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Guild members vs unfriend guild members

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Cinstep777, 23 May 2018.

  1. Cinstep777

    Cinstep777 New Member

    23 May 2018
    Devs please stop guild members being against guild members as unfriends. The is counterproductive to the guild itself working on the guild quest! They can also boost! This is a serious issue that has occured several times. Please reply. Balancing matchmaking would be great too. Going against 3 fixers and 2 defenders isn't great when you are on a team that is way under your level. Just isn't right. Guild league mismatch is beyond crazy.
    Last edited: 23 May 2018
    *JAWS*, K4tNip and Fluid Bait like this.
  2. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Fleet with guild mate then. Simple.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. Cinstep777

    Cinstep777 New Member

    23 May 2018
    Fleet with guild member and the unfriend team has one guild members on it....thus counterproductive.
    K4tNip likes this.
  4. K4tNip

    K4tNip New Member

    23 May 2018
    It has been doing it even when fleeted there has been another GM on the Unfriends
    Cinstep777 likes this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    We’ve discussed this before. If guild members couldn’t be on the same team, then it would allow for 5 man fleeting, in everything but name.

    I think the general consensus is that it isn’t needed, because boosting is against the rules, and you will be banned if caught trying to cheat.
  6. Cinstep777

    Cinstep777 New Member

    23 May 2018
    I'm not talking about fleeting or having several members of a guild on the same team. I'm talking about not going against a guild member as an unfriend. I don't need them on my team. It is counterproductive to be going against a guild member in a game. It isn't boosting if you are the only guild member on a friend team going against a guild member on the unfriend side. Nor is it boosting being fleeted with 1 friend. I don't understand why you say it is cheating with what I'm talking about.
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Sorry, I should have explained it better.

    When players of a similar infamy organise themselves, and click ‘battle’ at the same time, they will often be put into the same game. This is especially true in Nightmare League where the player pool is relatively small. This has been tried (there are even YouTube videos of it) and it works surprisingly well.

    However, while it is possible to get the players you want into the same game, what you can’t do, is control what team players end up on.

    If guild members are not permitted to be on different teams, then it follows that when they click battle at the same time, they will be almost guaranteed to end up on the same team together, similar to if they had all been in a fleet.

    Larger fleets are considered an unfair advantage, as it would allow teams to enter battle far better prepared and coordinated (talking on discord etc...).

    That is why I said it would be 5 man fleeting ‘in all but name’, because 5 players could easily ensure that they end up on the same team.

    There is also the issue of certain top players never being able to face each other, which is problematic for the infamy system and world rankings.

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