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How should I play it?

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Alpakaa, 23 May 2018.


so uh

  1. im getting nostalgic from you talking about 1k infamy levels

    3 vote(s)
  2. play fixer instead

    0 vote(s)
  3. i run a five mortar setup; im the equivalent of a hanzo main but in battle bay

    0 vote(s)
  4. thats impressive, keep it up

    5 vote(s)
  5. see you at 4k infamy in three months bro #HYPE

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    This will probably be the only time you'll see someone semi-serious about improving their gameplay wanting lower infamy.. ha ha. I'm in kind of a weird situation right here at 1.2-1.3k infamy. It isn't really fun, honestly. Let me show you:

    Ok you've seen that, now let me show you something else that'll make you laugh:

    Yeah, I'm kind of thinking 'dafuq?' too. I have 1350 HP if you were wondering. This makes me a big, big target. Some people have tier two epic weapons. A lot of them. Mostly everyone in a game of mine does, except for me. Now let's look at our big boy in 1st place:

    Oh come on. Most of his weapons could one shot me. Yeah you wanna bet? And I sifted through a ton of the other top players in this season and they have similar gear. Onto my troubles, if you havent already guessed what they are. All of the best players in the game will tell you that infamy is skill level, and the sooner your skill improves, the sooner your infamy will too. Focus on yourself, not your team. The game won't ever give you a perfect team all the time.

    'It doesn't matter what mark ship you have, or the items you have, it's all just skill and strategy.'

    I agree with that, but I think I have to draw the line with my case. I mean, yeah, it's skill, but come on. There's just no way. I feel more lucky than skilled. I usually die quickly, unless I am very very defensive. I'm really taking the whole focus on yourself thing to heart. I'm an enforcer, I'm not an idiot, I know I'm supposed to be blocking and dodging shots for my team. I'm a protector, and I plan to run a standard build similar to thunder sword. I can't really protect my team with zero tesla shields (and I won't be able to equip any until mk4, unless I want my ONLY yellow item to be a shield.)
    I get targetted instantly at the start of every game due to my extremely low HP. I NEVER, EVER see any player at my infamy have under 2k hp. It makes me a bigger target than a fixer when the entire unfriends team are running assassin speeders.

    Now, you know what I go against every single godaym round. I think that whatever I'm doing right now is ok. I mean, I've sustained this infamy for a while now. I had one or two drops down to 600 infamy, but I got back up in one day from both. But I still feel like it wont last much longer. I'm rising in infamy and the players are getting more powerful and scarier. Some people have blast cannons that seriously deal 1k damage. You'd think that maybe those people would be higher in infamy, but they're down here, and it's not so fun for players like me lmao.

    My CURRENT PLAN OF ACTION: I'm basically just stalling as much as I can at the infamy I have until I get at least one epic weapon I can use or an item that will significantly increase my power. Or.. maybe.. an mk3 or mk4 ship? Gosh that would be amazing. I'm always really jealous of all the mk4, mk5, and even mk6 ships some people have. It's insane..

    My question for you, hopefully a player who knows their stuff better than I do, how should I play my somewhat deadweight and useless af role as a mk2 enforcer with mostly tier one rare items? Tips, anything? I'm still learning, but I know the basics obviously, don't run into the enemy team, strafe back and forth as much as possible, stay away from walls, focus on the same enemy your team is focusing on, fight with your team but not huddled together with them, play for a draw if you can't get a win, know when to capture, use the capture point strategically, and the biggest target might not always be the one with the lowest hitpoints. I doubt a lot of people at my infamy level realize the last one in my case.

    ONE MORE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD READ BEFORE COMMENTING even if my post was tldr, ik it's long ok: Please don't tell me I'm getting too focused on gear score and all that stuff. The thing is, the primary reason we play video games is to have fun. Getting targetted due to very low HP and being usually unable to contribute to my teammate's damage in any way is not fun. I can hide in corners and duck behind walls every time an enemy comes around the bend, but how fun is hiding, when I'm supposed to be out on the front line, protecting myself and teammates from damage? I might be able to sustain my infamy level by 'pure skill' lmao if you want to call it that, if it even exists, but am I having fun? hell no have you ever been targetted kid?
  2. super_sonic181

    super_sonic181 Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Somewhere on EARTH!
    I'll say few thing which i learned all those years playing Battle Bay!
    I don't know where you heard this line but i'll say it's totally wrong except the fact you won't get Perfect team all the time! But focusing on yourself and leaving your teammate behind is just the worse idea!
    As you know this is a Team Game which you can't win all alone! So better stay with your Team and if your team have Fixer then stick with him!

