I think your priority is always going to be your own teammates, and let them worry about the t5 enemies.
The only real difference it makes, is that your heals are going to take more time, so you need a good defensive position where you can stay alive and work on people safely.
For Speeders and Enforcers (all the players you tagged) that’s relatively easy, as they can fall back to pretty much anywhere. Shooters and Defenders might be more difficult, especially if they decide to charge.
Be realistic about who you can keep alive, and try to focus on the players who are working with you, returning for heals, and not trying to drag you out on some suicide mission.
I really enjoyed playing with you in this game:
It’s a bit chaotic at the start, but you manage to keep me Floating, and you finished off the guy that I wasn’t quite able to kill.
Towards the end we’ve got a 3v1, but we’re in pretty poor shape. The Enforcer charged back out with half health... that was a bad mistake on his part. I’m glad you decided to just let him go and heal me back up instead. Thankfully, we didn’t need him in order to win.
It was such a pleasure, right at the end. You could have broken my stun and got me killed, but instead you left it in place, and threw me a box while I cooled down. I wish all my teammates had that kind of awareness. I was totally like “Yeah! ^5!” lol

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