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Just to share a feeling about TMD

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Fanfanfan, 3 Jun 2018.

  1. Fanfanfan

    Fanfanfan Member

    14 Nov 2017
    Devs said the game is match by gear. And see the picture, even we did double of damage to the opposite team, we still lose.
    This event is a shit, defender just rush and keep hitting because there is no CD, do not need any skills.
    I am a enforcer, i cant do anything to change the game, even in every game i did the highest damage, higher than the opposite side even i lose, i win just 1 game in about 3-4games.
    And a lot of player using weak gear, making the game even more unfair.
    Please do something before the event end. Count the award by star, atleast this depend on effort.

    Attached Files:

  2. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I prefer by stars also.

    In mean time might I suggest you focus on damage as a way towards legendary weapons?

    All here should arm weapons that havent received the legendary acheivement yet.

    With the rapid cooldown this is a major advantage of the weekend event.

    I raised my mines acheivement by 500k.

    And my grenade acheivement by 300k.

    Hopefully you will see the silver lining in a weapon you could do the same with.
  3. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yep. This event is complete garbage compared to last one. Progression limited to number of retards on your team and no free item rewards.

    And people want gear score matchmaking for normal leagues.
    No thanks, I didn't go to nightmare to get paired with crappy master league mk6s with no common sense. Gear score matchmaking is trash and only good for exploiting.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    You are going against Defenders, which have more HP than Enforcer or Shooter (i.e., every boat on your team), so you will have to do significantly more damage to them to win.

    Defenders are definitely king in 3v3 as not only do they have high HP, the 1/2 cooldown allows them to cycle their weapons as fast as they can hit a button. 1/2 cooldown is most definitely a nerf to Shooter as it removes all advantage they have over the other boats. Yellow and Green boats? Too few HP to compete with 1/2 cycling, not to mention stun and frost get removed too fast to be useful also due to the quick shooting. Maybe good double Tesla Enforcers can compete, but I don't see them at 3000 infamy or less.
  5. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    It's not just that. The defenders have a huge advantage as the maps are small and they could literally charge in without much wasting time. Where as we will have no where to go, but to get murdered in the hands of defenders. Lol:confused:
    *JAWS* and Fanfanfan like this.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Agreed. In a normal match I can tear down the heaviest of Defenders with my Shooter in a 1v1 but in 3v3 I'm getting steamrolled by them. If that Defender is good and they have a good Fixer they are nearly invincible. I can't tell you how many matches I've had where the Fixer is completely worthless... we deal out 25k damage and the Fixer has only healed 2k when all is said and done. That's just 2 Bolts.

    The half-cooldown sounded like a good idea for quick and active matches, but in hindsight it destroys the boat balance the Devs have carefully crafted in the main game. I really like the idea of a 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 type of match, but with normal cooldown.
  7. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Match by gear score and forget about infamy (or so it seems). Just look at this match:
    Sorry for it being in chinese!
    Match end.jpg
    3000 infamy.jpg 1300 infamy.jpg
    How did they even get into the same match? Although it seems that the enemy shooter did the most damage, he was actually hiding in his base and letting the others take the damage (Link is at https://replay.battlebay.net/TRRBRGRJ#WMCBBYLD) Furthermore the rest of us are all around 1900 - 2300 infamy, so needless to say we got retk by the 3000 infamy enforcer every time he popped into our base. Please make infamy matter more in the matching system devs!
  8. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    Well Rovio does shit things and this one takes the prize. A mk5 defender with epic t5 and legendary t2 weapons against 3600 health enfo.

    Turns out the guy was from nightmare league and won the match alone.

    Rovio has outdone their shitty record of doing something without any thought with this event alone. I'm impressed. :mad:
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  9. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Not to mention they removed the rare pieces and items rewards too which only make this even worse
    Fluid Bait and wreck your day like this.
  10. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I don’t know why all the games needed to be on 3 tiny maps.

    I was really hoping that fewer ships, would mean more open games, with precise positioning, and less of the stupid spam. But the tiny maps make it feel even more confined and chaotic than normal. Even Defenders can just race straight back into battle.

    Also, it’s really boring. They could have at least added Infight Movies for a bit more variety.
  11. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Rovio explained that the reason they based it on gear score was to make it so ppl could freely experiment with weapons they may not use as much that may be under-leveled.

    There's nothing wrong with that concept, especially since they clearly explained that was their rationale.

    2 things make this difficult:
    - boats and weapons are out of normal balance due to half CD's and small maps
    - gear score is subject to manipulation, because gear score does not rise proportionally with item strength. This means, with the right choices, ppl can be much stronger in battle for very little gear score cost.

    Rovio could stand to clean up gear score...
    But events are going to be unique, fun, even silly... So we should get used to expecting things to be out of their normal balance.

    But all of this means that, at least for now, true "free" experimentation probably means losing a lot.

    Under normal circumstances, basing rewards on winning means smart play styles will be rewarded. Which is a concept I like.

    Unlike last event, you cannot just play dumb, spam dmg, not care about winning, and still expect to get rewards.

    Due to the anything-but-normal nature of this event, it really rewards ppl who can best manipulate their great score and master the radically different meta for this event.
    Last edited: 3 Jun 2018
  12. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Fwiw, I would never ask for half CD again... Maybe 25%, but 50% was too much...

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