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(Early) Update 3.0 Review

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HajTag, 24 May 2018.

  1. HajTag

    HajTag New Member

    29 May 2017
    This thread will raise any points about the new update. I will try my best to suppress any strong opinions I hold regarding this update, but I feel that any bias or expression of opinion is inevitable as this thread is based on mine, and a few other people's thoughts; we are not representative of the Battle Bay population. All comments and opinions for or against my review are welcome:

    It seems fair to start off at this point. I am very pleased with the idea of having Tickets as a time based reward. There seems to be no active way to earn Tickets, but can be purchased with 200 Pearls. With one Ticket being regenerated every 15 minutes, it's worth the wait- not too long and not too short. The developers would have liked a fine balance between players in normal ladder and players in the Event and 15 minutes seems to be the right amount of time. Overall, a positive within this update.

    Matchmaking and Game Play
    This is where the negatives of this update begin to rise. Although I am pleased with the inclusion of Gear Score matchmaking, it is simply not good enough. In a theoretical scenario, a team averaging 2000 Infamy can face a team averaging 4000 Infamy- but still have equal (or be similar in) Gear Score. So this means that there is an evident skill gap between the two teams, and it goes without much thought that the team averaging a +2000 Infamy advantage will be victorious. To apply some context, I am a (maybe slightly competitive) MK6 Fixer above 4000 Infamy with a Gear Score around 9300. Having played a few games in the Events tab, it's safe to say matchmaking using the Gear Score system isn't fun. It is rather frustrating and nerving. I have been paired with players as low as 1900 Infamy: I could not provide a bigger skill gap that I've seen in all of Battle Bay. You might be claiming my bias in this situation as I am speaking in terms of a top-end player, but I am also sure that players at a lower Infamy range would not like to face someone with the skill set belonging to a 5000+ Infamy player. I am almost certain in saying all of us would like to claim victory and earn the rewards of this new mode. Which I seem to can't progress towards being paired with less-skilled teams. Gaining 3 Stars in a Fixer was hard enough. All-in-all, though I do condone the use of Gear Score in matchmaking, it should not be independently used to determine a match-up that completely disregards the skill gap.

    There is not much to say about the game play. It's just like normal battle, where the game-mode adds a little twist to how we play. Team Death Match (TDM) is a good way to start off, and the developers have surely thought about counteracting issues like 'spawn camping' with spawn protection, a must in TDM. However, there seems to be a huge spike in Torpedo use- and how they're used to corner a team into their spawn area (especially in a mode like TDM). Whether that is the meta with players at lower Infamy or because of the reason I have stated, I do not know. Maybe you, the reader, can comment on this situation: are you experiencing the same thing with Torpedo spam or is it just me? On the contrary, I am very excited to see what other game modes are yet to come.

    Not a lot of negatives about the new rewards. A healthy addition of new Perks, and a fair system to earn them.

    New Map and General Changes
    The new map is very different, but a welcomed addition to the other maps. An unusually open-spaced map in comparison to the others, but neatly designed.

    Though the lighting changes to all maps may take a little while to get used to, a general improvement to how they look now compared to pre-update versions. Sound effects improvements are also better refined and detailed but nothing ground-breaking here.

    Congratulations for making it this far into this thread. This update was a refreshing and much needed one, but there is an essence of underwhelm in this update. Some areas (matchmaking the only huge concern) that the developers need to reconsider. Hopefully I have covered everything in this new update. Do you agree with what I said or do you have any other ideas in mind or am I being harsh? Let me know in the comments!
    Last edited: 27 May 2018
  2. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    5 tickets = 200 pearls
  3. HajTag

    HajTag New Member

    29 May 2017
    Edited, thank you!
    craz¥burd likes this.
  4. STARC!!

    STARC!! Member

    5 Oct 2017
    What type of matchmaking u guys want .. if infamy is considered people say oh p2w players ruin the game, how can we survive and if gear score is considered now what the same old whining I can't win bcoz of noobs. Apart from these there are more things that results in winning the match so just stop making these comments
    PS. I'm not making any intentional comments here just sick of these type match making comments
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  5. HajTag

    HajTag New Member

    29 May 2017
    I didn't make any complaints to the Infamy based matchmaking, just stating a flaw in using the Gear Score matchmaking WITHOUT any other input support.
  6. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    There have been many suggestions on how to refine the game for the better since the last update. This update has none of those. People in the lower ends still suffer. The manipulations of infamy in season still existed and rivalry still not improve. Rovio only does things they think can bring in new revenue. I play this game for a year and only few changes worth remembering. Guild rivalry was great. Tesla bolt was good new item. The system to prevent seal clubbers from exploiting. I don’t know about many of you guys but this update is underwhelming after waiting for months.

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I never even thought to look at players infamy, now I just did (before making this comment) so far all my TDmatches have been rather good, I'm currently 3.5k infamy with 10k GS and my team / unfriends have all ranged from 2.8k to 4.3k and I've had more wins that losses (probably just jinxed myself now..)

    not really sure if my comment has a point... other than so far I've had more fun with BB than I have had in months
  8. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    I have to say that Im quite happy with the matchmaking. Based on gearscore is how matchmaking should work. In every game you will find better and worse people than you that’s inevitable, the only difference here is that in bb there’s a way of separating them (for good) through leage points. See it as an advantage and not as an inconvenience.

    All the games I’ve played so far we’ve ended 9-10, 8-10 or 10-7, which means that the balancing of the players was good.

    Overall I’m quite impressed with the new update and the lack of problems there is in TDM even tho it was just implemented. I had a bad opinion about devs work but this changed my opinion about them.

    I feel this update added little things to the game, but it was a good update overall.
    Fluid Bait and SCOOTY PUFF Jr like this.
  9. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    How do you get the 5 tickets for 200 pearls? In shop or where?
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    When you run out, hit battle again, you'll get the option
  11. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    My god the tickets are overpriced. Should be only a few pearls.

    We only have to wait 15 minutes for tickets, so they should cost 25 pearls each 5 tickets.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Exactly. You "only have to wait 15 minutes". Why not? Just play 2-3 matches, like literally, by the time one comes out of TDM, the number has gone down to 9-8 minutes.

    Why spend? At all?
    Fluid Bait likes this.
  13. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
    Fair matchmaking a d more new bugs :)

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