    As you mentioned You are at low HP so everyone focus you, well it's because you are using Normal Range weapons! No long range!
    You should definetily replace one of your trorp with Long Range Mortar! So you can stay behind and shoot the enemy team! or you can replace your blast cannon with Sniper!
    And if you are staying Behind then watch out for speeder! those sneaky ships attack the one who are alone and specially from behind!
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Sooo... Setting Thundersword as an example are we? Very nice, mate. Also, that infamy on your first time playing is just extreme. Best direction I can point you to is @Caturerig, I'm a big fan of his. Master league in a mk3. You'll see that the setup he uses makes him a long range Hitman. You wont get focused if you're a ghost on the horizon. I suggest you understand vision, because you gotta make your team scout for you. Use sniper cannons, and pepper the enemy without being seen. If you are seen, dance. I haven't seen sniper cannons hit dancers in a LONG time.
    The Otherguy and Alpakaa like this.
  4. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    It's actually my uh.. fourth time, I believe. I had three previous accounts on various iPads given to me by relatives for some reason.. However the iPads broke within at least a month of gameplay lmao. I only got to 800 infamy once between all three accounts, so that was all the previous experience I had. good advice though. However, once I get more powerful items and a better ship, I would want to try and be seen, right? So that I can potentially.. enforce? you see where im going with this yeah? A long range hitman is more of a shooter playstyle, not really enforcer, from what you were describing.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It's not an enfo playstyle, but it's your best bet of surviving Master lel.

    Just wanted to say, I go up against tilted odds all the time too, even in Ace 1 and 2.

    Remember, no matter how deadly an enemy is up close, far off, most of these plebs are potatoes:p
  6. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    After watching that long 1v1 you had in the corner with that guy, I feel truly enlightened with knowledge and power of how to actually use enforcer to kick butt. One question is, I saw plenty of times where you could have put up your shield and saved yourself a lot of damage. Is there a reason why you didn't put it up or was it just a slip or something?
    The Otherguy and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Sometimes, one has to make a damage compromise. It's like this: watch the angles my enemies had on me, and put yourself in my shoes. I think you'l find that I was too busy with OB to make sure I restricted their angles, or firing, or trying to position myself to fire. There's a thread of mine, called "Let's talk heavy strategy", look there to find my record of my actions.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  8. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    If you stay behind walls and far from your teammates you will be able to do damage and still gaining infamy. You must have already a great aim to play "long range" with an Ex and a Blast cannon. If you wanna keep being enforcer you should be building other 1 slot weapons, since explosive won't help at Mk5.
    You shouldn't only focus on your infamy progress, but also on enjoying the game and trying other weapons. You could focus one week on gaining infamy and the next one on trying new builds or playing aggresively. You should also try Speeder too. Speeder Mk 2, 3 and 4 gets a better use of Tesla Shield than Enfos, and you could learn how to use them properly.

    Nice job up to that point. Keep playing :)
    TheAntiSnipe and The Otherguy like this.
  9. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    I did in fact main speeder until I got to around.. oh let's say, 700 infamy? I also played a bit of it on previous accounts, but none of those accounts lasted very long. I ran a double blast cannon and a shield with a stun gun (thats what I call it lmao). I switched to enforcer because I had more experience with it on previous accounts and I also noticed I started to play speeder like you're supposed to play enforcer (Dancing back and forth, constantly reversing my speeder too much to gain any speed)., I just gave up and played enforcer. I enjoy it a lot more than speeder.

    Besides if I had a mk2 speeder at this infamy level, gosh I would never survive. 1k hp and absolutely pathetic speed. My only strength would be in my yellow items. my ONLY strength.

    And another question, I have a tier two rare blast cannon, and I was thinking of just swapping out my tier two exploding cannon for another blast cannon, since I have another rare blast cannon. The alternative to this would be getting a tier 3 rare blast cannon. Should I just use that extra rare blast cannon as a weapon or should I get a tier three blast cannon? And also, my Bhurt isn't even at tier 3, so that might change things.
  10. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
  11. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    idk what are you trying to tell me here lol. But just in case you're confused... Gear score is not Infamy.

    Try speeder later, when you start leveling up an standard shield. I would go for a T3 Blast Cannon and replace the Explosive with an Standard Cannon or a Sniper Cannon (if you want to keep playing double cannons). You should focus on leveling your favorite weapon, and that means save all 6 duplicates to go to T5 as soon as possible.

    Another thing: don't ever stop training your crew. Swift, Bhurt, Buzzkill and Brock are your obligatory allies, depending on the second beloved weapon you choose later (Grenade, Flare, Swift Torp or Mine) you will need to train Isak, Burnice, Sinklair or Blastian ;)
  12. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    I can't do much for you except say this: GET NITROS. MORE OF THEM.
  13. TonyStar123

    TonyStar123 Active Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Somewhere in Battle Bay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Suggestion: Go back down under 1k infamy. I seen mk2 in masters and even ace. There is nothing they can do to help the team when they get targeted because of their low hp. I would wait till you reach either a mk3 or mk4 then start your climb. Sometimes, you just have to endure and deal with it.
  14. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    What if I wanted to make a blast/flare combo asap? I'm thinking the blast cannon would still be the priority there, but eventually I would need two blast cannons..
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Build a rare, you'll get epics, and once you get the epic to t3, it'll overtake the rare. I think t2 epic will be easy enough because of the achievements
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  16. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    For a second I thought ur profile pic was a LLAMA

    But Alpaka is still fluffy
  17. Alpakaa

    Alpakaa Member

    22 Dec 2017
    Student and part-Time Alpaca
    i like it how you misspelled alpaca

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