respawns. Or at least when the owner shield wears off.
    - Many cried about this already. Make the progresses and rewards more worthwhile. I am personally done with it unless it changes.

    TDM is exciting because of it fast pace. Take the goods from both mode and make the game more entertaining.
  10. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    The ice map is a fucking abortion and should never be used again. Just a camper's paradise, and a huge fuck you to anyone who might have wanted to use something other than mortars/napalm.
  11. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Congratulations on your achievement! That's impressive... But I hope devs do not consider event records on that famous top 10 :D
  12. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    The 3v3 is a new event so there are obviously some things to be worked out .. like teams camping their own spawn using all mines and mortars, the lack of VIP perks, and the gear score system. But, overall, it has been a fun event and a welcome change of pace.

    My biggest issue is with the wins vs stars as a reward metric. I didn't mind buying tickets before because even bad matches/teams would still further my progress by a star.

    I understand that there may have been more ticket purchases this event because the perks were better, but I've heard nothing but complaints about it in the open/guild/VIP chats.. to the point of people threatening to quit.

    I also understand that less talented players with better items are going to struggle when matching based on gear score, but they didn't seem to mind as much when they were still getting a star for most of their losses.

    Anywho, I think the star system, despite not being perfect, is by far the better of the two.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Some good comments here.

    I think the cooldown and smaller map idea is a fun idea, but the unfortunate side effect of both is that Defender is OP in these battles at all levels. Half cooldown means Defender can now constantly cycle its weapons, and that cooldown renders 2 slots on the Shooter useless, making it, effectively, a significantly weaker version of a Defender. Yellow boats also get significant nerfs in all their primary advantage areas. Stun and frost are broken as soon as they take effect and smaller maps removes any speed advantage everyone is right there, in weapon range. Fixers are caught in chaos with low HP constantly trying to figure out how to re-find a teammate after spawning. I think the Devs need to put in some serious thought about how to better balance the boats in this is event... all I got from my guildmates was griping about it, and in hindsight it was for good reason.

    Without question the most OP combo is either 3 Defenders, or 2 Defenders and a Fixer. 2 Defenders become nearly invincible with a decent Fixer, and in both cases the Defenders can mindlessly roll over everyone as it takes too long to tear down one of those guys... something I can frequently do in a standard match with my Shooter, but in the 3v3 I'm entirely under-powered for that task as the Defender can cycle their weapons just as fast.

    Perhaps most importantly the Legendary perk achievement is nearly unattainable. It takes 100 wins, which would be 200 battles at the standard 50% win rate. There are only about 290 tickets available if you didn't sleep for 3 days. If you do sleep, eat, and shower, you have about 52 playing hours left, or about 200 tickets available. This restriction is just insulting to the player base. For me it was a grind to get the Rare perk even though my win rate was fairly decent, yet I have zero incentive do 2x that work for a single one Legendary perk. Of the 3 perks I did get, the only 1 of the 4 I cared for wasn't in the mix. I couldn't imagine the disappointment if I stayed up all night to grind for a 4th perk I don't care for.

    As I have been re-acquainting myself with an Ex Canon's I do agree it is under-powered considering the range, cooldown and AOE have all been nerfed. Reducing cooldown a bit should bring it right back into balance the Devs have been trying to achieve.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Yes, that is true, without question in my mind. See my stats in my previous post.
    xArrogance likes this.
  15. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I pretty much agree with all of this... spot on with feedback.

    I don’t know how easy it would be to ‘crop’ maps (or if that’s even possible), but I strongly agree that limiting it to 3 maps was a disappointment. Midflight Movies can’t be significantly bigger than those maps, and it’s not like anyone gets lost during regular 3v3s.

    If anything, regular games don’t really start to get interesting until a few players have been eliminated. That’s why I was looking forward so much to this event (despite not being interested in the rewards), but alas, it was a total let-down.

    With regards to cooldown and EC... yeah totally. It’s so fun just being able to float around and shoot people, and the shorter cool downs didn’t seem to make that much difference really. It feels more like ‘skill’ when you have a shot, but it’s yours to miss/hit. When you have a shot but you’re just prevented from taking it by CD... that feels like someone messing with your game.
  16. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    I'm bored of the three maps. Back to normal mode, i forgot about MIdfight movies lol
  17. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    This is why I took the original Ex Cannon cool down nerf so hard.

    Felt like my skill was being jacked with by an arbitrary ruling.

    And knocked my kill ratio down .04 points over the last 2 months.
    Now with this 3vs3 event having shorter cool down.
    My Ex cannon has come alive. Literally in 2 days I raised back my kill ratio by .03.

    It's a big deal.

    Developers please shorten ex cannon cool down back To where it used to be. or slightly longer. Not this atrocious 14.4 it got nerfed to.

    Also each 3vs3 and Event map needs a capture point.

    It's the only way to prevent the crazy spawn camping.

    Most maps could be instantly shortened using the Bowl Haircut method.

    Take a Bowl. A perfect circle. Put it over the map.

    And cut it off. New imaginary Barrier walls which can't be crossed. With a central capture circle.

    This solves most issues against spawners.

    @Miika @Zeus @The Grim Repair

    Please read American Mauraders very valid points at top of this forum post. Many contributors here are on the same concept.
  18. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’m not sure that’s the best example. I’ve watched his videos... that guy is DPS machine! He basically never stops dishing out damage.

    That’s a bit different to me sitting next to two 1hp unfriends, in my Speeder, and instead of being able to shoot them (even just one... with stun), I instead have to idle about for 10+ seconds while they both get to fire 3-4 shots each (maybe I get to Nitro once). That kind of CD doesn’t add to ‘strategy’, it’s just handicapping players with fewer weapons.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  19. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Back to Regular Mode 5vs5.

    Game is sooooo slow now.

    Everythings takes forever to fire.

    Annoyingly so. I could take a proverbial smoke break in between shots firing.

    Developers. Much needs to be done to speed up the game for mk6 and mk7. Nitemare play. Should be done much faster. Boats, cooldown. Everything.

    3vs3 showed how speeding up cooldown can make the game exciting. Its fun to fire all the weapons faster. Its an actual conpetitive shooting game.

    I know some will say therr can be issues....so, Yeah, dont go to 50 percent faster cooldown for regular play. But 25 to 35 percent faster by the time you hit Nitemare league? Heck yah! Should highly be considered. This game has potential to be E sports. From a viewing standpoint. We want to see boats firing and zooming around. Not a yawn ever 15seconds fire back to yawn another 15 seconds to fire.
    @Miika @Zeus @The Grim Repair

    The best of the best can play this game faster. Any professional sport the athlets move quicker and shoot the ball faster. So...
    Lets speed up the cool down for each league as a boat progresses.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I've been playing casually this week, but I agree with you:)

    Did you hear about that tanker in your guild? I reported him to a member of yours
    xArrogance likes this.

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